Posts in 2020
GSoC 2020 - Building operators for cluster addons
By Somtochi Onyekwere | Wednesday, September 16, 2020 in Blog
Introduction Google Summer of Code is a global program that is geared towards introducing students to open source. Students are matched with open-source organizations to work with them for three months during the summer. My name is Somtochi Onyekwere …
Introducing Structured Logs
By Marek Siarkowicz (Google), Nathan Beach (Google) | Friday, September 04, 2020 in Blog
Logs are an essential aspect of observability and a critical tool for debugging. But Kubernetes logs have traditionally been unstructured strings, making any automated parsing difficult and any downstream processing, analysis, or querying challenging …
Warning: Helpful Warnings Ahead
By Jordan Liggitt (Google) | Thursday, September 03, 2020 in Blog
As Kubernetes maintainers, we're always looking for ways to improve usability while preserving compatibility. As we develop features, triage bugs, and answer support questions, we accumulate information that would be helpful for Kubernetes users to …
Scaling Kubernetes Networking With EndpointSlices
By Rob Scott (Google) | Wednesday, September 02, 2020 in Blog
EndpointSlices are an exciting new API that provides a scalable and extensible alternative to the Endpoints API. EndpointSlices track IP addresses, ports, readiness, and topology information for Pods backing a Service. In Kubernetes 1.19 this feature …
Ephemeral volumes with storage capacity tracking: EmptyDir on steroids
By Patrick Ohly (Intel) | Tuesday, September 01, 2020 in Blog
Some applications need additional storage but don't care whether that data is stored persistently across restarts. For example, caching services are often limited by memory size and can move infrequently used data into storage that is slower than …
Increasing the Kubernetes Support Window to One Year
By Tim Pepper (VMware), Nick Young (VMware) | Monday, August 31, 2020 in Blog
Starting with Kubernetes 1.19, the support window for Kubernetes versions will increase from 9 months to one year. The longer support window is intended to allow organizations to perform major upgrades at a time of the year that works the best for …
Kubernetes 1.19: Accentuate the Paw-sitive
By Kubernetes 1.19 Release Team | Wednesday, August 26, 2020 in Blog
Finally, we have arrived with Kubernetes 1.19, the second release for 2020, and by far the longest release cycle lasting 20 weeks in total. It consists of 34 enhancements: 10 enhancements are moving to stable, 15 enhancements in beta, and 9 …
Moving Forward From Beta
By Tim Bannister (The Scale Factory) | Friday, August 21, 2020 in Blog
In Kubernetes, features follow a defined lifecycle. First, as the twinkle of an eye in an interested developer. Maybe, then, sketched in online discussions, drawn on the online equivalent of a cafe napkin. This rough work typically becomes a …
Introducing Hierarchical Namespaces
By Adrian Ludwin (Google) | Friday, August 14, 2020 in Blog
Safely hosting large numbers of users on a single Kubernetes cluster has always been a troublesome task. One key reason for this is that different organizations use Kubernetes in different ways, and so no one tenancy model is likely to suit everyone. …
Physics, politics and Pull Requests: the Kubernetes 1.18 release interview
By Craig Box (Google) | Monday, August 03, 2020 in Blog
The start of the COVID-19 pandemic couldn't delay the release of Kubernetes 1.18, but unfortunately a small bug could — thankfully only by a day. This was the last cat that needed to be herded by 1.18 release lead Jorge Alarcón before the release on …