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Configuration APIs
- 1: Client Authentication (v1)
- 2: Client Authentication (v1beta1)
- 3: Event Rate Limit Configuration (v1alpha1)
- 4: Image Policy API (v1alpha1)
- 5: kube-apiserver Admission (v1)
- 6: kube-apiserver Audit Configuration (v1)
- 7: kube-apiserver Configuration (v1)
- 8: kube-apiserver Configuration (v1alpha1)
- 9: kube-apiserver Configuration (v1beta1)
- 10: kube-controller-manager Configuration (v1alpha1)
- 11: kube-proxy Configuration (v1alpha1)
- 12: kube-scheduler Configuration (v1)
- 13: kubeadm Configuration (v1beta3)
- 14: kubeadm Configuration (v1beta4)
- 15: kubeconfig (v1)
- 16: Kubelet Configuration (v1)
- 17: Kubelet Configuration (v1alpha1)
- 18: Kubelet Configuration (v1beta1)
- 19: Kubelet CredentialProvider (v1)
- 20: WebhookAdmission Configuration (v1)
1 - Client Authentication (v1)
Resource Types
ExecCredential is used by exec-based plugins to communicate credentials to HTTP transports.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | ExecCredential |
spec [Required]ExecCredentialSpec | Spec holds information passed to the plugin by the transport. |
status ExecCredentialStatus | Status is filled in by the plugin and holds the credentials that the transport should use to contact the API. |
Appears in:
Cluster contains information to allow an exec plugin to communicate with the kubernetes cluster being authenticated to.
To ensure that this struct contains everything someone would need to communicate with a kubernetes cluster (just like they would via a kubeconfig), the fields should shadow "".Cluster, with the exception of CertificateAuthority, since CA data will always be passed to the plugin as bytes.
Field | Description |
server [Required]string | Server is the address of the kubernetes cluster (https://hostname:port). |
tls-server-name string | TLSServerName is passed to the server for SNI and is used in the client to check server certificates against. If ServerName is empty, the hostname used to contact the server is used. |
insecure-skip-tls-verify bool | InsecureSkipTLSVerify skips the validity check for the server's certificate. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure. |
certificate-authority-data []byte | CAData contains PEM-encoded certificate authority certificates. If empty, system roots should be used. |
proxy-url string | ProxyURL is the URL to the proxy to be used for all requests to this cluster. |
disable-compression bool | DisableCompression allows client to opt-out of response compression for all requests to the server. This is useful to speed up requests (specifically lists) when client-server network bandwidth is ample, by saving time on compression (server-side) and decompression (client-side): |
config | Config holds additional config data that is specific to the exec plugin with regards to the cluster being authenticated to. This data is sourced from the clientcmd Cluster object's extensions[] field: clusters:
In some environments, the user config may be exactly the same across many clusters (i.e. call this exec plugin) minus some details that are specific to each cluster such as the audience. This field allows the per cluster config to be directly specified with the cluster info. Using this field to store secret data is not recommended as one of the prime benefits of exec plugins is that no secrets need to be stored directly in the kubeconfig. |
Appears in:
ExecCredentialSpec holds request and runtime specific information provided by the transport.
Field | Description |
cluster Cluster | Cluster contains information to allow an exec plugin to communicate with the kubernetes cluster being authenticated to. Note that Cluster is non-nil only when provideClusterInfo is set to true in the exec provider config (i.e., ExecConfig.ProvideClusterInfo). |
interactive [Required]bool | Interactive declares whether stdin has been passed to this exec plugin. |
Appears in:
ExecCredentialStatus holds credentials for the transport to use.
Token and ClientKeyData are sensitive fields. This data should only be transmitted in-memory between client and exec plugin process. Exec plugin itself should at least be protected via file permissions.
Field | Description |
expirationTimestamp meta/v1.Time | ExpirationTimestamp indicates a time when the provided credentials expire. |
token [Required]string | Token is a bearer token used by the client for request authentication. |
clientCertificateData [Required]string | PEM-encoded client TLS certificates (including intermediates, if any). |
clientKeyData [Required]string | PEM-encoded private key for the above certificate. |
2 - Client Authentication (v1beta1)
Resource Types
ExecCredential is used by exec-based plugins to communicate credentials to HTTP transports.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | ExecCredential |
spec [Required]ExecCredentialSpec | Spec holds information passed to the plugin by the transport. |
status ExecCredentialStatus | Status is filled in by the plugin and holds the credentials that the transport should use to contact the API. |
Appears in:
Cluster contains information to allow an exec plugin to communicate with the kubernetes cluster being authenticated to.
To ensure that this struct contains everything someone would need to communicate with a kubernetes cluster (just like they would via a kubeconfig), the fields should shadow "".Cluster, with the exception of CertificateAuthority, since CA data will always be passed to the plugin as bytes.
Field | Description |
server [Required]string | Server is the address of the kubernetes cluster (https://hostname:port). |
tls-server-name string | TLSServerName is passed to the server for SNI and is used in the client to check server certificates against. If ServerName is empty, the hostname used to contact the server is used. |
insecure-skip-tls-verify bool | InsecureSkipTLSVerify skips the validity check for the server's certificate. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure. |
certificate-authority-data []byte | CAData contains PEM-encoded certificate authority certificates. If empty, system roots should be used. |
proxy-url string | ProxyURL is the URL to the proxy to be used for all requests to this cluster. |
disable-compression bool | DisableCompression allows client to opt-out of response compression for all requests to the server. This is useful to speed up requests (specifically lists) when client-server network bandwidth is ample, by saving time on compression (server-side) and decompression (client-side): |
config | Config holds additional config data that is specific to the exec plugin with regards to the cluster being authenticated to. This data is sourced from the clientcmd Cluster object's extensions[] field: clusters:
In some environments, the user config may be exactly the same across many clusters (i.e. call this exec plugin) minus some details that are specific to each cluster such as the audience. This field allows the per cluster config to be directly specified with the cluster info. Using this field to store secret data is not recommended as one of the prime benefits of exec plugins is that no secrets need to be stored directly in the kubeconfig. |
Appears in:
ExecCredentialSpec holds request and runtime specific information provided by the transport.
Field | Description |
cluster Cluster | Cluster contains information to allow an exec plugin to communicate with the kubernetes cluster being authenticated to. Note that Cluster is non-nil only when provideClusterInfo is set to true in the exec provider config (i.e., ExecConfig.ProvideClusterInfo). |
interactive [Required]bool | Interactive declares whether stdin has been passed to this exec plugin. |
Appears in:
ExecCredentialStatus holds credentials for the transport to use.
Token and ClientKeyData are sensitive fields. This data should only be transmitted in-memory between client and exec plugin process. Exec plugin itself should at least be protected via file permissions.
Field | Description |
expirationTimestamp meta/v1.Time | ExpirationTimestamp indicates a time when the provided credentials expire. |
token [Required]string | Token is a bearer token used by the client for request authentication. |
clientCertificateData [Required]string | PEM-encoded client TLS certificates (including intermediates, if any). |
clientKeyData [Required]string | PEM-encoded private key for the above certificate. |
3 - Event Rate Limit Configuration (v1alpha1)
Resource Types
Configuration provides configuration for the EventRateLimit admission controller.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | Configuration |
limits [Required][]Limit | limits are the limits to place on event queries received. Limits can be placed on events received server-wide, per namespace, per user, and per source+object. At least one limit is required. |
Appears in:
Limit is the configuration for a particular limit type
Field | Description |
type [Required]LimitType | type is the type of limit to which this configuration applies |
qps [Required]int32 | qps is the number of event queries per second that are allowed for this type of limit. The qps and burst fields are used together to determine if a particular event query is accepted. The qps determines how many queries are accepted once the burst amount of queries has been exhausted. |
burst [Required]int32 | burst is the burst number of event queries that are allowed for this type of limit. The qps and burst fields are used together to determine if a particular event query is accepted. The burst determines the maximum size of the allowance granted for a particular bucket. For example, if the burst is 10 and the qps is 3, then the admission control will accept 10 queries before blocking any queries. Every second, 3 more queries will be allowed. If some of that allowance is not used, then it will roll over to the next second, until the maximum allowance of 10 is reached. |
cacheSize int32 | cacheSize is the size of the LRU cache for this type of limit. If a bucket is evicted from the cache, then the allowance for that bucket is reset. If more queries are later received for an evicted bucket, then that bucket will re-enter the cache with a clean slate, giving that bucket a full allowance of burst queries. The default cache size is 4096. If limitType is 'server', then cacheSize is ignored. |
(Alias of string
Appears in:
LimitType is the type of the limit (e.g., per-namespace)
4 - Image Policy API (v1alpha1)
Resource Types
ImageReview checks if the set of images in a pod are allowed.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | ImageReview |
metadata meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Standard object's metadata. More info: Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of themetadata field. |
spec [Required]ImageReviewSpec | Spec holds information about the pod being evaluated |
status ImageReviewStatus | Status is filled in by the backend and indicates whether the pod should be allowed. |
Appears in:
ImageReviewContainerSpec is a description of a container within the pod creation request.
Field | Description |
image string | This can be in the form image:tag or image@SHA:012345679abcdef. |
Appears in:
ImageReviewSpec is a description of the pod creation request.
Field | Description |
containers []ImageReviewContainerSpec | Containers is a list of a subset of the information in each container of the Pod being created. |
annotations map[string]string | Annotations is a list of key-value pairs extracted from the Pod's annotations.
It only includes keys which match the pattern |
namespace string | Namespace is the namespace the pod is being created in. |
Appears in:
ImageReviewStatus is the result of the review for the pod creation request.
Field | Description |
allowed [Required]bool | Allowed indicates that all images were allowed to be run. |
reason string | Reason should be empty unless Allowed is false in which case it may contain a short description of what is wrong. Kubernetes may truncate excessively long errors when displaying to the user. |
auditAnnotations map[string]string | AuditAnnotations will be added to the attributes object of the admission controller request using 'AddAnnotation'. The keys should be prefix-less (i.e., the admission controller will add an appropriate prefix). |
5 - kube-apiserver Admission (v1)
Resource Types
AdmissionReview describes an admission review request/response.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | AdmissionReview |
request AdmissionRequest | Request describes the attributes for the admission request. |
response AdmissionResponse | Response describes the attributes for the admission response. |
Appears in:
AdmissionRequest describes the admission.Attributes for the admission request.
Field | Description |
uid [Required] | UID is an identifier for the individual request/response. It allows us to distinguish instances of requests which are otherwise identical (parallel requests, requests when earlier requests did not modify etc) The UID is meant to track the round trip (request/response) between the KAS and the WebHook, not the user request. It is suitable for correlating log entries between the webhook and apiserver, for either auditing or debugging. |
kind [Required]meta/v1.GroupVersionKind | Kind is the fully-qualified type of object being submitted (for example, v1.Pod or autoscaling.v1.Scale) |
resource [Required]meta/v1.GroupVersionResource | Resource is the fully-qualified resource being requested (for example, v1.pods) |
subResource string | SubResource is the subresource being requested, if any (for example, "status" or "scale") |
requestKind meta/v1.GroupVersionKind | RequestKind is the fully-qualified type of the original API request (for example, v1.Pod or autoscaling.v1.Scale). If this is specified and differs from the value in "kind", an equivalent match and conversion was performed. For example, if deployments can be modified via apps/v1 and apps/v1beta1, and a webhook registered a rule of
See documentation for the "matchPolicy" field in the webhook configuration type for more details. |
requestResource meta/v1.GroupVersionResource | RequestResource is the fully-qualified resource of the original API request (for example, v1.pods). If this is specified and differs from the value in "resource", an equivalent match and conversion was performed. For example, if deployments can be modified via apps/v1 and apps/v1beta1, and a webhook registered a rule of
See documentation for the "matchPolicy" field in the webhook configuration type. |
requestSubResource string | RequestSubResource is the name of the subresource of the original API request, if any (for example, "status" or "scale") If this is specified and differs from the value in "subResource", an equivalent match and conversion was performed. See documentation for the "matchPolicy" field in the webhook configuration type. |
name string | Name is the name of the object as presented in the request. On a CREATE operation, the client may omit name and rely on the server to generate the name. If that is the case, this field will contain an empty string. |
namespace string | Namespace is the namespace associated with the request (if any). |
operation [Required]Operation | Operation is the operation being performed. This may be different than the operation requested. e.g. a patch can result in either a CREATE or UPDATE Operation. |
userInfo [Required]authentication/v1.UserInfo | UserInfo is information about the requesting user |
object | Object is the object from the incoming request. |
oldObject | OldObject is the existing object. Only populated for DELETE and UPDATE requests. |
dryRun bool | DryRun indicates that modifications will definitely not be persisted for this request. Defaults to false. |
options | Options is the operation option structure of the operation being performed.
e.g. |
Appears in:
AdmissionResponse describes an admission response.
Field | Description |
uid [Required] | UID is an identifier for the individual request/response. This must be copied over from the corresponding AdmissionRequest. |
allowed [Required]bool | Allowed indicates whether or not the admission request was permitted. |
status meta/v1.Status | Result contains extra details into why an admission request was denied. This field IS NOT consulted in any way if "Allowed" is "true". |
patch []byte | The patch body. Currently we only support "JSONPatch" which implements RFC 6902. |
patchType PatchType | The type of Patch. Currently we only allow "JSONPatch". |
auditAnnotations map[string]string | AuditAnnotations is an unstructured key value map set by remote admission controller (e.g. error=image-blacklisted). MutatingAdmissionWebhook and ValidatingAdmissionWebhook admission controller will prefix the keys with admission webhook name (e.g. AuditAnnotations will be provided by the admission webhook to add additional context to the audit log for this request. |
warnings []string | warnings is a list of warning messages to return to the requesting API client. Warning messages describe a problem the client making the API request should correct or be aware of. Limit warnings to 120 characters if possible. Warnings over 256 characters and large numbers of warnings may be truncated. |
(Alias of string
Appears in:
Operation is the type of resource operation being checked for admission control
(Alias of string
Appears in:
PatchType is the type of patch being used to represent the mutated object
6 - kube-apiserver Audit Configuration (v1)
Resource Types
Appears in:
Event captures all the information that can be included in an API audit log.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | Event |
level [Required]Level | AuditLevel at which event was generated |
auditID [Required] | Unique audit ID, generated for each request. |
stage [Required]Stage | Stage of the request handling when this event instance was generated. |
requestURI [Required]string | RequestURI is the request URI as sent by the client to a server. |
verb [Required]string | Verb is the kubernetes verb associated with the request. For non-resource requests, this is the lower-cased HTTP method. |
user [Required]authentication/v1.UserInfo | Authenticated user information. |
impersonatedUser authentication/v1.UserInfo | Impersonated user information. |
sourceIPs []string | Source IPs, from where the request originated and intermediate proxies. The source IPs are listed from (in order):
userAgent string | UserAgent records the user agent string reported by the client. Note that the UserAgent is provided by the client, and must not be trusted. |
objectRef ObjectReference | Object reference this request is targeted at. Does not apply for List-type requests, or non-resource requests. |
responseStatus meta/v1.Status | The response status, populated even when the ResponseObject is not a Status type. For successful responses, this will only include the Code and StatusSuccess. For non-status type error responses, this will be auto-populated with the error Message. |
requestObject | API object from the request, in JSON format. The RequestObject is recorded as-is in the request (possibly re-encoded as JSON), prior to version conversion, defaulting, admission or merging. It is an external versioned object type, and may not be a valid object on its own. Omitted for non-resource requests. Only logged at Request Level and higher. |
responseObject | API object returned in the response, in JSON. The ResponseObject is recorded after conversion to the external type, and serialized as JSON. Omitted for non-resource requests. Only logged at Response Level. |
requestReceivedTimestamp meta/v1.MicroTime | Time the request reached the apiserver. |
stageTimestamp meta/v1.MicroTime | Time the request reached current audit stage. |
annotations map[string]string | Annotations is an unstructured key value map stored with an audit event that may be set by plugins invoked in the request serving chain, including authentication, authorization and admission plugins. Note that these annotations are for the audit event, and do not correspond to the metadata.annotations of the submitted object. Keys should uniquely identify the informing component to avoid name collisions (e.g. Values should be short. Annotations are included in the Metadata level. |
EventList is a list of audit Events.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | EventList |
metadata meta/v1.ListMeta | No description provided. |
items [Required][]Event | No description provided. |
Appears in:
Policy defines the configuration of audit logging, and the rules for how different request categories are logged.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | Policy |
metadata meta/v1.ObjectMeta | ObjectMeta is included for interoperability with API infrastructure. Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of themetadata field. |
rules [Required][]PolicyRule | Rules specify the audit Level a request should be recorded at. A request may match multiple rules, in which case the FIRST matching rule is used. The default audit level is None, but can be overridden by a catch-all rule at the end of the list. PolicyRules are strictly ordered. |
omitStages []Stage | OmitStages is a list of stages for which no events are created. Note that this can also be specified per rule in which case the union of both are omitted. |
omitManagedFields bool | OmitManagedFields indicates whether to omit the managed fields of the request and response bodies from being written to the API audit log. This is used as a global default - a value of 'true' will omit the managed fileds, otherwise the managed fields will be included in the API audit log. Note that this can also be specified per rule in which case the value specified in a rule will override the global default. |
PolicyList is a list of audit Policies.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | PolicyList |
metadata meta/v1.ListMeta | No description provided. |
items [Required][]Policy | No description provided. |
Appears in:
GroupResources represents resource kinds in an API group.
Field | Description |
group string | Group is the name of the API group that contains the resources. The empty string represents the core API group. |
resources []string | Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to. For example:
If wildcard is present, the validation rule will ensure resources do not overlap with each other. An empty list implies all resources and subresources in this API groups apply. |
resourceNames []string | ResourceNames is a list of resource instance names that the policy matches. Using this field requires Resources to be specified. An empty list implies that every instance of the resource is matched. |
(Alias of string
Appears in:
Level defines the amount of information logged during auditing
Appears in:
ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object.
Field | Description |
resource string | No description provided. |
namespace string | No description provided. |
name string | No description provided. |
uid | No description provided. |
apiGroup string | APIGroup is the name of the API group that contains the referred object. The empty string represents the core API group. |
apiVersion string | APIVersion is the version of the API group that contains the referred object. |
resourceVersion string | No description provided. |
subresource string | No description provided. |
Appears in:
PolicyRule maps requests based off metadata to an audit Level. Requests must match the rules of every field (an intersection of rules).
Field | Description |
level [Required]Level | The Level that requests matching this rule are recorded at. |
users []string | The users (by authenticated user name) this rule applies to. An empty list implies every user. |
userGroups []string | The user groups this rule applies to. A user is considered matching if it is a member of any of the UserGroups. An empty list implies every user group. |
verbs []string | The verbs that match this rule. An empty list implies every verb. |
resources []GroupResources | Resources that this rule matches. An empty list implies all kinds in all API groups. |
namespaces []string | Namespaces that this rule matches. The empty string "" matches non-namespaced resources. An empty list implies every namespace. |
nonResourceURLs []string | NonResourceURLs is a set of URL paths that should be audited.
omitStages []Stage | OmitStages is a list of stages for which no events are created. Note that this can also be specified policy wide in which case the union of both are omitted. An empty list means no restrictions will apply. |
omitManagedFields bool | OmitManagedFields indicates whether to omit the managed fields of the request and response bodies from being written to the API audit log.
(Alias of string
Appears in:
Stage defines the stages in request handling that audit events may be generated.
7 - kube-apiserver Configuration (v1)
Package v1 is the v1 version of the API.
Resource Types
AdmissionConfiguration provides versioned configuration for admission controllers.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | AdmissionConfiguration |
plugins []AdmissionPluginConfiguration | Plugins allows specifying a configuration per admission control plugin. |
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | AuthorizationConfiguration |
authorizers [Required][]AuthorizerConfiguration | Authorizers is an ordered list of authorizers to authorize requests against. This is similar to the --authorization-modes kube-apiserver flag Must be at least one. |
EncryptionConfiguration stores the complete configuration for encryption providers. It also allows the use of wildcards to specify the resources that should be encrypted. Use '.' to encrypt all resources within a group or '.' to encrypt all resources. '.' can be used to encrypt all resource in the core group. '.' will encrypt all resources, even custom resources that are added after API server start. Use of wildcards that overlap within the same resource list or across multiple entries are not allowed since part of the configuration would be ineffective. Resource lists are processed in order, with earlier lists taking precedence.
kind: EncryptionConfiguration
- resources:
- events
- identity: {} # do not encrypt events even though *.* is specified below
- resources:
- secrets
- configmaps
- pandas.awesome.bears.example
- aescbc:
- name: key1
secret: c2VjcmV0IGlzIHNlY3VyZQ==
- resources:
- '*.apps'
- aescbc:
- name: key2
secret: c2VjcmV0IGlzIHNlY3VyZSwgb3IgaXMgaXQ/Cg==
- resources:
- '*.*'
- aescbc:
- name: key3
secret: c2VjcmV0IGlzIHNlY3VyZSwgSSB0aGluaw==
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | EncryptionConfiguration |
resources [Required][]ResourceConfiguration | resources is a list containing resources, and their corresponding encryption providers. |
Appears in:
AESConfiguration contains the API configuration for an AES transformer.
Field | Description |
keys [Required][]Key | keys is a list of keys to be used for creating the AES transformer. Each key has to be 32 bytes long for AES-CBC and 16, 24 or 32 bytes for AES-GCM. |
Appears in:
AdmissionPluginConfiguration provides the configuration for a single plug-in.
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | Name is the name of the admission controller. It must match the registered admission plugin name. |
path string | Path is the path to a configuration file that contains the plugin's configuration |
configuration | Configuration is an embedded configuration object to be used as the plugin's configuration. If present, it will be used instead of the path to the configuration file. |
Appears in:
Field | Description |
type [Required]string | Type refers to the type of the authorizer "Webhook" is supported in the generic API server Other API servers may support additional authorizer types like Node, RBAC, ABAC, etc. |
name [Required]string | Name used to describe the webhook
This is explicitly used in monitoring machinery for metrics
Note: Names must be DNS1123 labels like |
webhook [Required]WebhookConfiguration | Webhook defines the configuration for a Webhook authorizer Must be defined when Type=Webhook Must not be defined when Type!=Webhook |
Appears in:
IdentityConfiguration is an empty struct to allow identity transformer in provider configuration.
Appears in:
KMSConfiguration contains the name, cache size and path to configuration file for a KMS based envelope transformer.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | apiVersion of KeyManagementService |
name [Required]string | name is the name of the KMS plugin to be used. |
cachesize int32 | cachesize is the maximum number of secrets which are cached in memory. The default value is 1000. Set to a negative value to disable caching. This field is only allowed for KMS v1 providers. |
endpoint [Required]string | endpoint is the gRPC server listening address, for example "unix:///var/run/kms-provider.sock". |
timeout meta/v1.Duration | timeout for gRPC calls to kms-plugin (ex. 5s). The default is 3 seconds. |
Appears in:
Key contains name and secret of the provided key for a transformer.
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | name is the name of the key to be used while storing data to disk. |
secret [Required]string | secret is the actual key, encoded in base64. |
Appears in:
ProviderConfiguration stores the provided configuration for an encryption provider.
