Posts in 2016

  • State of the Container World, January 2016

    By Brendan Burns (Google) | Monday, February 01, 2016 in Blog

    At the start of the new year, we sent out a survey to gauge the state of the container world. We’re ready to send the February edition, but before we do, let’s take a look at the January data from the 119 responses (thank you for participating!). A …

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  • Kubernetes Community Meeting Notes - 20160121

    Thursday, January 28, 2016 in Blog

    January 21 - Configuration, Federation and Testing, oh my. Note taker: Rob Hirshfeld Use Case (10 min): SFDC Paul Brown SIG Report - SIG-config and the story of #18215. Application config IN K8s not deployment of K8s Topic has been reuse of …

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  • Kubernetes Community Meeting Notes - 20160114

    Thursday, January 28, 2016 in Blog

    January 14 - RackN demo, testing woes, and KubeCon EU CFP. Note taker: Joe Beda Demonstration: Automated Deploy on Metal, AWS and others w/ Digital Rebar, Rob Hirschfeld and Greg Althaus from RackN Greg Althaus. CTO. Digital Rebar is the product. …

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  • Why Kubernetes doesn’t use libnetwork

    By Tim Hockin (Google) | Thursday, January 14, 2016 in Blog

    Kubernetes has had a very basic form of network plugins since before version 1.0 was released — around the same time as Docker's libnetwork and Container Network Model (CNM) was introduced. Unlike libnetwork, the Kubernetes plugin system still …

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  • Simple leader election with Kubernetes and Docker

    Monday, January 11, 2016 in Blog

    Overview Kubernetes simplifies the deployment and operational management of services running on clusters. However, it also simplifies the development of these services. In this post we'll see how you can use Kubernetes to easily perform leader …

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Posts in 2015

  • Creating a Raspberry Pi cluster running Kubernetes, the installation (Part 2)

    By Arjen Wassink (Quintor) | Tuesday, December 22, 2015 in Blog

    At Devoxx Belgium and Devoxx Morocco, Ray Tsang and I (Arjen Wassink) showed a Raspberry Pi cluster we built at Quintor running HypriotOS, Docker and Kubernetes. While we received many compliments on the talk, the most common question was about how …

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  • Managing Kubernetes Pods, Services and Replication Controllers with Puppet

    By Gareth Rushgrove (Puppet Labs) | Thursday, December 17, 2015 in Blog

    People familiar with Puppet might have used it for managing files, packages and users on host computers. But Puppet is first and foremost a configuration management tool, and config management is a much broader discipline than just managing …

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  • How Weave built a multi-deployment solution for Scope using Kubernetes

    By Peter Bourgon (Weaveworks) | Saturday, December 12, 2015 in Blog

    Earlier this year at Weaveworks we launched Weave Scope, an open source solution for visualization and monitoring of containerised apps and services. Recently we released a hosted Scope service into an Early Access Program. Today, we want to walk you …

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  • Creating a Raspberry Pi cluster running Kubernetes, the shopping list (Part 1)

    By Arjen Wassink (Quintor) | Wednesday, November 25, 2015 in Blog

    At Devoxx Belgium and Devoxx Morocco, Ray Tsang and I showed a Raspberry Pi cluster we built at Quintor running HypriotOS, Docker and Kubernetes. For those who did not see the talks, you can check out an abbreviated version of the demo or the full …

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  • Monitoring Kubernetes with Sysdig

    By Chris Crane (Sysdig) | Thursday, November 19, 2015 in Blog

    Today we’re sharing a guest post by Chris Crane from Sysdig about their monitoring integration into Kubernetes. Kubernetes offers a full environment to write scalable and service-based applications. It takes care of things like container grouping, …

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