Field | Description |
aesgcm [Required]AESConfiguration | aesgcm is the configuration for the AES-GCM transformer. |
aescbc [Required]AESConfiguration | aescbc is the configuration for the AES-CBC transformer. |
secretbox [Required]SecretboxConfiguration | secretbox is the configuration for the Secretbox based transformer. |
identity [Required]IdentityConfiguration | identity is the (empty) configuration for the identity transformer. |
kms [Required]KMSConfiguration | kms contains the name, cache size and path to configuration file for a KMS based envelope transformer. |
Appears in:
ResourceConfiguration stores per resource configuration.
Field | Description |
resources [Required][]string | resources is a list of kubernetes resources which have to be encrypted. The resource names are derived from |
providers [Required][]ProviderConfiguration | providers is a list of transformers to be used for reading and writing the resources to disk. eg: aesgcm, aescbc, secretbox, identity, kms. |
Appears in:
SecretboxConfiguration contains the API configuration for an Secretbox transformer.
Field | Description |
keys [Required][]Key | keys is a list of keys to be used for creating the Secretbox transformer. Each key has to be 32 bytes long. |
Appears in:
Field | Description |
authorizedTTL [Required]meta/v1.Duration | The duration to cache 'authorized' responses from the webhook
Same as setting |
unauthorizedTTL [Required]meta/v1.Duration | The duration to cache 'unauthorized' responses from the webhook
Same as setting |
timeout [Required]meta/v1.Duration | Timeout for the webhook request Maximum allowed value is 30s. Required, no default value. |
subjectAccessReviewVersion [Required]string | The API version of the SubjectAccessReview to
send to and expect from the webhook.
Same as setting |
matchConditionSubjectAccessReviewVersion [Required]string | MatchConditionSubjectAccessReviewVersion specifies the SubjectAccessReview version the CEL expressions are evaluated against Valid values: v1 Required, no default value |
failurePolicy [Required]string | Controls the authorization decision when a webhook request fails to complete or returns a malformed response or errors evaluating matchConditions. Valid values:
connectionInfo [Required]WebhookConnectionInfo | ConnectionInfo defines how we talk to the webhook |
matchConditions [Required][]WebhookMatchCondition | matchConditions is a list of conditions that must be met for a request to be sent to this webhook. An empty list of matchConditions matches all requests. There are a maximum of 64 match conditions allowed. The exact matching logic is (in order):
Appears in:
Field | Description |
type [Required]string | Controls how the webhook should communicate with the server. Valid values:
kubeConfigFile [Required]string | Path to KubeConfigFile for connection info Required, if connectionInfo.Type is KubeConfig |
Appears in:
Field | Description |
expression [Required]string | expression represents the expression which will be evaluated by CEL. Must evaluate to bool. CEL expressions have access to the contents of the SubjectAccessReview in v1 version. If version specified by subjectAccessReviewVersion in the request variable is v1beta1, the contents would be converted to the v1 version before evaluating the CEL expression.
Documentation on CEL: |
8 - kube-apiserver Configuration (v1alpha1)
Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the API.
Resource Types
- AdmissionConfiguration
- AuthenticationConfiguration
- AuthorizationConfiguration
- EgressSelectorConfiguration
- TracingConfiguration
Appears in:
TracingConfiguration provides versioned configuration for OpenTelemetry tracing clients.
Field | Description |
endpoint string | Endpoint of the collector this component will report traces to. The connection is insecure, and does not currently support TLS. Recommended is unset, and endpoint is the otlp grpc default, localhost:4317. |
samplingRatePerMillion int32 | SamplingRatePerMillion is the number of samples to collect per million spans. Recommended is unset. If unset, sampler respects its parent span's sampling rate, but otherwise never samples. |
AdmissionConfiguration provides versioned configuration for admission controllers.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | AdmissionConfiguration |
plugins []AdmissionPluginConfiguration | Plugins allows specifying a configuration per admission control plugin. |
AuthenticationConfiguration provides versioned configuration for authentication.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | AuthenticationConfiguration |
jwt [Required][]JWTAuthenticator | jwt is a list of authenticator to authenticate Kubernetes users using JWT compliant tokens. The authenticator will attempt to parse a raw ID token, verify it's been signed by the configured issuer. The public key to verify the signature is discovered from the issuer's public endpoint using OIDC discovery. For an incoming token, each JWT authenticator will be attempted in the order in which it is specified in this list. Note however that other authenticators may run before or after the JWT authenticators. The specific position of JWT authenticators in relation to other authenticators is neither defined nor stable across releases. Since each JWT authenticator must have a unique issuer URL, at most one JWT authenticator will attempt to cryptographically validate the token. The minimum valid JWT payload must contain the following claims: { "iss": "", "aud": ["audience"], "exp": 1234567890, "": "username" } |
anonymous [Required]AnonymousAuthConfig | If present --anonymous-auth must not be set |
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | AuthorizationConfiguration |
authorizers [Required][]AuthorizerConfiguration | Authorizers is an ordered list of authorizers to authorize requests against. This is similar to the --authorization-modes kube-apiserver flag Must be at least one. |
EgressSelectorConfiguration provides versioned configuration for egress selector clients.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | EgressSelectorConfiguration |
egressSelections [Required][]EgressSelection | connectionServices contains a list of egress selection client configurations |
TracingConfiguration provides versioned configuration for tracing clients.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | TracingConfiguration |
TracingConfiguration [Required]TracingConfiguration | (Members of TracingConfiguration are embedded into this type.)Embed the component config tracing configuration struct |
Appears in:
AdmissionPluginConfiguration provides the configuration for a single plug-in.
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | Name is the name of the admission controller. It must match the registered admission plugin name. |
path string | Path is the path to a configuration file that contains the plugin's configuration |
configuration | Configuration is an embedded configuration object to be used as the plugin's configuration. If present, it will be used instead of the path to the configuration file. |
Appears in:
AnonymousAuthCondition describes the condition under which anonymous auth should be enabled.
Field | Description |
path [Required]string | Path for which anonymous auth is enabled. |
Appears in:
AnonymousAuthConfig provides the configuration for the anonymous authenticator.
Field | Description |
enabled [Required]bool | No description provided. |
conditions [Required][]AnonymousAuthCondition | If set, anonymous auth is only allowed if the request meets one of the conditions. |
(Alias of string
Appears in:
AudienceMatchPolicyType is a set of valid values for issuer.audienceMatchPolicy
Appears in:
Field | Description |
type [Required]string | Type refers to the type of the authorizer "Webhook" is supported in the generic API server Other API servers may support additional authorizer types like Node, RBAC, ABAC, etc. |
name [Required]string | Name used to describe the webhook
This is explicitly used in monitoring machinery for metrics
Note: Names must be DNS1123 labels like |
webhook [Required]WebhookConfiguration | Webhook defines the configuration for a Webhook authorizer Must be defined when Type=Webhook Must not be defined when Type!=Webhook |
Appears in:
ClaimMappings provides the configuration for claim mapping
Field | Description |
username [Required]PrefixedClaimOrExpression | username represents an option for the username attribute. The claim's value must be a singular string. Same as the --oidc-username-claim and --oidc-username-prefix flags. If username.expression is set, the expression must produce a string value. If username.expression uses '', then 'claims.email_verified' must be used in username.expression or extra[].valueExpression or claimValidationRules[].expression. An example claim validation rule expression that matches the validation automatically applied when username.claim is set to 'email' is 'claims.?email_verified.orValue(true)'. In the flag based approach, the --oidc-username-claim and --oidc-username-prefix are optional. If --oidc-username-claim is not set, the default value is "sub". For the authentication config, there is no defaulting for claim or prefix. The claim and prefix must be set explicitly. For claim, if --oidc-username-claim was not set with legacy flag approach, configure username.claim="sub" in the authentication config. For prefix: (1) --oidc-username-prefix="-", no prefix was added to the username. For the same behavior using authentication config, set username.prefix="" (2) --oidc-username-prefix="" and --oidc-username-claim != "email", prefix was "<value of --oidc-issuer-url>#". For the same behavior using authentication config, set username.prefix="#" (3) --oidc-username-prefix="". For the same behavior using authentication config, set username.prefix="" |
groups PrefixedClaimOrExpression | groups represents an option for the groups attribute. The claim's value must be a string or string array claim. If groups.claim is set, the prefix must be specified (and can be the empty string). If groups.expression is set, the expression must produce a string or string array value. "", [], and null values are treated as the group mapping not being present. |
uid ClaimOrExpression | uid represents an option for the uid attribute. Claim must be a singular string claim. If uid.expression is set, the expression must produce a string value. |
extra []ExtraMapping | extra represents an option for the extra attribute. expression must produce a string or string array value. If the value is empty, the extra mapping will not be present. hard-coded extra key/value
hard-coded key, value copying claim value
hard-coded key, value derived from claim value
Appears in:
ClaimOrExpression provides the configuration for a single claim or expression.
Field | Description |
claim string | claim is the JWT claim to use. Either claim or expression must be set. Mutually exclusive with expression. |
expression string | expression represents the expression which will be evaluated by CEL. CEL expressions have access to the contents of the token claims, organized into CEL variable:
Documentation on CEL: Mutually exclusive with claim. |
Appears in:
ClaimValidationRule provides the configuration for a single claim validation rule.
Field | Description |
claim string | claim is the name of a required claim. Same as --oidc-required-claim flag. Only string claim keys are supported. Mutually exclusive with expression and message. |
requiredValue string | requiredValue is the value of a required claim. Same as --oidc-required-claim flag. Only string claim values are supported. If claim is set and requiredValue is not set, the claim must be present with a value set to the empty string. Mutually exclusive with expression and message. |
expression string | expression represents the expression which will be evaluated by CEL. Must produce a boolean. CEL expressions have access to the contents of the token claims, organized into CEL variable:
Documentation on CEL: Mutually exclusive with claim and requiredValue. |
message string | message customizes the returned error message when expression returns false. message is a literal string. Mutually exclusive with claim and requiredValue. |
Appears in:
Connection provides the configuration for a single egress selection client.
Field | Description |
proxyProtocol [Required]ProtocolType | Protocol is the protocol used to connect from client to the konnectivity server. |
transport Transport | Transport defines the transport configurations we use to dial to the konnectivity server. This is required if ProxyProtocol is HTTPConnect or GRPC. |
Appears in:
EgressSelection provides the configuration for a single egress selection client.
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | name is the name of the egress selection. Currently supported values are "controlplane", "master", "etcd" and "cluster" The "master" egress selector is deprecated in favor of "controlplane" |
connection [Required]Connection | connection is the exact information used to configure the egress selection |
Appears in:
ExtraMapping provides the configuration for a single extra mapping.
Field | Description |
key [Required]string | key is a string to use as the extra attribute key. key must be a domain-prefix path (e.g. All characters before the first "/" must be a valid subdomain as defined by RFC 1123. All characters trailing the first "/" must be valid HTTP Path characters as defined by RFC 3986. key must be lowercase. Required to be unique. |
valueExpression [Required]string | valueExpression is a CEL expression to extract extra attribute value. valueExpression must produce a string or string array value. "", [], and null values are treated as the extra mapping not being present. Empty string values contained within a string array are filtered out. CEL expressions have access to the contents of the token claims, organized into CEL variable:
Documentation on CEL: |
Appears in:
Issuer provides the configuration for an external provider's specific settings.
Field | Description |
url [Required]string | url points to the issuer URL in a format https://url or https://url/path. This must match the "iss" claim in the presented JWT, and the issuer returned from discovery. Same value as the --oidc-issuer-url flag. Discovery information is fetched from "{url}/.well-known/openid-configuration" unless overridden by discoveryURL. Required to be unique across all JWT authenticators. Note that egress selection configuration is not used for this network connection. |
discoveryURL string | discoveryURL, if specified, overrides the URL used to fetch discovery information instead of using "{url}/.well-known/openid-configuration". The exact value specified is used, so "/.well-known/openid-configuration" must be included in discoveryURL if needed. The "issuer" field in the fetched discovery information must match the "issuer.url" field in the AuthenticationConfiguration and will be used to validate the "iss" claim in the presented JWT. This is for scenarios where the well-known and jwks endpoints are hosted at a different location than the issuer (such as locally in the cluster). Example: A discovery url that is exposed using kubernetes service 'oidc' in namespace 'oidc-namespace' and discovery information is available at '/.well-known/openid-configuration'. discoveryURL: "https://oidc.oidc-namespace/.well-known/openid-configuration" certificateAuthority is used to verify the TLS connection and the hostname on the leaf certificate must be set to 'oidc.oidc-namespace'. curl https://oidc.oidc-namespace/.well-known/openid-configuration (.discoveryURL field) { issuer: "" (.url field) } discoveryURL must be different from url. Required to be unique across all JWT authenticators. Note that egress selection configuration is not used for this network connection. |
certificateAuthority string | certificateAuthority contains PEM-encoded certificate authority certificates used to validate the connection when fetching discovery information. If unset, the system verifier is used. Same value as the content of the file referenced by the --oidc-ca-file flag. |
audiences [Required][]string | audiences is the set of acceptable audiences the JWT must be issued to. At least one of the entries must match the "aud" claim in presented JWTs. Same value as the --oidc-client-id flag (though this field supports an array). Required to be non-empty. |
audienceMatchPolicy AudienceMatchPolicyType | audienceMatchPolicy defines how the "audiences" field is used to match the "aud" claim in the presented JWT. Allowed values are:
For more nuanced audience validation, use claimValidationRules. example: claimValidationRule[].expression: 'sets.equivalent(claims.aud, ["bar", "foo", "baz"])' to require an exact match. |
Appears in:
JWTAuthenticator provides the configuration for a single JWT authenticator.
Field | Description |
issuer [Required]Issuer | issuer contains the basic OIDC provider connection options. |
claimValidationRules []ClaimValidationRule | claimValidationRules are rules that are applied to validate token claims to authenticate users. |
claimMappings [Required]ClaimMappings | claimMappings points claims of a token to be treated as user attributes. |
userValidationRules []UserValidationRule | userValidationRules are rules that are applied to final user before completing authentication. These allow invariants to be applied to incoming identities such as preventing the use of the system: prefix that is commonly used by Kubernetes components. The validation rules are logically ANDed together and must all return true for the validation to pass. |
Appears in:
PrefixedClaimOrExpression provides the configuration for a single prefixed claim or expression.
Field | Description |
claim string | claim is the JWT claim to use. Mutually exclusive with expression. |
prefix string | prefix is prepended to claim's value to prevent clashes with existing names. prefix needs to be set if claim is set and can be the empty string. Mutually exclusive with expression. |
expression string | expression represents the expression which will be evaluated by CEL. CEL expressions have access to the contents of the token claims, organized into CEL variable:
Documentation on CEL: Mutually exclusive with claim and prefix. |
(Alias of string
Appears in:
ProtocolType is a set of valid values for Connection.ProtocolType
Appears in:
TCPTransport provides the information to connect to konnectivity server via TCP
Field | Description |
url [Required]string | URL is the location of the konnectivity server to connect to. As an example it might be "" |
tlsConfig TLSConfig | TLSConfig is the config needed to use TLS when connecting to konnectivity server |
Appears in:
TLSConfig provides the authentication information to connect to konnectivity server Only used with TCPTransport
Field | Description |
caBundle string | caBundle is the file location of the CA to be used to determine trust with the konnectivity server. Must be absent/empty if TCPTransport.URL is prefixed with http:// If absent while TCPTransport.URL is prefixed with https://, default to system trust roots. |
clientKey string | clientKey is the file location of the client key to be used in mtls handshakes with the konnectivity server. Must be absent/empty if TCPTransport.URL is prefixed with http:// Must be configured if TCPTransport.URL is prefixed with https:// |
clientCert string | clientCert is the file location of the client certificate to be used in mtls handshakes with the konnectivity server. Must be absent/empty if TCPTransport.URL is prefixed with http:// Must be configured if TCPTransport.URL is prefixed with https:// |
Appears in:
Transport defines the transport configurations we use to dial to the konnectivity server
Field | Description |
tcp TCPTransport | TCP is the TCP configuration for communicating with the konnectivity server via TCP ProxyProtocol of GRPC is not supported with TCP transport at the moment Requires at least one of TCP or UDS to be set |
uds UDSTransport | UDS is the UDS configuration for communicating with the konnectivity server via UDS Requires at least one of TCP or UDS to be set |
Appears in:
UDSTransport provides the information to connect to konnectivity server via UDS
Field | Description |
udsName [Required]string | UDSName is the name of the unix domain socket to connect to konnectivity server This does not use a unix:// prefix. (Eg: /etc/srv/kubernetes/konnectivity-server/konnectivity-server.socket) |
Appears in:
UserValidationRule provides the configuration for a single user info validation rule.
Field | Description |
expression [Required]string | expression represents the expression which will be evaluated by CEL. Must return true for the validation to pass. CEL expressions have access to the contents of UserInfo, organized into CEL variable:
Documentation on CEL: |
message string | message customizes the returned error message when rule returns false. message is a literal string. |
Appears in:
Field | Description |
authorizedTTL [Required]meta/v1.Duration | The duration to cache 'authorized' responses from the webhook
Same as setting |
unauthorizedTTL [Required]meta/v1.Duration | The duration to cache 'unauthorized' responses from the webhook
Same as setting |
timeout [Required]meta/v1.Duration | Timeout for the webhook request Maximum allowed value is 30s. Required, no default value. |
subjectAccessReviewVersion [Required]string | The API version of the SubjectAccessReview to
send to and expect from the webhook.
Same as setting |
matchConditionSubjectAccessReviewVersion [Required]string | MatchConditionSubjectAccessReviewVersion specifies the SubjectAccessReview version the CEL expressions are evaluated against Valid values: v1 Required, no default value |
failurePolicy [Required]string | Controls the authorization decision when a webhook request fails to complete or returns a malformed response or errors evaluating matchConditions. Valid values:
connectionInfo [Required]WebhookConnectionInfo | ConnectionInfo defines how we talk to the webhook |
matchConditions [Required][]WebhookMatchCondition | matchConditions is a list of conditions that must be met for a request to be sent to this webhook. An empty list of matchConditions matches all requests. There are a maximum of 64 match conditions allowed. The exact matching logic is (in order):
Appears in:
Field | Description |
type [Required]string | Controls how the webhook should communicate with the server. Valid values:
kubeConfigFile [Required]string | Path to KubeConfigFile for connection info Required, if connectionInfo.Type is KubeConfig |
Appears in:
Field | Description |
expression [Required]string | expression represents the expression which will be evaluated by CEL. Must evaluate to bool. CEL expressions have access to the contents of the SubjectAccessReview in v1 version. If version specified by subjectAccessReviewVersion in the request variable is v1beta1, the contents would be converted to the v1 version before evaluating the CEL expression.
Documentation on CEL: |
9 - kube-apiserver Configuration (v1beta1)
Package v1beta1 is the v1beta1 version of the API.
Resource Types
- AuthenticationConfiguration
- AuthorizationConfiguration
- EgressSelectorConfiguration
- TracingConfiguration
Appears in:
TracingConfiguration provides versioned configuration for OpenTelemetry tracing clients.
Field | Description |
endpoint string | Endpoint of the collector this component will report traces to. The connection is insecure, and does not currently support TLS. Recommended is unset, and endpoint is the otlp grpc default, localhost:4317. |
samplingRatePerMillion int32 | SamplingRatePerMillion is the number of samples to collect per million spans. Recommended is unset. If unset, sampler respects its parent span's sampling rate, but otherwise never samples. |
AuthenticationConfiguration provides versioned configuration for authentication.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | AuthenticationConfiguration |
jwt [Required][]JWTAuthenticator | jwt is a list of authenticator to authenticate Kubernetes users using JWT compliant tokens. The authenticator will attempt to parse a raw ID token, verify it's been signed by the configured issuer. The public key to verify the signature is discovered from the issuer's public endpoint using OIDC discovery. For an incoming token, each JWT authenticator will be attempted in the order in which it is specified in this list. Note however that other authenticators may run before or after the JWT authenticators. The specific position of JWT authenticators in relation to other authenticators is neither defined nor stable across releases. Since each JWT authenticator must have a unique issuer URL, at most one JWT authenticator will attempt to cryptographically validate the token. The minimum valid JWT payload must contain the following claims: { "iss": "", "aud": ["audience"], "exp": 1234567890, "": "username" } |
anonymous [Required]AnonymousAuthConfig | If present --anonymous-auth must not be set |
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | AuthorizationConfiguration |
authorizers [Required][]AuthorizerConfiguration | Authorizers is an ordered list of authorizers to authorize requests against. This is similar to the --authorization-modes kube-apiserver flag Must be at least one. |
EgressSelectorConfiguration provides versioned configuration for egress selector clients.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | EgressSelectorConfiguration |
egressSelections [Required][]EgressSelection | connectionServices contains a list of egress selection client configurations |
TracingConfiguration provides versioned configuration for tracing clients.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | TracingConfiguration |
TracingConfiguration [Required]TracingConfiguration | (Members of TracingConfiguration are embedded into this type.)Embed the component config tracing configuration struct |
Appears in:
AnonymousAuthCondition describes the condition under which anonymous auth should be enabled.
Field | Description |
path [Required]string | Path for which anonymous auth is enabled. |
Appears in:
AnonymousAuthConfig provides the configuration for the anonymous authenticator.
Field | Description |
enabled [Required]bool | No description provided. |
conditions [Required][]AnonymousAuthCondition | If set, anonymous auth is only allowed if the request meets one of the conditions. |
(Alias of string
Appears in:
AudienceMatchPolicyType is a set of valid values for issuer.audienceMatchPolicy
Appears in:
Field | Description |
type [Required]string | Type refers to the type of the authorizer "Webhook" is supported in the generic API server Other API servers may support additional authorizer types like Node, RBAC, ABAC, etc. |
name [Required]string | Name used to describe the webhook
This is explicitly used in monitoring machinery for metrics
Note: Names must be DNS1123 labels like |
webhook [Required]WebhookConfiguration | Webhook defines the configuration for a Webhook authorizer Must be defined when Type=Webhook Must not be defined when Type!=Webhook |
Appears in:
ClaimMappings provides the configuration for claim mapping
Field | Description |
username [Required]PrefixedClaimOrExpression | username represents an option for the username attribute. The claim's value must be a singular string. Same as the --oidc-username-claim and --oidc-username-prefix flags. If username.expression is set, the expression must produce a string value. If username.expression uses '', then 'claims.email_verified' must be used in username.expression or extra[].valueExpression or claimValidationRules[].expression. An example claim validation rule expression that matches the validation automatically applied when username.claim is set to 'email' is 'claims.?email_verified.orValue(true)'. In the flag based approach, the --oidc-username-claim and --oidc-username-prefix are optional. If --oidc-username-claim is not set, the default value is "sub". For the authentication config, there is no defaulting for claim or prefix. The claim and prefix must be set explicitly. For claim, if --oidc-username-claim was not set with legacy flag approach, configure username.claim="sub" in the authentication config. For prefix: (1) --oidc-username-prefix="-", no prefix was added to the username. For the same behavior using authentication config, set username.prefix="" (2) --oidc-username-prefix="" and --oidc-username-claim != "email", prefix was "<value of --oidc-issuer-url>#". For the same behavior using authentication config, set username.prefix="#" (3) --oidc-username-prefix="". For the same behavior using authentication config, set username.prefix="" |
groups PrefixedClaimOrExpression | groups represents an option for the groups attribute. The claim's value must be a string or string array claim. If groups.claim is set, the prefix must be specified (and can be the empty string). If groups.expression is set, the expression must produce a string or string array value. "", [], and null values are treated as the group mapping not being present. |
uid ClaimOrExpression | uid represents an option for the uid attribute. Claim must be a singular string claim. If uid.expression is set, the expression must produce a string value. |
extra []ExtraMapping | extra represents an option for the extra attribute. expression must produce a string or string array value. If the value is empty, the extra mapping will not be present. hard-coded extra key/value
hard-coded key, value copying claim value
hard-coded key, value derived from claim value
Appears in:
ClaimOrExpression provides the configuration for a single claim or expression.
Field | Description |
claim string | claim is the JWT claim to use. Either claim or expression must be set. Mutually exclusive with expression. |
expression string | expression represents the expression which will be evaluated by CEL. CEL expressions have access to the contents of the token claims, organized into CEL variable:
Documentation on CEL: Mutually exclusive with claim. |
Appears in:
ClaimValidationRule provides the configuration for a single claim validation rule.
Field | Description |
claim string | claim is the name of a required claim. Same as --oidc-required-claim flag. Only string claim keys are supported. Mutually exclusive with expression and message. |
requiredValue string | requiredValue is the value of a required claim. Same as --oidc-required-claim flag. Only string claim values are supported. If claim is set and requiredValue is not set, the claim must be present with a value set to the empty string. Mutually exclusive with expression and message. |
expression string | expression represents the expression which will be evaluated by CEL. Must produce a boolean. CEL expressions have access to the contents of the token claims, organized into CEL variable:
Documentation on CEL: Mutually exclusive with claim and requiredValue. |
message string | message customizes the returned error message when expression returns false. message is a literal string. Mutually exclusive with claim and requiredValue. |
Appears in:
Connection provides the configuration for a single egress selection client.
Field | Description |
proxyProtocol [Required]ProtocolType | Protocol is the protocol used to connect from client to the konnectivity server. |
transport Transport | Transport defines the transport configurations we use to dial to the konnectivity server. This is required if ProxyProtocol is HTTPConnect or GRPC. |
Appears in:
EgressSelection provides the configuration for a single egress selection client.
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | name is the name of the egress selection. Currently supported values are "controlplane", "master", "etcd" and "cluster" The "master" egress selector is deprecated in favor of "controlplane" |
connection [Required]Connection | connection is the exact information used to configure the egress selection |
Appears in:
ExtraMapping provides the configuration for a single extra mapping.
Field | Description |
key [Required]string | key is a string to use as the extra attribute key. key must be a domain-prefix path (e.g. All characters before the first "/" must be a valid subdomain as defined by RFC 1123. All characters trailing the first "/" must be valid HTTP Path characters as defined by RFC 3986. key must be lowercase. Required to be unique. |
valueExpression [Required]string | valueExpression is a CEL expression to extract extra attribute value. valueExpression must produce a string or string array value. "", [], and null values are treated as the extra mapping not being present. Empty string values contained within a string array are filtered out. CEL expressions have access to the contents of the token claims, organized into CEL variable:
Documentation on CEL: |
Appears in:
Issuer provides the configuration for an external provider's specific settings.
Field | Description |
url [Required]string | url points to the issuer URL in a format https://url or https://url/path. This must match the "iss" claim in the presented JWT, and the issuer returned from discovery. Same value as the --oidc-issuer-url flag. Discovery information is fetched from "{url}/.well-known/openid-configuration" unless overridden by discoveryURL. Required to be unique across all JWT authenticators. Note that egress selection configuration is not used for this network connection. |
discoveryURL string | discoveryURL, if specified, overrides the URL used to fetch discovery information instead of using "{url}/.well-known/openid-configuration". The exact value specified is used, so "/.well-known/openid-configuration" must be included in discoveryURL if needed. The "issuer" field in the fetched discovery information must match the "issuer.url" field in the AuthenticationConfiguration and will be used to validate the "iss" claim in the presented JWT. This is for scenarios where the well-known and jwks endpoints are hosted at a different location than the issuer (such as locally in the cluster). Example: A discovery url that is exposed using kubernetes service 'oidc' in namespace 'oidc-namespace' and discovery information is available at '/.well-known/openid-configuration'. discoveryURL: "https://oidc.oidc-namespace/.well-known/openid-configuration" certificateAuthority is used to verify the TLS connection and the hostname on the leaf certificate must be set to 'oidc.oidc-namespace'. curl https://oidc.oidc-namespace/.well-known/openid-configuration (.discoveryURL field) { issuer: "" (.url field) } discoveryURL must be different from url. Required to be unique across all JWT authenticators. Note that egress selection configuration is not used for this network connection. |
certificateAuthority string | certificateAuthority contains PEM-encoded certificate authority certificates used to validate the connection when fetching discovery information. If unset, the system verifier is used. Same value as the content of the file referenced by the --oidc-ca-file flag. |
audiences [Required][]string | audiences is the set of acceptable audiences the JWT must be issued to. At least one of the entries must match the "aud" claim in presented JWTs. Same value as the --oidc-client-id flag (though this field supports an array). Required to be non-empty. |
audienceMatchPolicy AudienceMatchPolicyType | audienceMatchPolicy defines how the "audiences" field is used to match the "aud" claim in the presented JWT. Allowed values are:
For more nuanced audience validation, use claimValidationRules. example: claimValidationRule[].expression: 'sets.equivalent(claims.aud, ["bar", "foo", "baz"])' to require an exact match. |
Appears in:
JWTAuthenticator provides the configuration for a single JWT authenticator.
Field | Description |
issuer [Required]Issuer | issuer contains the basic OIDC provider connection options. |
claimValidationRules []ClaimValidationRule | claimValidationRules are rules that are applied to validate token claims to authenticate users. |
claimMappings [Required]ClaimMappings | claimMappings points claims of a token to be treated as user attributes. |
userValidationRules []UserValidationRule | userValidationRules are rules that are applied to final user before completing authentication. These allow invariants to be applied to incoming identities such as preventing the use of the system: prefix that is commonly used by Kubernetes components. The validation rules are logically ANDed together and must all return true for the validation to pass. |
Appears in:
PrefixedClaimOrExpression provides the configuration for a single prefixed claim or expression.
Field | Description |
claim string | claim is the JWT claim to use. Mutually exclusive with expression. |
prefix string | prefix is prepended to claim's value to prevent clashes with existing names. prefix needs to be set if claim is set and can be the empty string. Mutually exclusive with expression. |
expression string | expression represents the expression which will be evaluated by CEL. CEL expressions have access to the contents of the token claims, organized into CEL variable:
Documentation on CEL: Mutually exclusive with claim and prefix. |
(Alias of string
Appears in:
ProtocolType is a set of valid values for Connection.ProtocolType
Appears in:
TCPTransport provides the information to connect to konnectivity server via TCP
Field | Description |
url [Required]string | URL is the location of the konnectivity server to connect to. As an example it might be "" |
tlsConfig TLSConfig | TLSConfig is the config needed to use TLS when connecting to konnectivity server |
Appears in:
TLSConfig provides the authentication information to connect to konnectivity server Only used with TCPTransport
Field | Description |
caBundle string | caBundle is the file location of the CA to be used to determine trust with the konnectivity server. Must be absent/empty if TCPTransport.URL is prefixed with http:// If absent while TCPTransport.URL is prefixed with https://, default to system trust roots. |
clientKey string | clientKey is the file location of the client key to be used in mtls handshakes with the konnectivity server. Must be absent/empty if TCPTransport.URL is prefixed with http:// Must be configured if TCPTransport.URL is prefixed with https:// |
clientCert string | clientCert is the file location of the client certificate to be used in mtls handshakes with the konnectivity server. Must be absent/empty if TCPTransport.URL is prefixed with http:// Must be configured if TCPTransport.URL is prefixed with https:// |
Appears in:
Transport defines the transport configurations we use to dial to the konnectivity server
Field | Description |
tcp TCPTransport | TCP is the TCP configuration for communicating with the konnectivity server via TCP ProxyProtocol of GRPC is not supported with TCP transport at the moment Requires at least one of TCP or UDS to be set |
uds UDSTransport | UDS is the UDS configuration for communicating with the konnectivity server via UDS Requires at least one of TCP or UDS to be set |
Appears in:
UDSTransport provides the information to connect to konnectivity server via UDS
Field | Description |
udsName [Required]string | UDSName is the name of the unix domain socket to connect to konnectivity server This does not use a unix:// prefix. (Eg: /etc/srv/kubernetes/konnectivity-server/konnectivity-server.socket) |
Appears in:
UserValidationRule provides the configuration for a single user info validation rule.
Field | Description |
expression [Required]string | expression represents the expression which will be evaluated by CEL. Must return true for the validation to pass. CEL expressions have access to the contents of UserInfo, organized into CEL variable:
Documentation on CEL: |
message string | message customizes the returned error message when rule returns false. message is a literal string. |
Appears in:
Field | Description |
authorizedTTL [Required]meta/v1.Duration | The duration to cache 'authorized' responses from the webhook
Same as setting |
unauthorizedTTL [Required]meta/v1.Duration | The duration to cache 'unauthorized' responses from the webhook
Same as setting |
timeout [Required]meta/v1.Duration | Timeout for the webhook request Maximum allowed value is 30s. Required, no default value. |
subjectAccessReviewVersion [Required]string | The API version of the SubjectAccessReview to
send to and expect from the webhook.
Same as setting |
matchConditionSubjectAccessReviewVersion [Required]string | MatchConditionSubjectAccessReviewVersion specifies the SubjectAccessReview version the CEL expressions are evaluated against Valid values: v1 Required, no default value |
failurePolicy [Required]string | Controls the authorization decision when a webhook request fails to complete or returns a malformed response or errors evaluating matchConditions. Valid values:
connectionInfo [Required]WebhookConnectionInfo | ConnectionInfo defines how we talk to the webhook |
matchConditions [Required][]WebhookMatchCondition | matchConditions is a list of conditions that must be met for a request to be sent to this webhook. An empty list of matchConditions matches all requests. There are a maximum of 64 match conditions allowed. The exact matching logic is (in order):
Appears in:
Field | Description |
type [Required]string | Controls how the webhook should communicate with the server. Valid values:
kubeConfigFile [Required]string | Path to KubeConfigFile for connection info Required, if connectionInfo.Type is KubeConfig |
Appears in:
Field | Description |
expression [Required]string | expression represents the expression which will be evaluated by CEL. Must evaluate to bool. CEL expressions have access to the contents of the SubjectAccessReview in v1 version. If version specified by subjectAccessReviewVersion in the request variable is v1beta1, the contents would be converted to the v1 version before evaluating the CEL expression.
Documentation on CEL: |
10 - kube-controller-manager Configuration (v1alpha1)
Resource Types
Appears in:
ClientConnectionConfiguration contains details for constructing a client.
Field | Description |
kubeconfig [Required]string | kubeconfig is the path to a KubeConfig file. |
acceptContentTypes [Required]string | acceptContentTypes defines the Accept header sent by clients when connecting to a server, overriding the default value of 'application/json'. This field will control all connections to the server used by a particular client. |
contentType [Required]string | contentType is the content type used when sending data to the server from this client. |
qps [Required]float32 | qps controls the number of queries per second allowed for this connection. |
burst [Required]int32 | burst allows extra queries to accumulate when a client is exceeding its rate. |
Appears in:
DebuggingConfiguration holds configuration for Debugging related features.
Field | Description |
enableProfiling [Required]bool | enableProfiling enables profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/ |
enableContentionProfiling [Required]bool | enableContentionProfiling enables block profiling, if enableProfiling is true. |
Appears in:
LeaderElectionConfiguration defines the configuration of leader election clients for components that can run with leader election enabled.
Field | Description |
leaderElect [Required]bool | leaderElect enables a leader election client to gain leadership before executing the main loop. Enable this when running replicated components for high availability. |
leaseDuration [Required]meta/v1.Duration | leaseDuration is the duration that non-leader candidates will wait after observing a leadership renewal until attempting to acquire leadership of a led but unrenewed leader slot. This is effectively the maximum duration that a leader can be stopped before it is replaced by another candidate. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. |
renewDeadline [Required]meta/v1.Duration | renewDeadline is the interval between attempts by the acting master to renew a leadership slot before it stops leading. This must be less than or equal to the lease duration. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. |
retryPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | retryPeriod is the duration the clients should wait between attempting acquisition and renewal of a leadership. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. |
resourceLock [Required]string | resourceLock indicates the resource object type that will be used to lock during leader election cycles. |
resourceName [Required]string | resourceName indicates the name of resource object that will be used to lock during leader election cycles. |
resourceNamespace [Required]string | resourceName indicates the namespace of resource object that will be used to lock during leader election cycles. |
Appears in:
NodeControllerConfiguration contains elements describing NodeController.
Field | Description |
ConcurrentNodeSyncs [Required]int32 | ConcurrentNodeSyncs is the number of workers concurrently synchronizing nodes |
Appears in:
ServiceControllerConfiguration contains elements describing ServiceController.
Field | Description |
ConcurrentServiceSyncs [Required]int32 | concurrentServiceSyncs is the number of services that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = more responsive service management, but more CPU (and network) load. |
CloudControllerManagerConfiguration contains elements describing cloud-controller manager.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | CloudControllerManagerConfiguration |
Generic [Required]GenericControllerManagerConfiguration | Generic holds configuration for a generic controller-manager |
KubeCloudShared [Required]KubeCloudSharedConfiguration | KubeCloudSharedConfiguration holds configuration for shared related features both in cloud controller manager and kube-controller manager. |
NodeController [Required]NodeControllerConfiguration | NodeController holds configuration for node controller related features. |
ServiceController [Required]ServiceControllerConfiguration | ServiceControllerConfiguration holds configuration for ServiceController related features. |
NodeStatusUpdateFrequency [Required]meta/v1.Duration | NodeStatusUpdateFrequency is the frequency at which the controller updates nodes' status |
Webhook [Required]WebhookConfiguration | Webhook is the configuration for cloud-controller-manager hosted webhooks |
Appears in:
CloudProviderConfiguration contains basically elements about cloud provider.
Field | Description |
Name [Required]string | Name is the provider for cloud services. |
CloudConfigFile [Required]string | cloudConfigFile is the path to the cloud provider configuration file. |
Appears in:
KubeCloudSharedConfiguration contains elements shared by both kube-controller manager and cloud-controller manager, but not genericconfig.
Field | Description |
CloudProvider [Required]CloudProviderConfiguration | CloudProviderConfiguration holds configuration for CloudProvider related features. |
ExternalCloudVolumePlugin [Required]string | externalCloudVolumePlugin specifies the plugin to use when cloudProvider is "external". It is currently used by the in repo cloud providers to handle node and volume control in the KCM. |
UseServiceAccountCredentials [Required]bool | useServiceAccountCredentials indicates whether controllers should be run with individual service account credentials. |
AllowUntaggedCloud [Required]bool | run with untagged cloud instances |
RouteReconciliationPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | routeReconciliationPeriod is the period for reconciling routes created for Nodes by cloud provider.. |
NodeMonitorPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | nodeMonitorPeriod is the period for syncing NodeStatus in NodeController. |
ClusterName [Required]string | clusterName is the instance prefix for the cluster. |
ClusterCIDR [Required]string | clusterCIDR is CIDR Range for Pods in cluster. |
AllocateNodeCIDRs [Required]bool | AllocateNodeCIDRs enables CIDRs for Pods to be allocated and, if ConfigureCloudRoutes is true, to be set on the cloud provider. |
CIDRAllocatorType [Required]string | CIDRAllocatorType determines what kind of pod CIDR allocator will be used. |
ConfigureCloudRoutes [Required]bool | configureCloudRoutes enables CIDRs allocated with allocateNodeCIDRs to be configured on the cloud provider. |
NodeSyncPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | nodeSyncPeriod is the period for syncing nodes from cloudprovider. Longer periods will result in fewer calls to cloud provider, but may delay addition of new nodes to cluster. |
Appears in:
WebhookConfiguration contains configuration related to cloud-controller-manager hosted webhooks
Field | Description |
Webhooks [Required][]string | Webhooks is the list of webhooks to enable or disable '*' means "all enabled by default webhooks" 'foo' means "enable 'foo'" '-foo' means "disable 'foo'" first item for a particular name wins |
Appears in:
LeaderMigrationConfiguration provides versioned configuration for all migrating leader locks.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | LeaderMigrationConfiguration |
leaderName [Required]string | LeaderName is the name of the leader election resource that protects the migration E.g. 1-20-KCM-to-1-21-CCM |
resourceLock [Required]string | ResourceLock indicates the resource object type that will be used to lock Should be "leases" or "endpoints" |
controllerLeaders [Required][]ControllerLeaderConfiguration | ControllerLeaders contains a list of migrating leader lock configurations |
Appears in:
ControllerLeaderConfiguration provides the configuration for a migrating leader lock.
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | Name is the name of the controller being migrated E.g. service-controller, route-controller, cloud-node-controller, etc |
component [Required]string | Component is the name of the component in which the controller should be running. E.g. kube-controller-manager, cloud-controller-manager, etc Or '*' meaning the controller can be run under any component that participates in the migration |
Appears in:
GenericControllerManagerConfiguration holds configuration for a generic controller-manager.
Field | Description |
Port [Required]int32 | port is the port that the controller-manager's http service runs on. |
Address [Required]string | address is the IP address to serve on (set to for all interfaces). |
MinResyncPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | minResyncPeriod is the resync period in reflectors; will be random between minResyncPeriod and 2*minResyncPeriod. |
ClientConnection [Required]ClientConnectionConfiguration | ClientConnection specifies the kubeconfig file and client connection settings for the proxy server to use when communicating with the apiserver. |
ControllerStartInterval [Required]meta/v1.Duration | How long to wait between starting controller managers |
LeaderElection [Required]LeaderElectionConfiguration | leaderElection defines the configuration of leader election client. |
Controllers [Required][]string | Controllers is the list of controllers to enable or disable '*' means "all enabled by default controllers" 'foo' means "enable 'foo'" '-foo' means "disable 'foo'" first item for a particular name wins |
Debugging [Required]DebuggingConfiguration | DebuggingConfiguration holds configuration for Debugging related features. |
LeaderMigrationEnabled [Required]bool | LeaderMigrationEnabled indicates whether Leader Migration should be enabled for the controller manager. |
LeaderMigration [Required]LeaderMigrationConfiguration | LeaderMigration holds the configuration for Leader Migration. |
KubeControllerManagerConfiguration contains elements describing kube-controller manager.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | KubeControllerManagerConfiguration |
Generic [Required]GenericControllerManagerConfiguration | Generic holds configuration for a generic controller-manager |
KubeCloudShared [Required]KubeCloudSharedConfiguration | KubeCloudSharedConfiguration holds configuration for shared related features both in cloud controller manager and kube-controller manager. |
AttachDetachController [Required]AttachDetachControllerConfiguration | AttachDetachControllerConfiguration holds configuration for AttachDetachController related features. |
CSRSigningController [Required]CSRSigningControllerConfiguration | CSRSigningControllerConfiguration holds configuration for CSRSigningController related features. |
DaemonSetController [Required]DaemonSetControllerConfiguration | DaemonSetControllerConfiguration holds configuration for DaemonSetController related features. |
DeploymentController [Required]DeploymentControllerConfiguration | DeploymentControllerConfiguration holds configuration for DeploymentController related features. |
StatefulSetController [Required]StatefulSetControllerConfiguration | StatefulSetControllerConfiguration holds configuration for StatefulSetController related features. |
DeprecatedController [Required]DeprecatedControllerConfiguration | DeprecatedControllerConfiguration holds configuration for some deprecated features. |
EndpointController [Required]EndpointControllerConfiguration | EndpointControllerConfiguration holds configuration for EndpointController related features. |
EndpointSliceController [Required]EndpointSliceControllerConfiguration | EndpointSliceControllerConfiguration holds configuration for EndpointSliceController related features. |
EndpointSliceMirroringController [Required]EndpointSliceMirroringControllerConfiguration | EndpointSliceMirroringControllerConfiguration holds configuration for EndpointSliceMirroringController related features. |
EphemeralVolumeController [Required]EphemeralVolumeControllerConfiguration | EphemeralVolumeControllerConfiguration holds configuration for EphemeralVolumeController related features. |
GarbageCollectorController [Required]GarbageCollectorControllerConfiguration | GarbageCollectorControllerConfiguration holds configuration for GarbageCollectorController related features. |
HPAController [Required]HPAControllerConfiguration | HPAControllerConfiguration holds configuration for HPAController related features. |
JobController [Required]JobControllerConfiguration | JobControllerConfiguration holds configuration for JobController related features. |
CronJobController [Required]CronJobControllerConfiguration | CronJobControllerConfiguration holds configuration for CronJobController related features. |
LegacySATokenCleaner [Required]LegacySATokenCleanerConfiguration | LegacySATokenCleanerConfiguration holds configuration for LegacySATokenCleaner related features. |
NamespaceController [Required]NamespaceControllerConfiguration | NamespaceControllerConfiguration holds configuration for NamespaceController related features. |
NodeIPAMController [Required]NodeIPAMControllerConfiguration | NodeIPAMControllerConfiguration holds configuration for NodeIPAMController related features. |
NodeLifecycleController [Required]NodeLifecycleControllerConfiguration | NodeLifecycleControllerConfiguration holds configuration for NodeLifecycleController related features. |
PersistentVolumeBinderController [Required]PersistentVolumeBinderControllerConfiguration | PersistentVolumeBinderControllerConfiguration holds configuration for PersistentVolumeBinderController related features. |
PodGCController [Required]PodGCControllerConfiguration | PodGCControllerConfiguration holds configuration for PodGCController related features. |
ReplicaSetController [Required]ReplicaSetControllerConfiguration | ReplicaSetControllerConfiguration holds configuration for ReplicaSet related features. |
ReplicationController [Required]ReplicationControllerConfiguration | ReplicationControllerConfiguration holds configuration for ReplicationController related features. |
ResourceQuotaController [Required]ResourceQuotaControllerConfiguration | ResourceQuotaControllerConfiguration holds configuration for ResourceQuotaController related features. |
SAController [Required]SAControllerConfiguration | SAControllerConfiguration holds configuration for ServiceAccountController related features. |
ServiceController [Required]ServiceControllerConfiguration | ServiceControllerConfiguration holds configuration for ServiceController related features. |
TTLAfterFinishedController [Required]TTLAfterFinishedControllerConfiguration | TTLAfterFinishedControllerConfiguration holds configuration for TTLAfterFinishedController related features. |
ValidatingAdmissionPolicyStatusController [Required]ValidatingAdmissionPolicyStatusControllerConfiguration | ValidatingAdmissionPolicyStatusControllerConfiguration holds configuration for ValidatingAdmissionPolicyStatusController related features. |
Appears in:
AttachDetachControllerConfiguration contains elements describing AttachDetachController.
Field | Description |
DisableAttachDetachReconcilerSync [Required]bool | Reconciler runs a periodic loop to reconcile the desired state of the with the actual state of the world by triggering attach detach operations. This flag enables or disables reconcile. Is false by default, and thus enabled. |
ReconcilerSyncLoopPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | ReconcilerSyncLoopPeriod is the amount of time the reconciler sync states loop wait between successive executions. Is set to 60 sec by default. |
disableForceDetachOnTimeout [Required]bool | DisableForceDetachOnTimeout disables force detach when the maximum unmount time is exceeded. Is false by default, and thus force detach on unmount is enabled. |
Appears in:
CSRSigningConfiguration holds information about a particular CSR signer
Field | Description |
CertFile [Required]string | certFile is the filename containing a PEM-encoded X509 CA certificate used to issue certificates |
KeyFile [Required]string | keyFile is the filename containing a PEM-encoded RSA or ECDSA private key used to issue certificates |
Appears in:
CSRSigningControllerConfiguration contains elements describing CSRSigningController.
Field | Description |
ClusterSigningCertFile [Required]string | clusterSigningCertFile is the filename containing a PEM-encoded X509 CA certificate used to issue cluster-scoped certificates |
ClusterSigningKeyFile [Required]string | clusterSigningCertFile is the filename containing a PEM-encoded RSA or ECDSA private key used to issue cluster-scoped certificates |
KubeletServingSignerConfiguration [Required]CSRSigningConfiguration | kubeletServingSignerConfiguration holds the certificate and key used to issue certificates for the signer |
KubeletClientSignerConfiguration [Required]CSRSigningConfiguration | kubeletClientSignerConfiguration holds the certificate and key used to issue certificates for the |
KubeAPIServerClientSignerConfiguration [Required]CSRSigningConfiguration | kubeAPIServerClientSignerConfiguration holds the certificate and key used to issue certificates for the |
LegacyUnknownSignerConfiguration [Required]CSRSigningConfiguration | legacyUnknownSignerConfiguration holds the certificate and key used to issue certificates for the |
ClusterSigningDuration [Required]meta/v1.Duration | clusterSigningDuration is the max length of duration signed certificates will be given. Individual CSRs may request shorter certs by setting spec.expirationSeconds. |
Appears in:
CronJobControllerConfiguration contains elements describing CrongJob2Controller.
Field | Description |
ConcurrentCronJobSyncs [Required]int32 | concurrentCronJobSyncs is the number of job objects that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = more responsive jobs, but more CPU (and network) load. |
Appears in:
DaemonSetControllerConfiguration contains elements describing DaemonSetController.
Field | Description |
ConcurrentDaemonSetSyncs [Required]int32 | concurrentDaemonSetSyncs is the number of daemonset objects that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = more responsive daemonset, but more CPU (and network) load. |
Appears in:
DeploymentControllerConfiguration contains elements describing DeploymentController.
Field | Description |
ConcurrentDeploymentSyncs [Required]int32 | concurrentDeploymentSyncs is the number of deployment objects that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = more responsive deployments, but more CPU (and network) load. |
Appears in:
DeprecatedControllerConfiguration contains elements be deprecated.
Appears in:
EndpointControllerConfiguration contains elements describing EndpointController.
Field | Description |
ConcurrentEndpointSyncs [Required]int32 | concurrentEndpointSyncs is the number of endpoint syncing operations that will be done concurrently. Larger number = faster endpoint updating, but more CPU (and network) load. |
EndpointUpdatesBatchPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | EndpointUpdatesBatchPeriod describes the length of endpoint updates batching period. Processing of pod changes will be delayed by this duration to join them with potential upcoming updates and reduce the overall number of endpoints updates. |
Appears in:
EndpointSliceControllerConfiguration contains elements describing EndpointSliceController.
Field | Description |
ConcurrentServiceEndpointSyncs [Required]int32 | concurrentServiceEndpointSyncs is the number of service endpoint syncing operations that will be done concurrently. Larger number = faster endpoint slice updating, but more CPU (and network) load. |
MaxEndpointsPerSlice [Required]int32 | maxEndpointsPerSlice is the maximum number of endpoints that will be added to an EndpointSlice. More endpoints per slice will result in fewer and larger endpoint slices, but larger resources. |
EndpointUpdatesBatchPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | EndpointUpdatesBatchPeriod describes the length of endpoint updates batching period. Processing of pod changes will be delayed by this duration to join them with potential upcoming updates and reduce the overall number of endpoints updates. |
Appears in:
EndpointSliceMirroringControllerConfiguration contains elements describing EndpointSliceMirroringController.
Field | Description |
MirroringConcurrentServiceEndpointSyncs [Required]int32 | mirroringConcurrentServiceEndpointSyncs is the number of service endpoint syncing operations that will be done concurrently. Larger number = faster endpoint slice updating, but more CPU (and network) load. |
MirroringMaxEndpointsPerSubset [Required]int32 | mirroringMaxEndpointsPerSubset is the maximum number of endpoints that will be mirrored to an EndpointSlice for an EndpointSubset. |
MirroringEndpointUpdatesBatchPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | mirroringEndpointUpdatesBatchPeriod can be used to batch EndpointSlice updates. All updates triggered by EndpointSlice changes will be delayed by up to 'mirroringEndpointUpdatesBatchPeriod'. If other addresses in the same Endpoints resource change in that period, they will be batched to a single EndpointSlice update. Default 0 value means that each Endpoints update triggers an EndpointSlice update. |
Appears in:
EphemeralVolumeControllerConfiguration contains elements describing EphemeralVolumeController.
Field | Description |
ConcurrentEphemeralVolumeSyncs [Required]int32 | ConcurrentEphemeralVolumeSyncseSyncs is the number of ephemeral volume syncing operations that will be done concurrently. Larger number = faster ephemeral volume updating, but more CPU (and network) load. |
Appears in:
GarbageCollectorControllerConfiguration contains elements describing GarbageCollectorController.
Field | Description |
EnableGarbageCollector [Required]bool | enables the generic garbage collector. MUST be synced with the corresponding flag of the kube-apiserver. WARNING: the generic garbage collector is an alpha feature. |
ConcurrentGCSyncs [Required]int32 | concurrentGCSyncs is the number of garbage collector workers that are allowed to sync concurrently. |
GCIgnoredResources [Required][]GroupResource | gcIgnoredResources is the list of GroupResources that garbage collection should ignore. |
Appears in:
GroupResource describes an group resource.
Field | Description |
Group [Required]string | group is the group portion of the GroupResource. |
Resource [Required]string | resource is the resource portion of the GroupResource. |
Appears in:
HPAControllerConfiguration contains elements describing HPAController.
Field | Description |
ConcurrentHorizontalPodAutoscalerSyncs [Required]int32 | ConcurrentHorizontalPodAutoscalerSyncs is the number of HPA objects that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = more responsive HPA processing, but more CPU (and network) load. |
HorizontalPodAutoscalerSyncPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | HorizontalPodAutoscalerSyncPeriod is the period for syncing the number of pods in horizontal pod autoscaler. |
HorizontalPodAutoscalerDownscaleStabilizationWindow [Required]meta/v1.Duration | HorizontalPodAutoscalerDowncaleStabilizationWindow is a period for which autoscaler will look backwards and not scale down below any recommendation it made during that period. |
HorizontalPodAutoscalerTolerance [Required]float64 | HorizontalPodAutoscalerTolerance is the tolerance for when resource usage suggests upscaling/downscaling |
HorizontalPodAutoscalerCPUInitializationPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | HorizontalPodAutoscalerCPUInitializationPeriod is the period after pod start when CPU samples might be skipped. |
HorizontalPodAutoscalerInitialReadinessDelay [Required]meta/v1.Duration | HorizontalPodAutoscalerInitialReadinessDelay is period after pod start during which readiness changes are treated as readiness being set for the first time. The only effect of this is that HPA will disregard CPU samples from unready pods that had last readiness change during that period. |
Appears in:
JobControllerConfiguration contains elements describing JobController.
Field | Description |
ConcurrentJobSyncs [Required]int32 | concurrentJobSyncs is the number of job objects that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = more responsive jobs, but more CPU (and network) load. |
Appears in:
LegacySATokenCleanerConfiguration contains elements describing LegacySATokenCleaner
Field | Description |
CleanUpPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | CleanUpPeriod is the period of time since the last usage of an auto-generated service account token before it can be deleted. |
Appears in:
NamespaceControllerConfiguration contains elements describing NamespaceController.
Field | Description |
NamespaceSyncPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | namespaceSyncPeriod is the period for syncing namespace life-cycle updates. |
ConcurrentNamespaceSyncs [Required]int32 | concurrentNamespaceSyncs is the number of namespace objects that are allowed to sync concurrently. |
Appears in:
NodeIPAMControllerConfiguration contains elements describing NodeIpamController.
Field | Description |
ServiceCIDR [Required]string | serviceCIDR is CIDR Range for Services in cluster. |
SecondaryServiceCIDR [Required]string | secondaryServiceCIDR is CIDR Range for Services in cluster. This is used in dual stack clusters. SecondaryServiceCIDR must be of different IP family than ServiceCIDR |
NodeCIDRMaskSize [Required]int32 | NodeCIDRMaskSize is the mask size for node cidr in cluster. |
NodeCIDRMaskSizeIPv4 [Required]int32 | NodeCIDRMaskSizeIPv4 is the mask size for node cidr in dual-stack cluster. |
NodeCIDRMaskSizeIPv6 [Required]int32 | NodeCIDRMaskSizeIPv6 is the mask size for node cidr in dual-stack cluster. |
Appears in:
NodeLifecycleControllerConfiguration contains elements describing NodeLifecycleController.
Field | Description |
NodeEvictionRate [Required]float32 | nodeEvictionRate is the number of nodes per second on which pods are deleted in case of node failure when a zone is healthy |
SecondaryNodeEvictionRate [Required]float32 | secondaryNodeEvictionRate is the number of nodes per second on which pods are deleted in case of node failure when a zone is unhealthy |
NodeStartupGracePeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | nodeStartupGracePeriod is the amount of time which we allow starting a node to be unresponsive before marking it unhealthy. |
NodeMonitorGracePeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | nodeMontiorGracePeriod is the amount of time which we allow a running node to be unresponsive before marking it unhealthy. Must be N times more than kubelet's nodeStatusUpdateFrequency, where N means number of retries allowed for kubelet to post node status. This value should also be greater than the sum of HTTP2_PING_TIMEOUT_SECONDS and HTTP2_READ_IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS. |
PodEvictionTimeout [Required]meta/v1.Duration | podEvictionTimeout is the grace period for deleting pods on failed nodes. |
LargeClusterSizeThreshold [Required]int32 | secondaryNodeEvictionRate is implicitly overridden to 0 for clusters smaller than or equal to largeClusterSizeThreshold |
UnhealthyZoneThreshold [Required]float32 | Zone is treated as unhealthy in nodeEvictionRate and secondaryNodeEvictionRate when at least unhealthyZoneThreshold (no less than 3) of Nodes in the zone are NotReady |
Appears in:
PersistentVolumeBinderControllerConfiguration contains elements describing PersistentVolumeBinderController.
Field | Description |
PVClaimBinderSyncPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | pvClaimBinderSyncPeriod is the period for syncing persistent volumes and persistent volume claims. |
VolumeConfiguration [Required]VolumeConfiguration | volumeConfiguration holds configuration for volume related features. |
Appears in:
PersistentVolumeRecyclerConfiguration contains elements describing persistent volume plugins.
Field | Description |
MaximumRetry [Required]int32 | maximumRetry is number of retries the PV recycler will execute on failure to recycle PV. |
MinimumTimeoutNFS [Required]int32 | minimumTimeoutNFS is the minimum ActiveDeadlineSeconds to use for an NFS Recycler pod. |
PodTemplateFilePathNFS [Required]string | podTemplateFilePathNFS is the file path to a pod definition used as a template for NFS persistent volume recycling |
IncrementTimeoutNFS [Required]int32 | incrementTimeoutNFS is the increment of time added per Gi to ActiveDeadlineSeconds for an NFS scrubber pod. |
PodTemplateFilePathHostPath [Required]string | podTemplateFilePathHostPath is the file path to a pod definition used as a template for HostPath persistent volume recycling. This is for development and testing only and will not work in a multi-node cluster. |
MinimumTimeoutHostPath [Required]int32 | minimumTimeoutHostPath is the minimum ActiveDeadlineSeconds to use for a HostPath Recycler pod. This is for development and testing only and will not work in a multi-node cluster. |
IncrementTimeoutHostPath [Required]int32 | incrementTimeoutHostPath is the increment of time added per Gi to ActiveDeadlineSeconds for a HostPath scrubber pod. This is for development and testing only and will not work in a multi-node cluster. |
Appears in:
PodGCControllerConfiguration contains elements describing PodGCController.
Field | Description |
TerminatedPodGCThreshold [Required]int32 | terminatedPodGCThreshold is the number of terminated pods that can exist before the terminated pod garbage collector starts deleting terminated pods. If <= 0, the terminated pod garbage collector is disabled. |
Appears in:
ReplicaSetControllerConfiguration contains elements describing ReplicaSetController.
Field | Description |
ConcurrentRSSyncs [Required]int32 | concurrentRSSyncs is the number of replica sets that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = more responsive replica management, but more CPU (and network) load. |
Appears in:
ReplicationControllerConfiguration contains elements describing ReplicationController.
Field | Description |
ConcurrentRCSyncs [Required]int32 | concurrentRCSyncs is the number of replication controllers that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = more responsive replica management, but more CPU (and network) load. |
Appears in:
ResourceQuotaControllerConfiguration contains elements describing ResourceQuotaController.
Field | Description |
ResourceQuotaSyncPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | resourceQuotaSyncPeriod is the period for syncing quota usage status in the system. |
ConcurrentResourceQuotaSyncs [Required]int32 | concurrentResourceQuotaSyncs is the number of resource quotas that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = more responsive quota management, but more CPU (and network) load. |
Appears in:
SAControllerConfiguration contains elements describing ServiceAccountController.
Field | Description |
ServiceAccountKeyFile [Required]string | serviceAccountKeyFile is the filename containing a PEM-encoded private RSA key used to sign service account tokens. |
ConcurrentSATokenSyncs [Required]int32 | concurrentSATokenSyncs is the number of service account token syncing operations that will be done concurrently. |
RootCAFile [Required]string | rootCAFile is the root certificate authority will be included in service account's token secret. This must be a valid PEM-encoded CA bundle. |
Appears in:
StatefulSetControllerConfiguration contains elements describing StatefulSetController.
Field | Description |
ConcurrentStatefulSetSyncs [Required]int32 | concurrentStatefulSetSyncs is the number of statefulset objects that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = more responsive statefulsets, but more CPU (and network) load. |
Appears in:
TTLAfterFinishedControllerConfiguration contains elements describing TTLAfterFinishedController.
Field | Description |
ConcurrentTTLSyncs [Required]int32 | concurrentTTLSyncs is the number of TTL-after-finished collector workers that are allowed to sync concurrently. |
Appears in:
ValidatingAdmissionPolicyStatusControllerConfiguration contains elements describing ValidatingAdmissionPolicyStatusController.
Field | Description |
ConcurrentPolicySyncs [Required]int32 | ConcurrentPolicySyncs is the number of policy objects that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = quicker type checking, but more CPU (and network) load. The default value is 5. |
Appears in:
VolumeConfiguration contains all enumerated flags meant to configure all volume plugins. From this config, the controller-manager binary will create many instances of volume.VolumeConfig, each containing only the configuration needed for that plugin which are then passed to the appropriate plugin. The ControllerManager binary is the only part of the code which knows what plugins are supported and which flags correspond to each plugin.
Field | Description |
EnableHostPathProvisioning [Required]bool | enableHostPathProvisioning enables HostPath PV provisioning when running without a cloud provider. This allows testing and development of provisioning features. HostPath provisioning is not supported in any way, won't work in a multi-node cluster, and should not be used for anything other than testing or development. |
EnableDynamicProvisioning [Required]bool | enableDynamicProvisioning enables the provisioning of volumes when running within an environment that supports dynamic provisioning. Defaults to true. |
PersistentVolumeRecyclerConfiguration [Required]PersistentVolumeRecyclerConfiguration | persistentVolumeRecyclerConfiguration holds configuration for persistent volume plugins. |
FlexVolumePluginDir [Required]string | volumePluginDir is the full path of the directory in which the flex volume plugin should search for additional third party volume plugins |
11 - kube-proxy Configuration (v1alpha1)
Resource Types
Appears in:
FormatOptions contains options for the different logging formats.
Field | Description |
text [Required]TextOptions | [Alpha] Text contains options for logging format "text". Only available when the LoggingAlphaOptions feature gate is enabled. |
json [Required]JSONOptions | [Alpha] JSON contains options for logging format "json". Only available when the LoggingAlphaOptions feature gate is enabled. |
Appears in:
JSONOptions contains options for logging format "json".
Field | Description |
OutputRoutingOptions [Required]OutputRoutingOptions | (Members of OutputRoutingOptions are embedded into this type.)
No description provided. |
LogFormatFactory provides support for a certain additional, non-default log format.
Appears in:
LoggingConfiguration contains logging options.
Field | Description |
format [Required]string | Format Flag specifies the structure of log messages.
default value of format is |
flushFrequency [Required]TimeOrMetaDuration | Maximum time between log flushes. If a string, parsed as a duration (i.e. "1s") If an int, the maximum number of nanoseconds (i.e. 1s = 1000000000). Ignored if the selected logging backend writes log messages without buffering. |
verbosity [Required]VerbosityLevel | Verbosity is the threshold that determines which log messages are logged. Default is zero which logs only the most important messages. Higher values enable additional messages. Error messages are always logged. |
vmodule [Required]VModuleConfiguration | VModule overrides the verbosity threshold for individual files. Only supported for "text" log format. |
options [Required]FormatOptions | [Alpha] Options holds additional parameters that are specific to the different logging formats. Only the options for the selected format get used, but all of them get validated. Only available when the LoggingAlphaOptions feature gate is enabled. |
LoggingOptions can be used with ValidateAndApplyWithOptions to override certain global defaults.
Field | Description |
ErrorStream [Required]io.Writer | ErrorStream can be used to override the os.Stderr default. |
InfoStream [Required]io.Writer | InfoStream can be used to override the os.Stdout default. |
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OutputRoutingOptions contains options that are supported by both "text" and "json".
Field | Description |
splitStream [Required]bool | [Alpha] SplitStream redirects error messages to stderr while info messages go to stdout, with buffering. The default is to write both to stdout, without buffering. Only available when the LoggingAlphaOptions feature gate is enabled. |
infoBufferSize [Required] | [Alpha] InfoBufferSize sets the size of the info stream when using split streams. The default is zero, which disables buffering. Only available when the LoggingAlphaOptions feature gate is enabled. |
Appears in:
TextOptions contains options for logging format "text".
Field | Description |
OutputRoutingOptions [Required]OutputRoutingOptions | (Members of OutputRoutingOptions are embedded into this type.)
No description provided. |
Appears in:
TimeOrMetaDuration is present only for backwards compatibility for the flushFrequency field, and new fields should use metav1.Duration.
Field | Description |
Duration [Required]meta/v1.Duration | Duration holds the duration |
- [Required]bool | SerializeAsString controls whether the value is serialized as a string or an integer |
(Alias of []
Appears in:
VModuleConfiguration is a collection of individual file names or patterns and the corresponding verbosity threshold.
(Alias of uint32
Appears in:
VerbosityLevel represents a klog or logr verbosity threshold.
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ClientConnectionConfiguration contains details for constructing a client.
Field | Description |
kubeconfig [Required]string | kubeconfig is the path to a KubeConfig file. |
acceptContentTypes [Required]string | acceptContentTypes defines the Accept header sent by clients when connecting to a server, overriding the default value of 'application/json'. This field will control all connections to the server used by a particular client. |
contentType [Required]string | contentType is the content type used when sending data to the server from this client. |
qps [Required]float32 | qps controls the number of queries per second allowed for this connection. |
burst [Required]int32 | burst allows extra queries to accumulate when a client is exceeding its rate. |
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DebuggingConfiguration holds configuration for Debugging related features.
Field | Description |
enableProfiling [Required]bool | enableProfiling enables profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/ |
enableContentionProfiling [Required]bool | enableContentionProfiling enables block profiling, if enableProfiling is true. |
Appears in:
LeaderElectionConfiguration defines the configuration of leader election clients for components that can run with leader election enabled.
Field | Description |
leaderElect [Required]bool | leaderElect enables a leader election client to gain leadership before executing the main loop. Enable this when running replicated components for high availability. |
leaseDuration [Required]meta/v1.Duration | leaseDuration is the duration that non-leader candidates will wait after observing a leadership renewal until attempting to acquire leadership of a led but unrenewed leader slot. This is effectively the maximum duration that a leader can be stopped before it is replaced by another candidate. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. |
renewDeadline [Required]meta/v1.Duration | renewDeadline is the interval between attempts by the acting master to renew a leadership slot before it stops leading. This must be less than or equal to the lease duration. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. |
retryPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | retryPeriod is the duration the clients should wait between attempting acquisition and renewal of a leadership. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. |
resourceLock [Required]string | resourceLock indicates the resource object type that will be used to lock during leader election cycles. |
resourceName [Required]string | resourceName indicates the name of resource object that will be used to lock during leader election cycles. |
resourceNamespace [Required]string | resourceName indicates the namespace of resource object that will be used to lock during leader election cycles. |
KubeProxyConfiguration contains everything necessary to configure the Kubernetes proxy server.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | KubeProxyConfiguration |
featureGates [Required]map[string]bool | featureGates is a map of feature names to bools that enable or disable alpha/experimental features. |
clientConnection [Required]ClientConnectionConfiguration | clientConnection specifies the kubeconfig file and client connection settings for the proxy server to use when communicating with the apiserver. |
logging [Required]LoggingConfiguration | logging specifies the options of logging. Refer to Logs Options for more information. |
hostnameOverride [Required]string | hostnameOverride, if non-empty, will be used as the name of the Node that kube-proxy is running on. If unset, the node name is assumed to be the same as the node's hostname. |
bindAddress [Required]string | bindAddress can be used to override kube-proxy's idea of what its node's primary IP is. Note that the name is a historical artifact, and kube-proxy does not actually bind any sockets to this IP. |
healthzBindAddress [Required]string | healthzBindAddress is the IP address and port for the health check server to serve on, defaulting to "" (if bindAddress is unset or IPv4), or "[::]:10256" (if bindAddress is IPv6). |
metricsBindAddress [Required]string | metricsBindAddress is the IP address and port for the metrics server to serve on, defaulting to "" (if bindAddress is unset or IPv4), or "[::1]:10249" (if bindAddress is IPv6). (Set to "" / "[::]:10249" to bind on all interfaces.) |
bindAddressHardFail [Required]bool | bindAddressHardFail, if true, tells kube-proxy to treat failure to bind to a port as fatal and exit |
enableProfiling [Required]bool | enableProfiling enables profiling via web interface on /debug/pprof handler. Profiling handlers will be handled by metrics server. |
showHiddenMetricsForVersion [Required]string | showHiddenMetricsForVersion is the version for which you want to show hidden metrics. |
mode [Required]ProxyMode | mode specifies which proxy mode to use. |
iptables [Required]KubeProxyIPTablesConfiguration | iptables contains iptables-related configuration options. |
ipvs [Required]KubeProxyIPVSConfiguration | ipvs contains ipvs-related configuration options. |
nftables [Required]KubeProxyNFTablesConfiguration | nftables contains nftables-related configuration options. |
winkernel [Required]KubeProxyWinkernelConfiguration | winkernel contains winkernel-related configuration options. |
detectLocalMode [Required]LocalMode | detectLocalMode determines mode to use for detecting local traffic, defaults to ClusterCIDR |
detectLocal [Required]DetectLocalConfiguration | detectLocal contains optional configuration settings related to DetectLocalMode. |
clusterCIDR [Required]string | clusterCIDR is the CIDR range of the pods in the cluster. (For dual-stack clusters, this can be a comma-separated dual-stack pair of CIDR ranges.). When DetectLocalMode is set to ClusterCIDR, kube-proxy will consider traffic to be local if its source IP is in this range. (Otherwise it is not used.) |
nodePortAddresses [Required][]string | nodePortAddresses is a list of CIDR ranges that contain valid node IPs, or alternatively, the single string 'primary'. If set to a list of CIDRs, connections to NodePort services will only be accepted on node IPs in one of the indicated ranges. If set to 'primary', NodePort services will only be accepted on the node's primary IPv4 and/or IPv6 address according to the Node object. If unset, NodePort connections will be accepted on all local IPs. |
oomScoreAdj [Required]int32 | oomScoreAdj is the oom-score-adj value for kube-proxy process. Values must be within the range [-1000, 1000] |
conntrack [Required]KubeProxyConntrackConfiguration | conntrack contains conntrack-related configuration options. |
configSyncPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | configSyncPeriod is how often configuration from the apiserver is refreshed. Must be greater than 0. |
portRange [Required]string | portRange was previously used to configure the userspace proxy, but is now unused. |
windowsRunAsService [Required]bool | windowsRunAsService, if true, enables Windows service control manager API integration. |
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DetectLocalConfiguration contains optional settings related to DetectLocalMode option
Field | Description |
bridgeInterface [Required]string | bridgeInterface is a bridge interface name. When DetectLocalMode is set to LocalModeBridgeInterface, kube-proxy will consider traffic to be local if it originates from this bridge. |
interfaceNamePrefix [Required]string | interfaceNamePrefix is an interface name prefix. When DetectLocalMode is set to LocalModeInterfaceNamePrefix, kube-proxy will consider traffic to be local if it originates from any interface whose name begins with this prefix. |
Appears in:
KubeProxyConntrackConfiguration contains conntrack settings for the Kubernetes proxy server.
Field | Description |
maxPerCore [Required]int32 | maxPerCore is the maximum number of NAT connections to track per CPU core (0 to leave the limit as-is and ignore min). |
min [Required]int32 | min is the minimum value of connect-tracking records to allocate, regardless of maxPerCore (set maxPerCore=0 to leave the limit as-is). |
tcpEstablishedTimeout [Required]meta/v1.Duration | tcpEstablishedTimeout is how long an idle TCP connection will be kept open (e.g. '2s'). Must be greater than 0 to set. |
tcpCloseWaitTimeout [Required]meta/v1.Duration | tcpCloseWaitTimeout is how long an idle conntrack entry in CLOSE_WAIT state will remain in the conntrack table. (e.g. '60s'). Must be greater than 0 to set. |
tcpBeLiberal [Required]bool | tcpBeLiberal, if true, kube-proxy will configure conntrack to run in liberal mode for TCP connections and packets with out-of-window sequence numbers won't be marked INVALID. |
udpTimeout [Required]meta/v1.Duration | udpTimeout is how long an idle UDP conntrack entry in UNREPLIED state will remain in the conntrack table (e.g. '30s'). Must be greater than 0 to set. |
udpStreamTimeout [Required]meta/v1.Duration | udpStreamTimeout is how long an idle UDP conntrack entry in ASSURED state will remain in the conntrack table (e.g. '300s'). Must be greater than 0 to set. |
Appears in:
KubeProxyIPTablesConfiguration contains iptables-related configuration details for the Kubernetes proxy server.
Field | Description |
masqueradeBit [Required]int32 | masqueradeBit is the bit of the iptables fwmark space to use for SNAT if using the iptables or ipvs proxy mode. Values must be within the range [0, 31]. |
masqueradeAll [Required]bool | masqueradeAll tells kube-proxy to SNAT all traffic sent to Service cluster IPs, when using the iptables or ipvs proxy mode. This may be required with some CNI plugins. |
localhostNodePorts [Required]bool | localhostNodePorts, if false, tells kube-proxy to disable the legacy behavior of allowing NodePort services to be accessed via localhost. (Applies only to iptables mode and IPv4; localhost NodePorts are never allowed with other proxy modes or with IPv6.) |
syncPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | syncPeriod is an interval (e.g. '5s', '1m', '2h22m') indicating how frequently various re-synchronizing and cleanup operations are performed. Must be greater than 0. |
minSyncPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | minSyncPeriod is the minimum period between iptables rule resyncs (e.g. '5s', '1m', '2h22m'). A value of 0 means every Service or EndpointSlice change will result in an immediate iptables resync. |
Appears in:
KubeProxyIPVSConfiguration contains ipvs-related configuration details for the Kubernetes proxy server.
Field | Description |
syncPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | syncPeriod is an interval (e.g. '5s', '1m', '2h22m') indicating how frequently various re-synchronizing and cleanup operations are performed. Must be greater than 0. |
minSyncPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | minSyncPeriod is the minimum period between IPVS rule resyncs (e.g. '5s', '1m', '2h22m'). A value of 0 means every Service or EndpointSlice change will result in an immediate IPVS resync. |
scheduler [Required]string | scheduler is the IPVS scheduler to use |
excludeCIDRs [Required][]string | excludeCIDRs is a list of CIDRs which the ipvs proxier should not touch when cleaning up ipvs services. |
strictARP [Required]bool | strictARP configures arp_ignore and arp_announce to avoid answering ARP queries from kube-ipvs0 interface |
tcpTimeout [Required]meta/v1.Duration | tcpTimeout is the timeout value used for idle IPVS TCP sessions. The default value is 0, which preserves the current timeout value on the system. |
tcpFinTimeout [Required]meta/v1.Duration | tcpFinTimeout is the timeout value used for IPVS TCP sessions after receiving a FIN. The default value is 0, which preserves the current timeout value on the system. |
udpTimeout [Required]meta/v1.Duration | udpTimeout is the timeout value used for IPVS UDP packets. The default value is 0, which preserves the current timeout value on the system. |
Appears in:
KubeProxyNFTablesConfiguration contains nftables-related configuration details for the Kubernetes proxy server.
Field | Description |
masqueradeBit [Required]int32 | masqueradeBit is the bit of the iptables fwmark space to use for SNAT if using the nftables proxy mode. Values must be within the range [0, 31]. |
masqueradeAll [Required]bool | masqueradeAll tells kube-proxy to SNAT all traffic sent to Service cluster IPs, when using the nftables mode. This may be required with some CNI plugins. |
syncPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | syncPeriod is an interval (e.g. '5s', '1m', '2h22m') indicating how frequently various re-synchronizing and cleanup operations are performed. Must be greater than 0. |
minSyncPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | minSyncPeriod is the minimum period between iptables rule resyncs (e.g. '5s', '1m', '2h22m'). A value of 0 means every Service or EndpointSlice change will result in an immediate iptables resync. |
Appears in:
KubeProxyWinkernelConfiguration contains Windows/HNS settings for the Kubernetes proxy server.
Field | Description |
networkName [Required]string | networkName is the name of the network kube-proxy will use to create endpoints and policies |
sourceVip [Required]string | sourceVip is the IP address of the source VIP endpoint used for NAT when loadbalancing |
enableDSR [Required]bool | enableDSR tells kube-proxy whether HNS policies should be created with DSR |
rootHnsEndpointName [Required]string | rootHnsEndpointName is the name of hnsendpoint that is attached to l2bridge for root network namespace |
forwardHealthCheckVip [Required]bool | forwardHealthCheckVip forwards service VIP for health check port on Windows |
(Alias of string
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LocalMode represents modes to detect local traffic from the node
(Alias of string
Appears in:
ProxyMode represents modes used by the Kubernetes proxy server.
Currently, two modes of proxy are available on Linux platforms: 'iptables' and 'ipvs'. One mode of proxy is available on Windows platforms: 'kernelspace'.
If the proxy mode is unspecified, the best-available proxy mode will be used (currently this
is iptables
on Linux and kernelspace
on Windows). If the selected proxy mode cannot be
used (due to lack of kernel support, missing userspace components, etc) then kube-proxy
will exit with an error.
12 - kube-scheduler Configuration (v1)
Resource Types
- DefaultPreemptionArgs
- InterPodAffinityArgs
- KubeSchedulerConfiguration
- NodeAffinityArgs
- NodeResourcesBalancedAllocationArgs
- NodeResourcesFitArgs
- PodTopologySpreadArgs
- VolumeBindingArgs
Appears in:
ClientConnectionConfiguration contains details for constructing a client.
Field | Description |
kubeconfig [Required]string | kubeconfig is the path to a KubeConfig file. |
acceptContentTypes [Required]string | acceptContentTypes defines the Accept header sent by clients when connecting to a server, overriding the default value of 'application/json'. This field will control all connections to the server used by a particular client. |
contentType [Required]string | contentType is the content type used when sending data to the server from this client. |
qps [Required]float32 | qps controls the number of queries per second allowed for this connection. |
burst [Required]int32 | burst allows extra queries to accumulate when a client is exceeding its rate. |
Appears in:
DebuggingConfiguration holds configuration for Debugging related features.
Field | Description |
enableProfiling [Required]bool | enableProfiling enables profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/ |
enableContentionProfiling [Required]bool | enableContentionProfiling enables block profiling, if enableProfiling is true. |
Appears in:
LeaderElectionConfiguration defines the configuration of leader election clients for components that can run with leader election enabled.
Field | Description |
leaderElect [Required]bool | leaderElect enables a leader election client to gain leadership before executing the main loop. Enable this when running replicated components for high availability. |
leaseDuration [Required]meta/v1.Duration | leaseDuration is the duration that non-leader candidates will wait after observing a leadership renewal until attempting to acquire leadership of a led but unrenewed leader slot. This is effectively the maximum duration that a leader can be stopped before it is replaced by another candidate. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. |
renewDeadline [Required]meta/v1.Duration | renewDeadline is the interval between attempts by the acting master to renew a leadership slot before it stops leading. This must be less than or equal to the lease duration. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. |
retryPeriod [Required]meta/v1.Duration | retryPeriod is the duration the clients should wait between attempting acquisition and renewal of a leadership. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. |
resourceLock [Required]string | resourceLock indicates the resource object type that will be used to lock during leader election cycles. |
resourceName [Required]string | resourceName indicates the name of resource object that will be used to lock during leader election cycles. |
resourceNamespace [Required]string | resourceName indicates the namespace of resource object that will be used to lock during leader election cycles. |
DefaultPreemptionArgs holds arguments used to configure the DefaultPreemption plugin.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | DefaultPreemptionArgs |
minCandidateNodesPercentage [Required]int32 | MinCandidateNodesPercentage is the minimum number of candidates to shortlist when dry running preemption as a percentage of number of nodes. Must be in the range [0, 100]. Defaults to 10% of the cluster size if unspecified. |
minCandidateNodesAbsolute [Required]int32 | MinCandidateNodesAbsolute is the absolute minimum number of candidates to shortlist. The likely number of candidates enumerated for dry running preemption is given by the formula: numCandidates = max(numNodes * minCandidateNodesPercentage, minCandidateNodesAbsolute) We say "likely" because there are other factors such as PDB violations that play a role in the number of candidates shortlisted. Must be at least 0 nodes. Defaults to 100 nodes if unspecified. |
InterPodAffinityArgs holds arguments used to configure the InterPodAffinity plugin.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | InterPodAffinityArgs |
hardPodAffinityWeight [Required]int32 | HardPodAffinityWeight is the scoring weight for existing pods with a matching hard affinity to the incoming pod. |
ignorePreferredTermsOfExistingPods [Required]bool | IgnorePreferredTermsOfExistingPods configures the scheduler to ignore existing pods' preferred affinity rules when scoring candidate nodes, unless the incoming pod has inter-pod affinities. |
KubeSchedulerConfiguration configures a scheduler
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | KubeSchedulerConfiguration |
parallelism [Required]int32 | Parallelism defines the amount of parallelism in algorithms for scheduling a Pods. Must be greater than 0. Defaults to 16 |
leaderElection [Required]LeaderElectionConfiguration | LeaderElection defines the configuration of leader election client. |
clientConnection [Required]ClientConnectionConfiguration | ClientConnection specifies the kubeconfig file and client connection settings for the proxy server to use when communicating with the apiserver. |
DebuggingConfiguration [Required]DebuggingConfiguration | (Members of DebuggingConfiguration are embedded into this type.)DebuggingConfiguration holds configuration for Debugging related features TODO: We might wanna make this a substruct like Debugging componentbaseconfigv1alpha1.DebuggingConfiguration |
percentageOfNodesToScore [Required]int32 | PercentageOfNodesToScore is the percentage of all nodes that once found feasible for running a pod, the scheduler stops its search for more feasible nodes in the cluster. This helps improve scheduler's performance. Scheduler always tries to find at least "minFeasibleNodesToFind" feasible nodes no matter what the value of this flag is. Example: if the cluster size is 500 nodes and the value of this flag is 30, then scheduler stops finding further feasible nodes once it finds 150 feasible ones. When the value is 0, default percentage (5%--50% based on the size of the cluster) of the nodes will be scored. It is overridden by profile level PercentageOfNodesToScore. |
podInitialBackoffSeconds [Required]int64 | PodInitialBackoffSeconds is the initial backoff for unschedulable pods. If specified, it must be greater than 0. If this value is null, the default value (1s) will be used. |
podMaxBackoffSeconds [Required]int64 | PodMaxBackoffSeconds is the max backoff for unschedulable pods. If specified, it must be greater than podInitialBackoffSeconds. If this value is null, the default value (10s) will be used. |
profiles [Required][]KubeSchedulerProfile | Profiles are scheduling profiles that kube-scheduler supports. Pods can choose to be scheduled under a particular profile by setting its associated scheduler name. Pods that don't specify any scheduler name are scheduled with the "default-scheduler" profile, if present here. |
extenders [Required][]Extender | Extenders are the list of scheduler extenders, each holding the values of how to communicate with the extender. These extenders are shared by all scheduler profiles. |
delayCacheUntilActive [Required]bool | DelayCacheUntilActive specifies when to start caching. If this is true and leader election is enabled, the scheduler will wait to fill informer caches until it is the leader. Doing so will have slower failover with the benefit of lower memory overhead while waiting to become leader. Defaults to false. |
NodeAffinityArgs holds arguments to configure the NodeAffinity plugin.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | NodeAffinityArgs |
addedAffinity core/v1.NodeAffinity | AddedAffinity is applied to all Pods additionally to the NodeAffinity specified in the PodSpec. That is, Nodes need to satisfy AddedAffinity AND .spec.NodeAffinity. AddedAffinity is empty by default (all Nodes match). When AddedAffinity is used, some Pods with affinity requirements that match a specific Node (such as Daemonset Pods) might remain unschedulable. |
NodeResourcesBalancedAllocationArgs holds arguments used to configure NodeResourcesBalancedAllocation plugin.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | NodeResourcesBalancedAllocationArgs |
resources [Required][]ResourceSpec | Resources to be managed, the default is "cpu" and "memory" if not specified. |
NodeResourcesFitArgs holds arguments used to configure the NodeResourcesFit plugin.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | NodeResourcesFitArgs |
ignoredResources [Required][]string | IgnoredResources is the list of resources that NodeResources fit filter should ignore. This doesn't apply to scoring. |
ignoredResourceGroups [Required][]string | IgnoredResourceGroups defines the list of resource groups that NodeResources fit filter should ignore. e.g. if group is [""], it will ignore all resource names that begin with "", such as "" and "". A resource group name can't contain '/'. This doesn't apply to scoring. |
scoringStrategy [Required]ScoringStrategy | ScoringStrategy selects the node resource scoring strategy. The default strategy is LeastAllocated with an equal "cpu" and "memory" weight. |
PodTopologySpreadArgs holds arguments used to configure the PodTopologySpread plugin.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | PodTopologySpreadArgs |
defaultConstraints []core/v1.TopologySpreadConstraint | DefaultConstraints defines topology spread constraints to be applied to
Pods that don't define any in |
defaultingType PodTopologySpreadConstraintsDefaulting | DefaultingType determines how .defaultConstraints are deduced. Can be one of "System" or "List".
Defaults to "System". |
VolumeBindingArgs holds arguments used to configure the VolumeBinding plugin.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | VolumeBindingArgs |
bindTimeoutSeconds [Required]int64 | BindTimeoutSeconds is the timeout in seconds in volume binding operation. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates no waiting. If this value is nil, the default value (600) will be used. |
shape []UtilizationShapePoint | Shape specifies the points defining the score function shape, which is used to score nodes based on the utilization of statically provisioned PVs. The utilization is calculated by dividing the total requested storage of the pod by the total capacity of feasible PVs on each node. Each point contains utilization (ranges from 0 to 100) and its associated score (ranges from 0 to 10). You can turn the priority by specifying different scores for different utilization numbers. The default shape points are:
Appears in:
Extender holds the parameters used to communicate with the extender. If a verb is unspecified/empty, it is assumed that the extender chose not to provide that extension.
Field | Description |
urlPrefix [Required]string | URLPrefix at which the extender is available |
filterVerb [Required]string | Verb for the filter call, empty if not supported. This verb is appended to the URLPrefix when issuing the filter call to extender. |
preemptVerb [Required]string | Verb for the preempt call, empty if not supported. This verb is appended to the URLPrefix when issuing the preempt call to extender. |
prioritizeVerb [Required]string | Verb for the prioritize call, empty if not supported. This verb is appended to the URLPrefix when issuing the prioritize call to extender. |
weight [Required]int64 | The numeric multiplier for the node scores that the prioritize call generates. The weight should be a positive integer |
bindVerb [Required]string | Verb for the bind call, empty if not supported. This verb is appended to the URLPrefix when issuing the bind call to extender. If this method is implemented by the extender, it is the extender's responsibility to bind the pod to apiserver. Only one extender can implement this function. |
enableHTTPS [Required]bool | EnableHTTPS specifies whether https should be used to communicate with the extender |
tlsConfig [Required]ExtenderTLSConfig | TLSConfig specifies the transport layer security config |
httpTimeout [Required]meta/v1.Duration | HTTPTimeout specifies the timeout duration for a call to the extender. Filter timeout fails the scheduling of the pod. Prioritize timeout is ignored, k8s/other extenders priorities are used to select the node. |
nodeCacheCapable [Required]bool | NodeCacheCapable specifies that the extender is capable of caching node information, so the scheduler should only send minimal information about the eligible nodes assuming that the extender already cached full details of all nodes in the cluster |
managedResources []ExtenderManagedResource | ManagedResources is a list of extended resources that are managed by this extender.
ignorable [Required]bool | Ignorable specifies if the extender is ignorable, i.e. scheduling should not fail when the extender returns an error or is not reachable. |
Appears in:
ExtenderManagedResource describes the arguments of extended resources managed by an extender.
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | Name is the extended resource name. |
ignoredByScheduler [Required]bool | IgnoredByScheduler indicates whether kube-scheduler should ignore this resource when applying predicates. |
Appears in:
ExtenderTLSConfig contains settings to enable TLS with extender
Field | Description |
insecure [Required]bool | Server should be accessed without verifying the TLS certificate. For testing only. |
serverName [Required]string | ServerName is passed to the server for SNI and is used in the client to check server certificates against. If ServerName is empty, the hostname used to contact the server is used. |
certFile [Required]string | Server requires TLS client certificate authentication |
keyFile [Required]string | Server requires TLS client certificate authentication |
caFile [Required]string | Trusted root certificates for server |
certData [Required][]byte | CertData holds PEM-encoded bytes (typically read from a client certificate file). CertData takes precedence over CertFile |
keyData [Required][]byte | KeyData holds PEM-encoded bytes (typically read from a client certificate key file). KeyData takes precedence over KeyFile |
caData [Required][]byte | CAData holds PEM-encoded bytes (typically read from a root certificates bundle). CAData takes precedence over CAFile |
Appears in:
KubeSchedulerProfile is a scheduling profile.
Field | Description |
schedulerName [Required]string | SchedulerName is the name of the scheduler associated to this profile. If SchedulerName matches with the pod's "spec.schedulerName", then the pod is scheduled with this profile. |
percentageOfNodesToScore [Required]int32 | PercentageOfNodesToScore is the percentage of all nodes that once found feasible for running a pod, the scheduler stops its search for more feasible nodes in the cluster. This helps improve scheduler's performance. Scheduler always tries to find at least "minFeasibleNodesToFind" feasible nodes no matter what the value of this flag is. Example: if the cluster size is 500 nodes and the value of this flag is 30, then scheduler stops finding further feasible nodes once it finds 150 feasible ones. When the value is 0, default percentage (5%--50% based on the size of the cluster) of the nodes will be scored. It will override global PercentageOfNodesToScore. If it is empty, global PercentageOfNodesToScore will be used. |
plugins [Required]Plugins | Plugins specify the set of plugins that should be enabled or disabled. Enabled plugins are the ones that should be enabled in addition to the default plugins. Disabled plugins are any of the default plugins that should be disabled. When no enabled or disabled plugin is specified for an extension point, default plugins for that extension point will be used if there is any. If a QueueSort plugin is specified, the same QueueSort Plugin and PluginConfig must be specified for all profiles. |
pluginConfig [Required][]PluginConfig | PluginConfig is an optional set of custom plugin arguments for each plugin. Omitting config args for a plugin is equivalent to using the default config for that plugin. |
Appears in:
Plugin specifies a plugin name and its weight when applicable. Weight is used only for Score plugins.
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | Name defines the name of plugin |
weight [Required]int32 | Weight defines the weight of plugin, only used for Score plugins. |
Appears in:
PluginConfig specifies arguments that should be passed to a plugin at the time of initialization. A plugin that is invoked at multiple extension points is initialized once. Args can have arbitrary structure. It is up to the plugin to process these Args.
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | Name defines the name of plugin being configured |
args [Required] | Args defines the arguments passed to the plugins at the time of initialization. Args can have arbitrary structure. |
Appears in:
PluginSet specifies enabled and disabled plugins for an extension point. If an array is empty, missing, or nil, default plugins at that extension point will be used.
Field | Description |
enabled [Required][]Plugin | Enabled specifies plugins that should be enabled in addition to default plugins. If the default plugin is also configured in the scheduler config file, the weight of plugin will be overridden accordingly. These are called after default plugins and in the same order specified here. |
disabled [Required][]Plugin | Disabled specifies default plugins that should be disabled. When all default plugins need to be disabled, an array containing only one "*" should be provided. |
Appears in:
Plugins include multiple extension points. When specified, the list of plugins for a particular extension point are the only ones enabled. If an extension point is omitted from the config, then the default set of plugins is used for that extension point. Enabled plugins are called in the order specified here, after default plugins. If they need to be invoked before default plugins, default plugins must be disabled and re-enabled here in desired order.
Field | Description |
preEnqueue [Required]PluginSet | PreEnqueue is a list of plugins that should be invoked before adding pods to the scheduling queue. |
queueSort [Required]PluginSet | QueueSort is a list of plugins that should be invoked when sorting pods in the scheduling queue. |
preFilter [Required]PluginSet | PreFilter is a list of plugins that should be invoked at "PreFilter" extension point of the scheduling framework. |
filter [Required]PluginSet | Filter is a list of plugins that should be invoked when filtering out nodes that cannot run the Pod. |
postFilter [Required]PluginSet | PostFilter is a list of plugins that are invoked after filtering phase, but only when no feasible nodes were found for the pod. |
preScore [Required]PluginSet | PreScore is a list of plugins that are invoked before scoring. |
score [Required]PluginSet | Score is a list of plugins that should be invoked when ranking nodes that have passed the filtering phase. |
reserve [Required]PluginSet | Reserve is a list of plugins invoked when reserving/unreserving resources after a node is assigned to run the pod. |
permit [Required]PluginSet | Permit is a list of plugins that control binding of a Pod. These plugins can prevent or delay binding of a Pod. |
preBind [Required]PluginSet | PreBind is a list of plugins that should be invoked before a pod is bound. |
bind [Required]PluginSet | Bind is a list of plugins that should be invoked at "Bind" extension point of the scheduling framework. The scheduler call these plugins in order. Scheduler skips the rest of these plugins as soon as one returns success. |
postBind [Required]PluginSet | PostBind is a list of plugins that should be invoked after a pod is successfully bound. |
multiPoint [Required]PluginSet | MultiPoint is a simplified config section to enable plugins for all valid extension points. Plugins enabled through MultiPoint will automatically register for every individual extension point the plugin has implemented. Disabling a plugin through MultiPoint disables that behavior. The same is true for disabling "*" through MultiPoint (no default plugins will be automatically registered). Plugins can still be disabled through their individual extension points. In terms of precedence, plugin config follows this basic hierarchy
(Alias of string
Appears in:
PodTopologySpreadConstraintsDefaulting defines how to set default constraints for the PodTopologySpread plugin.
Appears in:
RequestedToCapacityRatioParam define RequestedToCapacityRatio parameters
Field | Description |
shape [Required][]UtilizationShapePoint | Shape is a list of points defining the scoring function shape. |
Appears in:
ResourceSpec represents a single resource.
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | Name of the resource. |
weight [Required]int64 | Weight of the resource. |
Appears in:
ScoringStrategy define ScoringStrategyType for node resource plugin
Field | Description |
type [Required]ScoringStrategyType | Type selects which strategy to run. |
resources [Required][]ResourceSpec | Resources to consider when scoring. The default resource set includes "cpu" and "memory" with an equal weight. Allowed weights go from 1 to 100. Weight defaults to 1 if not specified or explicitly set to 0. |
requestedToCapacityRatio [Required]RequestedToCapacityRatioParam | Arguments specific to RequestedToCapacityRatio strategy. |
(Alias of string
Appears in:
ScoringStrategyType the type of scoring strategy used in NodeResourcesFit plugin.
Appears in:
UtilizationShapePoint represents single point of priority function shape.
Field | Description |
utilization [Required]int32 | Utilization (x axis). Valid values are 0 to 100. Fully utilized node maps to 100. |
score [Required]int32 | Score assigned to given utilization (y axis). Valid values are 0 to 10. |
13 - kubeadm Configuration (v1beta3)
Package v1beta3 defines the v1beta3 version of the kubeadm configuration file format. This version improves on the v1beta2 format by fixing some minor issues and adding a few new fields.
A list of changes since v1beta2:
- The deprecated "ClusterConfiguration.useHyperKubeImage" field has been removed. Kubeadm no longer supports the hyperkube image.
- The "ClusterConfiguration.dns.type" field has been removed since CoreDNS is the only supported DNS server type by kubeadm.
- Include "datapolicy" tags on the fields that hold secrets. This would result in the field values to be omitted when API structures are printed with klog.
- Add "InitConfiguration.skipPhases", "JoinConfiguration.skipPhases" to allow skipping a list of phases during kubeadm init/join command execution.
- Add "InitConfiguration.nodeRegistration.imagePullPolicy" and "JoinConfiguration.nodeRegistration.imagePullPolicy" to allow specifying the images pull policy during kubeadm "init" and "join". The value must be one of "Always", "Never" or "IfNotPresent". "IfNotPresent" is the default, which has been the existing behavior prior to this addition.
- Add "", "" to allow the user to configure a directory from which to take patches for components deployed by kubeadm.
- Move the BootstrapToken* API and related utilities out of the "kubeadm" API group to a new group "bootstraptoken". The kubeadm API version v1beta3 no longer contains the BootstrapToken* structures.
Migration from old kubeadm config versions
- kubeadm v1.15.x and newer can be used to migrate from v1beta1 to v1beta2.
- kubeadm v1.22.x and newer no longer support v1beta1 and older APIs, but can be used to migrate v1beta2 to v1beta3.
- kubeadm v1.27.x and newer no longer support v1beta2 and older APIs,
The preferred way to configure kubeadm is to pass an YAML configuration file with the --config
option. Some of the
configuration options defined in the kubeadm config file are also available as command line flags, but only
the most common/simple use case are supported with this approach.
A kubeadm config file could contain multiple configuration types separated using three dashes (---
kubeadm supports the following configuration types:
apiVersion: kind: InitConfiguration apiVersion: kind: ClusterConfiguration apiVersion: kind: KubeletConfiguration apiVersion: kind: KubeProxyConfiguration apiVersion: kind: JoinConfiguration
To print the defaults for "init" and "join" actions use the following commands:
kubeadm config print init-defaults kubeadm config print join-defaults
The list of configuration types that must be included in a configuration file depends by the action you are
performing (init
or join
) and by the configuration options you are going to use (defaults or advanced
If some configuration types are not provided, or provided only partially, kubeadm will use default values; defaults
provided by kubeadm includes also enforcing consistency of values across components when required (e.g.
flag on controller manager and clusterCIDR
on kube-proxy).
Users are always allowed to override default values, with the only exception of a small subset of setting with relevance for security (e.g. enforce authorization-mode Node and RBAC on api server).
If the user provides a configuration types that is not expected for the action you are performing, kubeadm will ignore those types and print a warning.
Kubeadm init configuration types
When executing kubeadm init with the --config
option, the following configuration types could be used:
InitConfiguration, ClusterConfiguration, KubeProxyConfiguration, KubeletConfiguration, but only one
between InitConfiguration and ClusterConfiguration is mandatory.
apiVersion: kind: InitConfiguration bootstrapTokens: ... nodeRegistration: ...
The InitConfiguration type should be used to configure runtime settings, that in case of kubeadm init are the configuration of the bootstrap token and all the setting which are specific to the node where kubeadm is executed, including:
NodeRegistration, that holds fields that relate to registering the new node to the cluster; use it to customize the node name, the CRI socket to use or any other settings that should apply to this node only (e.g. the node ip).
LocalAPIEndpoint, that represents the endpoint of the instance of the API server to be deployed on this node; use it e.g. to customize the API server advertise address.
apiVersion: kind: ClusterConfiguration networking: ... etcd: ... apiServer: extraArgs: ... extraVolumes: ... ...
The ClusterConfiguration type should be used to configure cluster-wide settings, including settings for:
that holds configuration for the networking topology of the cluster; use it e.g. to customize Pod subnet or services subnet.etcd
: use it e.g. to customize the local etcd or to configure the API server for using an external etcd cluster.kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, kube-controller-manager configurations; use it to customize control-plane components by adding customized setting or overriding kubeadm default settings.
apiVersion: kind: KubeProxyConfiguration ...
The KubeProxyConfiguration type should be used to change the configuration passed to kube-proxy instances deployed in the cluster. If this object is not provided or provided only partially, kubeadm applies defaults.
See or for kube-proxy official documentation.
apiVersion: kind: KubeletConfiguration ...
The KubeletConfiguration type should be used to change the configurations that will be passed to all kubelet instances deployed in the cluster. If this object is not provided or provided only partially, kubeadm applies defaults.
See or for kubelet official documentation.
Here is a fully populated example of a single YAML file containing multiple
configuration types to be used during a kubeadm init
apiVersion: kind: InitConfiguration bootstrapTokens: - token: "9a08jv.c0izixklcxtmnze7" description: "kubeadm bootstrap token" ttl: "24h" - token: "783bde.3f89s0fje9f38fhf" description: "another bootstrap token" usages: - authentication - signing groups: - system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token nodeRegistration: name: "ec2-10-100-0-1" criSocket: "/var/run/dockershim.sock" taints: - key: "kubeadmNode" value: "someValue" effect: "NoSchedule" kubeletExtraArgs: v: 4 ignorePreflightErrors: - IsPrivilegedUser imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent" localAPIEndpoint: advertiseAddress: "" bindPort: 6443 certificateKey: "e6a2eb8581237ab72a4f494f30285ec12a9694d750b9785706a83bfcbbbd2204" skipPhases: - addon/kube-proxy --- apiVersion: kind: ClusterConfiguration etcd: # one of local or external local: imageRepository: "" imageTag: "3.2.24" dataDir: "/var/lib/etcd" extraArgs: listen-client-urls: "" serverCertSANs: - "" peerCertSANs: - "" # external: # endpoints: # - "" # - "" # caFile: "/etcd/kubernetes/pki/etcd/etcd-ca.crt" # certFile: "/etcd/kubernetes/pki/etcd/etcd.crt" # keyFile: "/etcd/kubernetes/pki/etcd/etcd.key" networking: serviceSubnet: "" podSubnet: "" dnsDomain: "cluster.local" kubernetesVersion: "v1.21.0" controlPlaneEndpoint: "" apiServer: extraArgs: authorization-mode: "Node,RBAC" extraVolumes: - name: "some-volume" hostPath: "/etc/some-path" mountPath: "/etc/some-pod-path" readOnly: false pathType: File certSANs: - "" - "" timeoutForControlPlane: 4m0s controllerManager: extraArgs: "node-cidr-mask-size": "20" extraVolumes: - name: "some-volume" hostPath: "/etc/some-path" mountPath: "/etc/some-pod-path" readOnly: false pathType: File scheduler: extraArgs: bind-address: "" extraVolumes: - name: "some-volume" hostPath: "/etc/some-path" mountPath: "/etc/some-pod-path" readOnly: false pathType: File certificatesDir: "/etc/kubernetes/pki" imageRepository: "" clusterName: "example-cluster" --- apiVersion: kind: KubeletConfiguration # kubelet specific options here --- apiVersion: kind: KubeProxyConfiguration # kube-proxy specific options here
Kubeadm join configuration types
When executing kubeadm join
with the --config
option, the JoinConfiguration type should be provided.
apiVersion: kind: JoinConfiguration ...
The JoinConfiguration type should be used to configure runtime settings, that in case of kubeadm join
are the discovery method used for accessing the cluster info and all the setting which are specific
to the node where kubeadm is executed, including:
, that holds fields that relate to registering the new node to the cluster; use it to customize the node name, the CRI socket to use or any other settings that should apply to this node only (e.g. the node ip).apiEndpoint
, that represents the endpoint of the instance of the API server to be eventually deployed on this node.
Resource Types
Appears in:
BootstrapToken describes one bootstrap token, stored as a Secret in the cluster
Field | Description |
token [Required]BootstrapTokenString |
description string |
ttl meta/v1.Duration |
expires meta/v1.Time |
usages []string |
groups []string |
Appears in:
BootstrapTokenString is a token of the format abcdef.abcdef0123456789
that is used
for both validation of the practically of the API server from a joining node's point
of view and as an authentication method for the node in the bootstrap phase of
"kubeadm join". This token is and should be short-lived.
Field | Description |
- [Required]string | No description provided. |
- [Required]string | No description provided. |
ClusterConfiguration contains cluster-wide configuration for a kubeadm cluster.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | ClusterConfiguration |
etcd Etcd |
networking Networking |
kubernetesVersion string |
controlPlaneEndpoint string |
apiServer APIServer |
controllerManager ControlPlaneComponent |
scheduler ControlPlaneComponent |
dns DNS |
certificatesDir string |
imageRepository string |
featureGates map[string]bool |
clusterName string | The cluster name. |
InitConfiguration contains a list of elements that is specific "kubeadm init"-only runtime
kubeadm init
-only information. These fields are solely used the first time kubeadm init
After that, the information in the fields IS NOT uploaded to the kubeadm-config
that is used by kubeadm upgrade
for instance. These fields must be omitempty.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | InitConfiguration |
bootstrapTokens []BootstrapToken |
nodeRegistration NodeRegistrationOptions |
localAPIEndpoint APIEndpoint |
certificateKey string |
skipPhases []string |
patches Patches |
JoinConfiguration contains elements describing a particular node.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | JoinConfiguration |
nodeRegistration NodeRegistrationOptions |
caCertPath string |
discovery [Required]Discovery |
controlPlane JoinControlPlane |
skipPhases []string |
patches Patches |
Appears in:
APIEndpoint struct contains elements of API server instance deployed on a node.
Field | Description |
advertiseAddress string |
bindPort int32 |
Appears in:
APIServer holds settings necessary for API server deployments in the cluster
Field | Description |
ControlPlaneComponent [Required]ControlPlaneComponent | (Members of ControlPlaneComponent are embedded into this type.)
No description provided. |
certSANs []string |
timeoutForControlPlane meta/v1.Duration |
Appears in:
BootstrapTokenDiscovery is used to set the options for bootstrap token based discovery.
Field | Description |
token [Required]string |
apiServerEndpoint string |
caCertHashes []string |
unsafeSkipCAVerification bool |
Appears in:
ControlPlaneComponent holds settings common to control plane component of the cluster
Field | Description |
extraArgs map[string]string |
extraVolumes []HostPathMount |
Appears in:
DNS defines the DNS addon that should be used in the cluster
Field | Description |
ImageMeta [Required]ImageMeta | (Members of ImageMeta are embedded into this type.)
Appears in:
Discovery specifies the options for the kubelet to use during the TLS Bootstrap process.
Field | Description |
bootstrapToken BootstrapTokenDiscovery |
file FileDiscovery |
tlsBootstrapToken string |
timeout meta/v1.Duration |
Appears in:
Etcd contains elements describing Etcd configuration.
Field | Description |
local LocalEtcd |
external ExternalEtcd |
Appears in:
ExternalEtcd describes an external etcd cluster. Kubeadm has no knowledge of where certificate files live and they must be supplied.
Field | Description |
endpoints [Required][]string |
caFile [Required]string |
certFile [Required]string |
keyFile [Required]string |
Appears in:
FileDiscovery is used to specify a file or URL to a kubeconfig file from which to load cluster information.
Field | Description |
kubeConfigPath [Required]string |
Appears in:
HostPathMount contains elements describing volumes that are mounted from the host.
Field | Description |
name [Required]string |
hostPath [Required]string |
mountPath [Required]string |
readOnly bool |
pathType core/v1.HostPathType |
Appears in:
ImageMeta allows to customize the image used for components that are not originated from the Kubernetes/Kubernetes release process
Field | Description |
imageRepository string |
imageTag string |
Appears in:
JoinControlPlane contains elements describing an additional control plane instance to be deployed on the joining node.
Field | Description |
localAPIEndpoint APIEndpoint |
certificateKey string |
Appears in:
LocalEtcd describes that kubeadm should run an etcd cluster locally.
Field | Description |
ImageMeta [Required]ImageMeta | (Members of ImageMeta are embedded into this type.)ImageMeta allows to customize the container used for etcd. |
dataDir [Required]string |
extraArgs map[string]string |
serverCertSANs []string |
peerCertSANs []string |
Appears in:
Networking contains elements describing cluster's networking configuration.
Field | Description |
serviceSubnet string |
podSubnet string |
dnsDomain string |
Appears in:
NodeRegistrationOptions holds fields that relate to registering a new control-plane or
node to the cluster, either via kubeadm init
or kubeadm join
Field | Description |
name string |
criSocket string |
taints [Required][]core/v1.Taint |
kubeletExtraArgs map[string]string |
ignorePreflightErrors []string |
imagePullPolicy core/v1.PullPolicy |
Appears in:
Patches contains options related to applying patches to components deployed by kubeadm.
Field | Description |
directory string |
14 - kubeadm Configuration (v1beta4)
Package v1beta4 defines the v1beta4 version of the kubeadm configuration file format. This version improves on the v1beta3 format by fixing some minor issues and adding a few new fields.
A list of changes since v1beta3:
- Support custom environment variables in control plane components under
. UseapiServer.extraEnvs
. - The
API type is now supported in v1beta4. Users are able to reset a node by passing a--config
file tokubeadm reset
. - Dry run mode is now configureable in
B. - Replace the existing string/string extra argument maps with structured extra arguments
that support duplicates. The change applies to
. Also tonodeRegistration.kubeletExtraArgs
. - Add
that can be used to set the asymmetric encryption algorithm used for this cluster's keys and certificates. Can be one of"RSA-2048"
. - Add
that can be used to disable the CoreDNS and kube-proxy addons during cluster initialization. Skipping the related addons phases, during cluster creation will set the same fields totrue
. - Add the
field inInitConfiguration
, which can be used to control if kubeadm pulls images serially or in parallel. - The
kubeadm API is now supported in v1beta4 when passing--config
tokubeadm upgrade
subcommands. Usage of component configuration forkubelet
is deprecated and will be ignored when passing--config
subcommands. - Add a
structure toInitConfiguration
that can be used to configure various timeouts. TheClusterConfiguration.timeoutForControlPlane
field is replaced byTimeouts.controlPlaneComponentHealthCheck
. TheJoinConfiguration.discovery.timeout
is replaced bytimeouts.Discovery
. - Add a
fields toClusterConfiguration
. These fields can be used to control the validity period of certificates generated by kubeadm during sub-commands such asinit
. Default values continue to be 1 year for non-CA certificates and 10 years for CA certificates. Only non-CA certificates continue to be renewable bykubeadm certs renew
Migration from old kubeadm config versions
- kubeadm v1.15.x and newer can be used to migrate from v1beta1 to v1beta2.
- kubeadm v1.22.x and newer no longer support v1beta1 and older APIs, but can be used to migrate v1beta2 to v1beta3.
- kubeadm v1.27.x and newer no longer support v1beta2 and older APIs.
- kubeadm v1.31.x and newer can be used to migrate from v1beta3 to v1beta4.
The preferred way to configure kubeadm is to pass an YAML configuration file with
the --config
option. Some of the configuration options defined in the kubeadm
config file are also available as command line flags, but only the most
common/simple use case are supported with this approach.
A kubeadm config file could contain multiple configuration types separated using three dashes (---
kubeadm supports the following configuration types:
apiVersion: kind: InitConfiguration
apiVersion: kind: ClusterConfiguration
apiVersion: kind: KubeletConfiguration
apiVersion: kind: KubeProxyConfiguration
apiVersion: kind: JoinConfiguration
apiVersion: kind: ResetConfiguration
apiVersion: kind: UpgradeConfiguration
To print the defaults for init
and join
actions use the following commands:
kubeadm config print init-defaults kubeadm config print join-defaults kubeadm config print reset-defaults kubeadm config print upgrade-defaults
The list of configuration types that must be included in a configuration file depends by the action you are
performing (init
or join
) and by the configuration options you are going to use (defaults or advanced customization).
If some configuration types are not provided, or provided only partially, kubeadm will use default values; defaults
provided by kubeadm includes also enforcing consistency of values across components when required (e.g.
flag on controller manager and clusterCIDR
on kube-proxy).
Users are always allowed to override default values, with the only exception of a small subset of setting with relevance for security (e.g. enforce authorization-mode Node and RBAC on api server).
If the user provides a configuration types that is not expected for the action you are performing, kubeadm will ignore those types and print a warning.
Kubeadm init configuration types
When executing kubeadm init with the --config
option, the following configuration types could be used:
InitConfiguration, ClusterConfiguration, KubeProxyConfiguration, KubeletConfiguration, but only one
between InitConfiguration and ClusterConfiguration is mandatory.
apiVersion: kind: InitConfiguration bootstrapTokens: ... nodeRegistration: ...
The InitConfiguration type should be used to configure runtime settings, that in case of kubeadm init are the configuration of the bootstrap token and all the setting which are specific to the node where kubeadm is executed, including:
NodeRegistration, that holds fields that relate to registering the new node to the cluster; use it to customize the node name, the CRI socket to use or any other settings that should apply to this node only (e.g. the node ip).
LocalAPIEndpoint, that represents the endpoint of the instance of the API server to be deployed on this node; use it e.g. to customize the API server advertise address.
apiVersion: kind: ClusterConfiguration networking: ... etcd: ... apiServer: extraArgs: ... extraVolumes: ... ...
The ClusterConfiguration type should be used to configure cluster-wide settings, including settings for:
that holds configuration for the networking topology of the cluster; use it e.g. to customize Pod subnet or services subnet.etcd
: use it e.g. to customize the local etcd or to configure the API server for using an external etcd cluster.kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, kube-controller-manager configurations; use it to customize control-plane components by adding customized setting or overriding kubeadm default settings.
apiVersion: kind: KubeProxyConfiguration ...
The KubeProxyConfiguration type should be used to change the configuration passed to kube-proxy instances deployed in the cluster. If this object is not provided or provided only partially, kubeadm applies defaults.
See or for kube-proxy official documentation.
apiVersion: kind: KubeletConfiguration ...
The KubeletConfiguration type should be used to change the configurations that will be passed to all kubelet instances deployed in the cluster. If this object is not provided or provided only partially, kubeadm applies defaults.
See or for kubelet official documentation.
Here is a fully populated example of a single YAML file containing multiple
configuration types to be used during a kubeadm init
apiVersion: kind: InitConfiguration bootstrapTokens: - token: "9a08jv.c0izixklcxtmnze7" description: "kubeadm bootstrap token" ttl: "24h" - token: "783bde.3f89s0fje9f38fhf" description: "another bootstrap token" usages: - authentication - signing groups: - system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token nodeRegistration: name: "ec2-10-100-0-1" criSocket: "unix:///var/run/containerd/containerd.sock" taints: - key: "kubeadmNode" value: "someValue" effect: "NoSchedule" kubeletExtraArgs: - name: v value: "5" ignorePreflightErrors: - IsPrivilegedUser imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent" imagePullSerial: true localAPIEndpoint: advertiseAddress: "" bindPort: 6443 certificateKey: "e6a2eb8581237ab72a4f494f30285ec12a9694d750b9785706a83bfcbbbd2204" skipPhases: - preflight timeouts: controlPlaneComponentHealthCheck: "60s" kubenetesAPICall: "40s" --- apiVersion: kind: ClusterConfiguration etcd: # one of local or external local: imageRepository: "" imageTag: "3.2.24" dataDir: "/var/lib/etcd" extraArgs: - name: listen-client-urls value: extraEnvs: - name: SOME_VAR value: SOME_VALUE serverCertSANs: - peerCertSANs: - # external: # endpoints: # - # - # caFile: "/etcd/kubernetes/pki/etcd/etcd-ca.crt" # certFile: "/etcd/kubernetes/pki/etcd/etcd.crt" # keyFile: "/etcd/kubernetes/pki/etcd/etcd.key" networking: serviceSubnet: "" podSubnet: "" dnsDomain: "cluster.local" kubernetesVersion: "v1.21.0" controlPlaneEndpoint: "" apiServer: extraArgs: - name: authorization-mode value: Node,RBAC extraEnvs: - name: SOME_VAR value: SOME_VALUE extraVolumes: - name: "some-volume" hostPath: "/etc/some-path" mountPath: "/etc/some-pod-path" readOnly: false pathType: File certSANs: - "" - "" controllerManager: extraArgs: - name: node-cidr-mask-size value: "20" extraVolumes: - name: "some-volume" hostPath: "/etc/some-path" mountPath: "/etc/some-pod-path" readOnly: false pathType: File scheduler: extraArgs: - name: address value: extraVolumes: - name: "some-volume" hostPath: "/etc/some-path" mountPath: "/etc/some-pod-path" readOnly: false pathType: File certificatesDir: "/etc/kubernetes/pki" imageRepository: "" clusterName: "example-cluster" encryptionAlgorithm: ECDSA-P256 dns: disabled: true # disable CoreDNS proxy: disabled: true # disable kube-proxy --- apiVersion: kind: KubeletConfiguration # kubelet specific options here --- apiVersion: kind: KubeProxyConfiguration # kube-proxy specific options here
Kubeadm join configuration types
When executing kubeadm join with the --config option, the JoinConfiguration type should be provided.
apiVersion: kind: JoinConfiguration discovery: bootstrapToken: apiServerEndpoint: some-address:6443 token: abcdef.0123456789abcdef unsafeSkipCAVerification: true tlsBootstrapToken: abcdef.0123456789abcdef
The JoinConfiguration type should be used to configure runtime settings, that in case of kubeadm join are the discovery method used for accessing the cluster info and all the setting which are specific to the node where kubeadm is executed, including:
, that holds fields that relate to registering the new node to the cluster; use it to customize the node name, the CRI socket to use or any other settings that should apply to this node only (e.g. the node ip).apiEndpoint
, that represents the endpoint of the instance of the API server to be eventually deployed on this node.
Kubeadm reset configuration types
When executing kubeadm reset
with the --config
option, the ResetConfiguration
type should be provided.
apiVersion: kind: ResetConfiguration ...
Kubeadm upgrade configuration types
When executing kubeadm upgrade
with the --config
option, the UpgradeConfiguration
type should be provided.
apiVersion: kind: UpgradeConfiguration apply: ... diff: ... node: ... plan: ...
The UpgradeConfiguration
structure includes a few substructures that only apply to different subcommands of
kubeadm upgrade
. For example, the apply
substructure will be used with the kubeadm upgrade apply
and all other substructures will be ignored in such a case.
Resource Types
Appears in:
BootstrapToken describes one bootstrap token, stored as a Secret in the cluster
Field | Description |
token [Required]BootstrapTokenString |
description string |
ttl meta/v1.Duration |
expires meta/v1.Time |
usages []string |
groups []string |
Appears in:
BootstrapTokenString is a token of the format abcdef.abcdef0123456789
that is used
for both validation of the practically of the API server from a joining node's point
of view and as an authentication method for the node in the bootstrap phase of
"kubeadm join". This token is and should be short-lived.
Field | Description |
- [Required]string | No description provided. |
- [Required]string | No description provided. |
ClusterConfiguration contains cluster-wide configuration for a kubeadm cluster.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | ClusterConfiguration |
etcd Etcd |
networking Networking |
kubernetesVersion string |
controlPlaneEndpoint string |
apiServer APIServer |
controllerManager ControlPlaneComponent |
scheduler ControlPlaneComponent |
dns DNS |
proxy [Required]Proxy |
certificatesDir string |
imageRepository string |
featureGates map[string]bool |
clusterName string | The cluster name. |
encryptionAlgorithm EncryptionAlgorithmType |
certificateValidityPeriod meta/v1.Duration |
caCertificateValidityPeriod meta/v1.Duration |
InitConfiguration contains a list of elements that is specific "kubeadm init"-only runtime
kubeadm init
-only information. These fields are solely used the first time kubeadm init
After that, the information in the fields IS NOT uploaded to the kubeadm-config
that is used by kubeadm upgrade
for instance. These fields must be omitempty.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | InitConfiguration |
bootstrapTokens []BootstrapToken |
dryRun [Required]bool |
nodeRegistration NodeRegistrationOptions |
localAPIEndpoint APIEndpoint |
certificateKey string |
skipPhases []string |
patches Patches |
timeouts Timeouts |
JoinConfiguration contains elements describing a particular node.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | JoinConfiguration |
dryRun bool |
nodeRegistration NodeRegistrationOptions |
caCertPath string |
discovery [Required]Discovery |
controlPlane JoinControlPlane |
skipPhases []string |
patches Patches |
timeouts Timeouts |
ResetConfiguration contains a list of fields that are specifically kubeadm reset
runtime information.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | ResetConfiguration |
cleanupTmpDir bool |
certificatesDir string |
criSocket string |
dryRun bool |
force bool | The |
ignorePreflightErrors []string |
skipPhases []string |
unmountFlags []string |
timeouts Timeouts | Timeouts holds various timeouts that apply to kubeadm commands. |
UpgradeConfiguration contains a list of options that are specific to kubeadm upgrade
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | UpgradeConfiguration |
apply UpgradeApplyConfiguration |
diff UpgradeDiffConfiguration |
node UpgradeNodeConfiguration |
plan UpgradePlanConfiguration |
timeouts Timeouts |
Appears in:
APIEndpoint struct contains elements of API server instance deployed on a node.
Field | Description |
advertiseAddress string |
bindPort int32 |
Appears in:
APIServer holds settings necessary for API server deployments in the cluster
Field | Description |
ControlPlaneComponent [Required]ControlPlaneComponent | (Members of ControlPlaneComponent are embedded into this type.)
No description provided. |
certSANs []string |
Appears in:
Arg represents an argument with a name and a value.
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | The name of the argument. |
value [Required]string | The value of the argument. |
Appears in:
BootstrapTokenDiscovery is used to set the options for bootstrap token based discovery.
Field | Description |
token [Required]string |
apiServerEndpoint string |
caCertHashes []string |
unsafeSkipCAVerification bool |
Appears in:
ControlPlaneComponent holds settings common to control plane component of the cluster
Field | Description |
extraArgs []Arg |
extraVolumes []HostPathMount |
extraEnvs []EnvVar |
Appears in:
DNS defines the DNS addon that should be used in the cluster
Field | Description |
ImageMeta [Required]ImageMeta | (Members of ImageMeta are embedded into this type.)
disabled [Required]bool |
Appears in:
Discovery specifies the options for the kubelet to use during the TLS Bootstrap process
Field | Description |
bootstrapToken BootstrapTokenDiscovery |
file FileDiscovery |
tlsBootstrapToken string |
(Alias of string
Appears in:
EncryptionAlgorithmType can define an asymmetric encryption algorithm type.
Appears in:
EnvVar represents an environment variable present in a Container.
Field | Description |
EnvVar [Required]core/v1.EnvVar | (Members of EnvVar are embedded into this type.)
No description provided. |
Appears in:
Etcd contains elements describing Etcd configuration.
Field | Description |
local LocalEtcd |
external ExternalEtcd |
Appears in:
ExternalEtcd describes an external etcd cluster. Kubeadm has no knowledge of where certificate files live and they must be supplied.
Field | Description |
endpoints [Required][]string |
caFile [Required]string |
certFile [Required]string |
keyFile [Required]string |
Appears in:
FileDiscovery is used to specify a file or URL to a kubeconfig file from which to load cluster information.
Field | Description |
kubeConfigPath [Required]string |
Appears in:
HostPathMount contains elements describing volumes that are mounted from the host.
Field | Description |
name [Required]string |
hostPath [Required]string |
mountPath [Required]string |
readOnly bool |
pathType core/v1.HostPathType |
Appears in:
ImageMeta allows to customize the image used for components that are not originated from the Kubernetes/Kubernetes release process
Field | Description |
imageRepository string |
imageTag string |
Appears in:
JoinControlPlane contains elements describing an additional control plane instance to be deployed on the joining node.
Field | Description |
localAPIEndpoint APIEndpoint |
certificateKey string |
Appears in:
LocalEtcd describes that kubeadm should run an etcd cluster locally.
Field | Description |
ImageMeta [Required]ImageMeta | (Members of ImageMeta are embedded into this type.)ImageMeta allows to customize the container used for etcd |
dataDir [Required]string |
extraArgs [Required][]Arg |
extraEnvs []EnvVar |
serverCertSANs []string |
peerCertSANs []string |
Appears in:
Networking contains elements describing cluster's networking configuration.
Field | Description |
serviceSubnet string |
podSubnet string |
dnsDomain string |
Appears in:
NodeRegistrationOptions holds fields that relate to registering a new control-plane or
node to the cluster, either via kubeadm init
or kubeadm join
Field | Description |
name string |
criSocket string |
taints [Required][]core/v1.Taint |
kubeletExtraArgs []Arg |
ignorePreflightErrors []string |
imagePullPolicy core/v1.PullPolicy |
imagePullSerial bool |
Appears in:
Patches contains options related to applying patches to components deployed by kubeadm.
Field | Description |
directory string |
Appears in:
Proxy defines the proxy addon that should be used in the cluster.
Field | Description |
disabled [Required]bool |
Appears in:
Timeouts holds various timeouts that apply to kubeadm commands.
Field | Description |
controlPlaneComponentHealthCheck meta/v1.Duration |
kubeletHealthCheck meta/v1.Duration |
kubernetesAPICall meta/v1.Duration |
etcdAPICall meta/v1.Duration |
tlsBootstrap meta/v1.Duration |
discovery meta/v1.Duration |
upgradeManifests [Required]meta/v1.Duration |
Appears in:
UpgradeApplyConfiguration contains a list of configurable options which are specific to the "kubeadm upgrade apply" command.
Field | Description |
kubernetesVersion string |
allowExperimentalUpgrades bool |
allowRCUpgrades bool | Enable |
certificateRenewal bool |
dryRun bool |
etcdUpgrade bool |
forceUpgrade bool |
ignorePreflightErrors []string |
patches Patches |
printConfig bool |
skipPhases [Required][]string |
imagePullPolicy core/v1.PullPolicy |
imagePullSerial bool |
Appears in:
UpgradeDiffConfiguration contains a list of configurable options which are specific to the kubeadm upgrade diff
Field | Description |
kubernetesVersion string |
contextLines int |
Appears in:
UpgradeNodeConfiguration contains a list of configurable options which are specific to the "kubeadm upgrade node" command.
Field | Description |
certificateRenewal bool |
dryRun bool |
etcdUpgrade bool |
ignorePreflightErrors []string |
skipPhases []string |
patches Patches |
imagePullPolicy core/v1.PullPolicy |
imagePullSerial bool |
Appears in:
UpgradePlanConfiguration contains a list of configurable options which are specific to the "kubeadm upgrade plan" command.
Field | Description |
kubernetesVersion [Required]string |
allowExperimentalUpgrades bool |
allowRCUpgrades bool | Enable |
dryRun bool |
ignorePreflightErrors []string |
printConfig bool |
15 - kubeconfig (v1)
Resource Types
Config holds the information needed to build connect to remote kubernetes clusters as a given user
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | /v1 |
kind string | Config |
kind string | Legacy field from pkg/api/types.go TypeMeta. TODO(jlowdermilk): remove this after eliminating downstream dependencies. |
apiVersion string | Legacy field from pkg/api/types.go TypeMeta. TODO(jlowdermilk): remove this after eliminating downstream dependencies. |
preferences [Required]Preferences | Preferences holds general information to be use for cli interactions |
clusters [Required][]NamedCluster | Clusters is a map of referencable names to cluster configs |
users [Required][]NamedAuthInfo | AuthInfos is a map of referencable names to user configs |
contexts [Required][]NamedContext | Contexts is a map of referencable names to context configs |
current-context [Required]string | CurrentContext is the name of the context that you would like to use by default |
extensions []NamedExtension | Extensions holds additional information. This is useful for extenders so that reads and writes don't clobber unknown fields |
Appears in:
AuthInfo contains information that describes identity information. This is use to tell the kubernetes cluster who you are.
Field | Description |
client-certificate string | ClientCertificate is the path to a client cert file for TLS. |
client-certificate-data []byte | ClientCertificateData contains PEM-encoded data from a client cert file for TLS. Overrides ClientCertificate |
client-key string | ClientKey is the path to a client key file for TLS. |
client-key-data []byte | ClientKeyData contains PEM-encoded data from a client key file for TLS. Overrides ClientKey |
token string | Token is the bearer token for authentication to the kubernetes cluster. |
tokenFile string | TokenFile is a pointer to a file that contains a bearer token (as described above). If both Token and TokenFile are present, Token takes precedence. |
as string | Impersonate is the username to impersonate. The name matches the flag. |
as-uid string | ImpersonateUID is the uid to impersonate. |
as-groups []string | ImpersonateGroups is the groups to impersonate. |
as-user-extra map[string][]string | ImpersonateUserExtra contains additional information for impersonated user. |
username string | Username is the username for basic authentication to the kubernetes cluster. |
password string | Password is the password for basic authentication to the kubernetes cluster. |
auth-provider AuthProviderConfig | AuthProvider specifies a custom authentication plugin for the kubernetes cluster. |
exec ExecConfig | Exec specifies a custom exec-based authentication plugin for the kubernetes cluster. |
extensions []NamedExtension | Extensions holds additional information. This is useful for extenders so that reads and writes don't clobber unknown fields |
Appears in:
AuthProviderConfig holds the configuration for a specified auth provider.
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | No description provided. |
config [Required]map[string]string | No description provided. |
Appears in:
Cluster contains information about how to communicate with a kubernetes cluster
Field | Description |
server [Required]string | Server is the address of the kubernetes cluster (https://hostname:port). |
tls-server-name string | TLSServerName is used to check server certificate. If TLSServerName is empty, the hostname used to contact the server is used. |
insecure-skip-tls-verify bool | InsecureSkipTLSVerify skips the validity check for the server's certificate. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure. |
certificate-authority string | CertificateAuthority is the path to a cert file for the certificate authority. |
certificate-authority-data []byte | CertificateAuthorityData contains PEM-encoded certificate authority certificates. Overrides CertificateAuthority |
proxy-url string | ProxyURL is the URL to the proxy to be used for all requests made by this client. URLs with "http", "https", and "socks5" schemes are supported. If this configuration is not provided or the empty string, the client attempts to construct a proxy configuration from http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables. If these environment variables are not set, the client does not attempt to proxy requests. socks5 proxying does not currently support spdy streaming endpoints (exec, attach, port forward). |
disable-compression bool | DisableCompression allows client to opt-out of response compression for all requests to the server. This is useful to speed up requests (specifically lists) when client-server network bandwidth is ample, by saving time on compression (server-side) and decompression (client-side): |
extensions []NamedExtension | Extensions holds additional information. This is useful for extenders so that reads and writes don't clobber unknown fields |
Appears in:
Context is a tuple of references to a cluster (how do I communicate with a kubernetes cluster), a user (how do I identify myself), and a namespace (what subset of resources do I want to work with)
Field | Description |
cluster [Required]string | Cluster is the name of the cluster for this context |
user [Required]string | AuthInfo is the name of the authInfo for this context |
namespace string | Namespace is the default namespace to use on unspecified requests |
extensions []NamedExtension | Extensions holds additional information. This is useful for extenders so that reads and writes don't clobber unknown fields |
Appears in:
ExecConfig specifies a command to provide client credentials. The command is exec'd and outputs structured stdout holding credentials.
See the API group for specifications of the exact input and output format
Field | Description |
command [Required]string | Command to execute. |
args []string | Arguments to pass to the command when executing it. |
env []ExecEnvVar | Env defines additional environment variables to expose to the process. These are unioned with the host's environment, as well as variables client-go uses to pass argument to the plugin. |
apiVersion [Required]string | Preferred input version of the ExecInfo. The returned ExecCredentials MUST use the same encoding version as the input. |
installHint [Required]string | This text is shown to the user when the executable doesn't seem to be
present. For example, |
provideClusterInfo [Required]bool | ProvideClusterInfo determines whether or not to provide cluster information, which could potentially contain very large CA data, to this exec plugin as a part of the KUBERNETES_EXEC_INFO environment variable. By default, it is set to false. Package provides helper methods for reading this environment variable. |
interactiveMode ExecInteractiveMode | InteractiveMode determines this plugin's relationship with standard input. Valid values are "Never" (this exec plugin never uses standard input), "IfAvailable" (this exec plugin wants to use standard input if it is available), or "Always" (this exec plugin requires standard input to function). See ExecInteractiveMode values for more details. If APIVersion is or, then this field is optional and defaults to "IfAvailable" when unset. Otherwise, this field is required. |
Appears in:
ExecEnvVar is used for setting environment variables when executing an exec-based credential plugin.
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | No description provided. |
value [Required]string | No description provided. |
(Alias of string
Appears in:
ExecInteractiveMode is a string that describes an exec plugin's relationship with standard input.
Appears in:
NamedAuthInfo relates nicknames to auth information
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | Name is the nickname for this AuthInfo |
user [Required]AuthInfo | AuthInfo holds the auth information |
Appears in:
NamedCluster relates nicknames to cluster information
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | Name is the nickname for this Cluster |
cluster [Required]Cluster | Cluster holds the cluster information |
Appears in:
NamedContext relates nicknames to context information
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | Name is the nickname for this Context |
context [Required]Context | Context holds the context information |
Appears in:
NamedExtension relates nicknames to extension information
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | Name is the nickname for this Extension |
extension [Required] | Extension holds the extension information |
Appears in:
Field | Description |
colors bool | No description provided. |
extensions []NamedExtension | Extensions holds additional information. This is useful for extenders so that reads and writes don't clobber unknown fields |
16 - Kubelet Configuration (v1)
Resource Types
CredentialProviderConfig is the configuration containing information about each exec credential provider. Kubelet reads this configuration from disk and enables each provider as specified by the CredentialProvider type.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | CredentialProviderConfig |
providers [Required][]CredentialProvider | providers is a list of credential provider plugins that will be enabled by the kubelet. Multiple providers may match against a single image, in which case credentials from all providers will be returned to the kubelet. If multiple providers are called for a single image, the results are combined. If providers return overlapping auth keys, the value from the provider earlier in this list is used. |
Appears in:
CredentialProvider represents an exec plugin to be invoked by the kubelet. The plugin is only invoked when an image being pulled matches the images handled by the plugin (see matchImages).
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | name is the required name of the credential provider. It must match the name of the provider executable as seen by the kubelet. The executable must be in the kubelet's bin directory (set by the --image-credential-provider-bin-dir flag). |
matchImages [Required][]string | matchImages is a required list of strings used to match against images in order to determine if this provider should be invoked. If one of the strings matches the requested image from the kubelet, the plugin will be invoked and given a chance to provide credentials. Images are expected to contain the registry domain and URL path. Each entry in matchImages is a pattern which can optionally contain a port and a path. Globs can be used in the domain, but not in the port or the path. Globs are supported as subdomains like '' or '', and top-level-domains such as 'k8s.'. Matching partial subdomains like '' is also supported. Each glob can only match a single subdomain segment, so *.io does not match * A match exists between an image and a matchImage when all of the below are true:
Example values of matchImages:
defaultCacheDuration [Required]meta/v1.Duration | defaultCacheDuration is the default duration the plugin will cache credentials in-memory if a cache duration is not provided in the plugin response. This field is required. |
apiVersion [Required]string | Required input version of the exec CredentialProviderRequest. The returned CredentialProviderResponse MUST use the same encoding version as the input. Current supported values are:
args []string | Arguments to pass to the command when executing it. |
env []ExecEnvVar | Env defines additional environment variables to expose to the process. These are unioned with the host's environment, as well as variables client-go uses to pass argument to the plugin. |
Appears in:
ExecEnvVar is used for setting environment variables when executing an exec-based credential plugin.
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | No description provided. |
value [Required]string | No description provided. |
17 - Kubelet Configuration (v1alpha1)
Resource Types
CredentialProviderConfig is the configuration containing information about each exec credential provider. Kubelet reads this configuration from disk and enables each provider as specified by the CredentialProvider type.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | CredentialProviderConfig |
providers [Required][]CredentialProvider | providers is a list of credential provider plugins that will be enabled by the kubelet. Multiple providers may match against a single image, in which case credentials from all providers will be returned to the kubelet. If multiple providers are called for a single image, the results are combined. If providers return overlapping auth keys, the value from the provider earlier in this list is used. |
Appears in:
CredentialProvider represents an exec plugin to be invoked by the kubelet. The plugin is only invoked when an image being pulled matches the images handled by the plugin (see matchImages).
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | name is the required name of the credential provider. It must match the name of the provider executable as seen by the kubelet. The executable must be in the kubelet's bin directory (set by the --image-credential-provider-bin-dir flag). |
matchImages [Required][]string | matchImages is a required list of strings used to match against images in order to determine if this provider should be invoked. If one of the strings matches the requested image from the kubelet, the plugin will be invoked and given a chance to provide credentials. Images are expected to contain the registry domain and URL path. Each entry in matchImages is a pattern which can optionally contain a port and a path.
Globs can be used in the domain, but not in the port or the path. Globs are supported
as subdomains like A match exists between an image and a matchImage when all of the below are true:
Example values of matchImages:
defaultCacheDuration [Required]meta/v1.Duration | defaultCacheDuration is the default duration the plugin will cache credentials in-memory if a cache duration is not provided in the plugin response. This field is required. |
apiVersion [Required]string | Required input version of the exec CredentialProviderRequest. The returned CredentialProviderResponse MUST use the same encoding version as the input. Current supported values are:
args []string | Arguments to pass to the command when executing it. |
env []ExecEnvVar | Env defines additional environment variables to expose to the process. These are unioned with the host's environment, as well as variables client-go uses to pass argument to the plugin. |
Appears in:
ExecEnvVar is used for setting environment variables when executing an exec-based credential plugin.
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | No description provided. |
value [Required]string | No description provided. |
18 - Kubelet Configuration (v1beta1)
Resource Types
Appears in:
FormatOptions contains options for the different logging formats.
Field | Description |
text [Required]TextOptions | [Alpha] Text contains options for logging format "text". Only available when the LoggingAlphaOptions feature gate is enabled. |
json [Required]JSONOptions | [Alpha] JSON contains options for logging format "json". Only available when the LoggingAlphaOptions feature gate is enabled. |
Appears in:
JSONOptions contains options for logging format "json".
Field | Description |
OutputRoutingOptions [Required]OutputRoutingOptions | (Members of OutputRoutingOptions are embedded into this type.)
No description provided. |
LogFormatFactory provides support for a certain additional, non-default log format.
Appears in:
LoggingConfiguration contains logging options.
Field | Description |
format [Required]string | Format Flag specifies the structure of log messages.
default value of format is |
flushFrequency [Required]TimeOrMetaDuration | Maximum time between log flushes. If a string, parsed as a duration (i.e. "1s") If an int, the maximum number of nanoseconds (i.e. 1s = 1000000000). Ignored if the selected logging backend writes log messages without buffering. |
verbosity [Required]VerbosityLevel | Verbosity is the threshold that determines which log messages are logged. Default is zero which logs only the most important messages. Higher values enable additional messages. Error messages are always logged. |
vmodule [Required]VModuleConfiguration | VModule overrides the verbosity threshold for individual files. Only supported for "text" log format. |
options [Required]FormatOptions | [Alpha] Options holds additional parameters that are specific to the different logging formats. Only the options for the selected format get used, but all of them get validated. Only available when the LoggingAlphaOptions feature gate is enabled. |
LoggingOptions can be used with ValidateAndApplyWithOptions to override certain global defaults.
Field | Description |
ErrorStream [Required]io.Writer | ErrorStream can be used to override the os.Stderr default. |
InfoStream [Required]io.Writer | InfoStream can be used to override the os.Stdout default. |
Appears in:
OutputRoutingOptions contains options that are supported by both "text" and "json".
Field | Description |
splitStream [Required]bool | [Alpha] SplitStream redirects error messages to stderr while info messages go to stdout, with buffering. The default is to write both to stdout, without buffering. Only available when the LoggingAlphaOptions feature gate is enabled. |
infoBufferSize [Required] | [Alpha] InfoBufferSize sets the size of the info stream when using split streams. The default is zero, which disables buffering. Only available when the LoggingAlphaOptions feature gate is enabled. |
Appears in:
TextOptions contains options for logging format "text".
Field | Description |
OutputRoutingOptions [Required]OutputRoutingOptions | (Members of OutputRoutingOptions are embedded into this type.)
No description provided. |
Appears in:
TimeOrMetaDuration is present only for backwards compatibility for the flushFrequency field, and new fields should use metav1.Duration.
Field | Description |
Duration [Required]meta/v1.Duration | Duration holds the duration |
- [Required]bool | SerializeAsString controls whether the value is serialized as a string or an integer |
Appears in:
TracingConfiguration provides versioned configuration for OpenTelemetry tracing clients.
Field | Description |
endpoint string | Endpoint of the collector this component will report traces to. The connection is insecure, and does not currently support TLS. Recommended is unset, and endpoint is the otlp grpc default, localhost:4317. |
samplingRatePerMillion int32 | SamplingRatePerMillion is the number of samples to collect per million spans. Recommended is unset. If unset, sampler respects its parent span's sampling rate, but otherwise never samples. |
(Alias of []
Appears in:
VModuleConfiguration is a collection of individual file names or patterns and the corresponding verbosity threshold.
(Alias of uint32
Appears in:
VerbosityLevel represents a klog or logr verbosity threshold.
CredentialProviderConfig is the configuration containing information about each exec credential provider. Kubelet reads this configuration from disk and enables each provider as specified by the CredentialProvider type.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | CredentialProviderConfig |
providers [Required][]CredentialProvider | providers is a list of credential provider plugins that will be enabled by the kubelet. Multiple providers may match against a single image, in which case credentials from all providers will be returned to the kubelet. If multiple providers are called for a single image, the results are combined. If providers return overlapping auth keys, the value from the provider earlier in this list is used. |
KubeletConfiguration contains the configuration for the Kubelet
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | KubeletConfiguration |
enableServer [Required]bool | enableServer enables Kubelet's secured server. Note: Kubelet's insecure port is controlled by the readOnlyPort option. Default: true |
staticPodPath string | staticPodPath is the path to the directory containing local (static) pods to run, or the path to a single static pod file. Default: "" |
podLogsDir string | podLogsDir is a custom root directory path kubelet will use to place pod's log files. Default: "/var/log/pods/" Note: it is not recommended to use the temp folder as a log directory as it may cause unexpected behavior in many places. |
syncFrequency meta/v1.Duration | syncFrequency is the max period between synchronizing running containers and config. Default: "1m" |
fileCheckFrequency meta/v1.Duration | fileCheckFrequency is the duration between checking config files for new data. Default: "20s" |
httpCheckFrequency meta/v1.Duration | httpCheckFrequency is the duration between checking http for new data. Default: "20s" |
staticPodURL string | staticPodURL is the URL for accessing static pods to run. Default: "" |
staticPodURLHeader map[string][]string | staticPodURLHeader is a map of slices with HTTP headers to use when accessing the podURL. Default: nil |
address string | address is the IP address for the Kubelet to serve on (set to for all interfaces). Default: "" |
port int32 | port is the port for the Kubelet to serve on. The port number must be between 1 and 65535, inclusive. Default: 10250 |
readOnlyPort int32 | readOnlyPort is the read-only port for the Kubelet to serve on with no authentication/authorization. The port number must be between 1 and 65535, inclusive. Setting this field to 0 disables the read-only service. Default: 0 (disabled) |
tlsCertFile string | tlsCertFile is the file containing x509 Certificate for HTTPS. (CA cert, if any, concatenated after server cert). If tlsCertFile and tlsPrivateKeyFile are not provided, a self-signed certificate and key are generated for the public address and saved to the directory passed to the Kubelet's --cert-dir flag. Default: "" |
tlsPrivateKeyFile string | tlsPrivateKeyFile is the file containing x509 private key matching tlsCertFile. Default: "" |
tlsCipherSuites []string | tlsCipherSuites is the list of allowed cipher suites for the server. Note that TLS 1.3 ciphersuites are not configurable. Values are from tls package constants ( Default: nil |
tlsMinVersion string | tlsMinVersion is the minimum TLS version supported. Values are from tls package constants ( Default: "" |
rotateCertificates bool | rotateCertificates enables client certificate rotation. The Kubelet will request a new certificate from the API. This requires an approver to approve the certificate signing requests. Default: false |
serverTLSBootstrap bool | serverTLSBootstrap enables server certificate bootstrap. Instead of self signing a serving certificate, the Kubelet will request a certificate from the '' API. This requires an approver to approve the certificate signing requests (CSR). The RotateKubeletServerCertificate feature must be enabled when setting this field. Default: false |
authentication KubeletAuthentication | authentication specifies how requests to the Kubelet's server are authenticated. Defaults: anonymous: enabled: false webhook: enabled: true cacheTTL: "2m" |
authorization KubeletAuthorization | authorization specifies how requests to the Kubelet's server are authorized. Defaults: mode: Webhook webhook: cacheAuthorizedTTL: "5m" cacheUnauthorizedTTL: "30s" |
registryPullQPS int32 | registryPullQPS is the limit of registry pulls per second. The value must not be a negative number. Setting it to 0 means no limit. Default: 5 |
registryBurst int32 | registryBurst is the maximum size of bursty pulls, temporarily allows pulls to burst to this number, while still not exceeding registryPullQPS. The value must not be a negative number. Only used if registryPullQPS is greater than 0. Default: 10 |
eventRecordQPS int32 | eventRecordQPS is the maximum event creations per second. If 0, there is no limit enforced. The value cannot be a negative number. Default: 50 |
eventBurst int32 | eventBurst is the maximum size of a burst of event creations, temporarily allows event creations to burst to this number, while still not exceeding eventRecordQPS. This field canot be a negative number and it is only used when eventRecordQPS > 0. Default: 100 |
enableDebuggingHandlers bool | enableDebuggingHandlers enables server endpoints for log access and local running of containers and commands, including the exec, attach, logs, and portforward features. Default: true |
enableContentionProfiling bool | enableContentionProfiling enables block profiling, if enableDebuggingHandlers is true. Default: false |
healthzPort int32 | healthzPort is the port of the localhost healthz endpoint (set to 0 to disable). A valid number is between 1 and 65535. Default: 10248 |
healthzBindAddress string | healthzBindAddress is the IP address for the healthz server to serve on. Default: "" |
oomScoreAdj int32 | oomScoreAdj is The oom-score-adj value for kubelet process. Values must be within the range [-1000, 1000]. Default: -999 |
clusterDomain string | clusterDomain is the DNS domain for this cluster. If set, kubelet will configure all containers to search this domain in addition to the host's search domains. Default: "" |
clusterDNS []string | clusterDNS is a list of IP addresses for the cluster DNS server. If set, kubelet will configure all containers to use this for DNS resolution instead of the host's DNS servers. Default: nil |
streamingConnectionIdleTimeout meta/v1.Duration | streamingConnectionIdleTimeout is the maximum time a streaming connection can be idle before the connection is automatically closed. Default: "4h" |
nodeStatusUpdateFrequency meta/v1.Duration | nodeStatusUpdateFrequency is the frequency that kubelet computes node status. If node lease feature is not enabled, it is also the frequency that kubelet posts node status to master. Note: When node lease feature is not enabled, be cautious when changing the constant, it must work with nodeMonitorGracePeriod in nodecontroller. Default: "10s" |
nodeStatusReportFrequency meta/v1.Duration | nodeStatusReportFrequency is the frequency that kubelet posts node status to master if node status does not change. Kubelet will ignore this frequency and post node status immediately if any change is detected. It is only used when node lease feature is enabled. nodeStatusReportFrequency's default value is 5m. But if nodeStatusUpdateFrequency is set explicitly, nodeStatusReportFrequency's default value will be set to nodeStatusUpdateFrequency for backward compatibility. Default: "5m" |
nodeLeaseDurationSeconds int32 | nodeLeaseDurationSeconds is the duration the Kubelet will set on its corresponding Lease. NodeLease provides an indicator of node health by having the Kubelet create and periodically renew a lease, named after the node, in the kube-node-lease namespace. If the lease expires, the node can be considered unhealthy. The lease is currently renewed every 10s, per KEP-0009. In the future, the lease renewal interval may be set based on the lease duration. The field value must be greater than 0. Default: 40 |
imageMinimumGCAge meta/v1.Duration | imageMinimumGCAge is the minimum age for an unused image before it is garbage collected. Default: "2m" |
imageMaximumGCAge meta/v1.Duration | imageMaximumGCAge is the maximum age an image can be unused before it is garbage collected. The default of this field is "0s", which disables this field--meaning images won't be garbage collected based on being unused for too long. Default: "0s" (disabled) |
imageGCHighThresholdPercent int32 | imageGCHighThresholdPercent is the percent of disk usage after which image garbage collection is always run. The percent is calculated by dividing this field value by 100, so this field must be between 0 and 100, inclusive. When specified, the value must be greater than imageGCLowThresholdPercent. Default: 85 |
imageGCLowThresholdPercent int32 | imageGCLowThresholdPercent is the percent of disk usage before which image garbage collection is never run. Lowest disk usage to garbage collect to. The percent is calculated by dividing this field value by 100, so the field value must be between 0 and 100, inclusive. When specified, the value must be less than imageGCHighThresholdPercent. Default: 80 |
volumeStatsAggPeriod meta/v1.Duration | volumeStatsAggPeriod is the frequency for calculating and caching volume disk usage for all pods. Default: "1m" |
kubeletCgroups string | kubeletCgroups is the absolute name of cgroups to isolate the kubelet in Default: "" |
systemCgroups string | systemCgroups is absolute name of cgroups in which to place all non-kernel processes that are not already in a container. Empty for no container. Rolling back the flag requires a reboot. The cgroupRoot must be specified if this field is not empty. Default: "" |
cgroupRoot string | cgroupRoot is the root cgroup to use for pods. This is handled by the container runtime on a best effort basis. |
cgroupsPerQOS bool | cgroupsPerQOS enable QoS based CGroup hierarchy: top level CGroups for QoS classes and all Burstable and BestEffort Pods are brought up under their specific top level QoS CGroup. Default: true |
cgroupDriver string | cgroupDriver is the driver kubelet uses to manipulate CGroups on the host (cgroupfs or systemd). Default: "cgroupfs" |
cpuManagerPolicy string | cpuManagerPolicy is the name of the policy to use. Requires the CPUManager feature gate to be enabled. Default: "None" |
singleProcessOOMKill bool | singleProcessOOMKill, if true, will prevent the |
cpuManagerPolicyOptions map[string]string | cpuManagerPolicyOptions is a set of key=value which allows to set extra options to fine tune the behaviour of the cpu manager policies. Requires both the "CPUManager" and "CPUManagerPolicyOptions" feature gates to be enabled. Default: nil |
cpuManagerReconcilePeriod meta/v1.Duration | cpuManagerReconcilePeriod is the reconciliation period for the CPU Manager. Requires the CPUManager feature gate to be enabled. Default: "10s" |
memoryManagerPolicy string | memoryManagerPolicy is the name of the policy to use by memory manager. Requires the MemoryManager feature gate to be enabled. Default: "none" |
topologyManagerPolicy string | topologyManagerPolicy is the name of the topology manager policy to use. Valid values include:
Default: "none" |
topologyManagerScope string | topologyManagerScope represents the scope of topology hint generation that topology manager requests and hint providers generate. Valid values include:
Default: "container" |
topologyManagerPolicyOptions map[string]string | TopologyManagerPolicyOptions is a set of key=value which allows to set extra options to fine tune the behaviour of the topology manager policies. Requires both the "TopologyManager" and "TopologyManagerPolicyOptions" feature gates to be enabled. Default: nil |
qosReserved map[string]string | qosReserved is a set of resource name to percentage pairs that specify the minimum percentage of a resource reserved for exclusive use by the guaranteed QoS tier. Currently supported resources: "memory" Requires the QOSReserved feature gate to be enabled. Default: nil |
runtimeRequestTimeout meta/v1.Duration | runtimeRequestTimeout is the timeout for all runtime requests except long running requests - pull, logs, exec and attach. Default: "2m" |
hairpinMode string | hairpinMode specifies how the Kubelet should configure the container bridge for hairpin packets. Setting this flag allows endpoints in a Service to loadbalance back to themselves if they should try to access their own Service. Values:
Generally, one must set |
maxPods int32 | maxPods is the maximum number of Pods that can run on this Kubelet. The value must be a non-negative integer. Default: 110 |
podCIDR string | podCIDR is the CIDR to use for pod IP addresses, only used in standalone mode. In cluster mode, this is obtained from the control plane. Default: "" |
podPidsLimit int64 | podPidsLimit is the maximum number of PIDs in any pod. Default: -1 |
resolvConf string | resolvConf is the resolver configuration file used as the basis for the container DNS resolution configuration. If set to the empty string, will override the default and effectively disable DNS lookups. Default: "/etc/resolv.conf" |
runOnce bool | runOnce causes the Kubelet to check the API server once for pods, run those in addition to the pods specified by static pod files, and exit. Default: false |
cpuCFSQuota bool | cpuCFSQuota enables CPU CFS quota enforcement for containers that specify CPU limits. Default: true |
cpuCFSQuotaPeriod meta/v1.Duration | cpuCFSQuotaPeriod is the CPU CFS quota period value, |
nodeStatusMaxImages int32 | nodeStatusMaxImages caps the number of images reported in Node.status.images. The value must be greater than -2. Note: If -1 is specified, no cap will be applied. If 0 is specified, no image is returned. Default: 50 |
maxOpenFiles int64 | maxOpenFiles is Number of files that can be opened by Kubelet process. The value must be a non-negative number. Default: 1000000 |
contentType string | contentType is contentType of requests sent to apiserver. Default: "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf" |
kubeAPIQPS int32 | kubeAPIQPS is the QPS to use while talking with kubernetes apiserver. Default: 50 |
kubeAPIBurst int32 | kubeAPIBurst is the burst to allow while talking with kubernetes API server. This field cannot be a negative number. Default: 100 |
serializeImagePulls bool | serializeImagePulls when enabled, tells the Kubelet to pull images one at a time. We recommend not changing the default value on nodes that run docker daemon with version < 1.9 or an Aufs storage backend. Issue #10959 has more details. Default: true |
maxParallelImagePulls int32 | MaxParallelImagePulls sets the maximum number of image pulls in parallel. This field cannot be set if SerializeImagePulls is true. Setting it to nil means no limit. Default: nil |
evictionHard map[string]string | evictionHard is a map of signal names to quantities that defines hard eviction
thresholds. For example: |
evictionSoft map[string]string | evictionSoft is a map of signal names to quantities that defines soft eviction thresholds.
For example: |
evictionSoftGracePeriod map[string]string | evictionSoftGracePeriod is a map of signal names to quantities that defines grace
periods for each soft eviction signal. For example: |
evictionPressureTransitionPeriod meta/v1.Duration | evictionPressureTransitionPeriod is the duration for which the kubelet has to wait before transitioning out of an eviction pressure condition. Default: "5m" |
evictionMaxPodGracePeriod int32 | evictionMaxPodGracePeriod is the maximum allowed grace period (in seconds) to use when terminating pods in response to a soft eviction threshold being met. This value effectively caps the Pod's terminationGracePeriodSeconds value during soft evictions. Default: 0 |
evictionMinimumReclaim map[string]string | evictionMinimumReclaim is a map of signal names to quantities that defines minimum reclaims,
which describe the minimum amount of a given resource the kubelet will reclaim when
performing a pod eviction while that resource is under pressure.
For example: |
podsPerCore int32 | podsPerCore is the maximum number of pods per core. Cannot exceed maxPods. The value must be a non-negative integer. If 0, there is no limit on the number of Pods. Default: 0 |
enableControllerAttachDetach bool | enableControllerAttachDetach enables the Attach/Detach controller to manage attachment/detachment of volumes scheduled to this node, and disables kubelet from executing any attach/detach operations. Note: attaching/detaching CSI volumes is not supported by the kubelet, so this option needs to be true for that use case. Default: true |
protectKernelDefaults bool | protectKernelDefaults, if true, causes the Kubelet to error if kernel flags are not as it expects. Otherwise the Kubelet will attempt to modify kernel flags to match its expectation. Default: false |
makeIPTablesUtilChains bool | makeIPTablesUtilChains, if true, causes the Kubelet to create the KUBE-IPTABLES-HINT chain in iptables as a hint to other components about the configuration of iptables on the system. Default: true |
iptablesMasqueradeBit int32 | iptablesMasqueradeBit formerly controlled the creation of the KUBE-MARK-MASQ chain. Deprecated: no longer has any effect. Default: 14 |
iptablesDropBit int32 | iptablesDropBit formerly controlled the creation of the KUBE-MARK-DROP chain. Deprecated: no longer has any effect. Default: 15 |
featureGates map[string]bool | featureGates is a map of feature names to bools that enable or disable experimental features. This field modifies piecemeal the built-in default values from "". Default: nil |
failSwapOn bool | failSwapOn tells the Kubelet to fail to start if swap is enabled on the node. Default: true |
memorySwap MemorySwapConfiguration | memorySwap configures swap memory available to container workloads. |
containerLogMaxSize string | containerLogMaxSize is a quantity defining the maximum size of the container log file before it is rotated. For example: "5Mi" or "256Ki". Default: "10Mi" |
containerLogMaxFiles int32 | containerLogMaxFiles specifies the maximum number of container log files that can be present for a container. Default: 5 |
containerLogMaxWorkers int32 | ContainerLogMaxWorkers specifies the maximum number of concurrent workers to spawn for performing the log rotate operations. Set this count to 1 for disabling the concurrent log rotation workflows Default: 1 |
containerLogMonitorInterval meta/v1.Duration | ContainerLogMonitorInterval specifies the duration at which the container logs are monitored for performing the log rotate operation. This defaults to 10 * time.Seconds. But can be customized to a smaller value based on the log generation rate and the size required to be rotated against Default: 10s |
configMapAndSecretChangeDetectionStrategy ResourceChangeDetectionStrategy | configMapAndSecretChangeDetectionStrategy is a mode in which ConfigMap and Secret managers are running. Valid values include:
Default: "Watch" |
systemReserved map[string]string | systemReserved is a set of ResourceName=ResourceQuantity (e.g. cpu=200m,memory=150G) pairs that describe resources reserved for non-kubernetes components. Currently only cpu and memory are supported. See for more detail. Default: nil |
kubeReserved map[string]string | kubeReserved is a set of ResourceName=ResourceQuantity (e.g. cpu=200m,memory=150G) pairs that describe resources reserved for kubernetes system components. Currently cpu, memory and local storage for root file system are supported. See for more details. Default: nil |
reservedSystemCPUs [Required]string | The reservedSystemCPUs option specifies the CPU list reserved for the host level system threads and kubernetes related threads. This provide a "static" CPU list rather than the "dynamic" list by systemReserved and kubeReserved. This option does not support systemReservedCgroup or kubeReservedCgroup. |
showHiddenMetricsForVersion string | showHiddenMetricsForVersion is the previous version for which you want to show
hidden metrics.
Only the previous minor version is meaningful, other values will not be allowed.
The format is |
systemReservedCgroup string | systemReservedCgroup helps the kubelet identify absolute name of top level CGroup used
to enforce |
kubeReservedCgroup string | kubeReservedCgroup helps the kubelet identify absolute name of top level CGroup used
to enforce |
enforceNodeAllocatable []string | This flag specifies the various Node Allocatable enforcements that Kubelet needs to perform.
This flag accepts a list of options. Acceptable options are |
allowedUnsafeSysctls []string | A comma separated whitelist of unsafe sysctls or sysctl patterns (ending in |
volumePluginDir string | volumePluginDir is the full path of the directory in which to search for additional third party volume plugins. Default: "/usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec/" |
providerID string | providerID, if set, sets the unique ID of the instance that an external provider (i.e. cloudprovider) can use to identify a specific node. Default: "" |
kernelMemcgNotification bool | kernelMemcgNotification, if set, instructs the kubelet to integrate with the kernel memcg notification for determining if memory eviction thresholds are exceeded rather than polling. Default: false |
logging [Required]LoggingConfiguration | logging specifies the options of logging. Refer to Logs Options for more information. Default: Format: text |
enableSystemLogHandler bool | enableSystemLogHandler enables system logs via web interface host:port/logs/ Default: true |
enableSystemLogQuery bool | enableSystemLogQuery enables the node log query feature on the /logs endpoint. EnableSystemLogHandler has to be enabled in addition for this feature to work. Default: false |
shutdownGracePeriod meta/v1.Duration | shutdownGracePeriod specifies the total duration that the node should delay the shutdown and total grace period for pod termination during a node shutdown. Default: "0s" |
shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods meta/v1.Duration | shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods specifies the duration used to terminate critical pods during a node shutdown. This should be less than shutdownGracePeriod. For example, if shutdownGracePeriod=30s, and shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods=10s, during a node shutdown the first 20 seconds would be reserved for gracefully terminating normal pods, and the last 10 seconds would be reserved for terminating critical pods. Default: "0s" |
shutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority []ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority | shutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority specifies the shutdown grace period for Pods based on their associated priority class value. When a shutdown request is received, the Kubelet will initiate shutdown on all pods running on the node with a grace period that depends on the priority of the pod, and then wait for all pods to exit. Each entry in the array represents the graceful shutdown time a pod with a priority class value that lies in the range of that value and the next higher entry in the list when the node is shutting down. For example, to allow critical pods 10s to shutdown, priority>=10000 pods 20s to shutdown, and all remaining pods 30s to shutdown. shutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority:
The time the Kubelet will wait before exiting will at most be the maximum of all shutdownGracePeriodSeconds for each priority class range represented on the node. When all pods have exited or reached their grace periods, the Kubelet will release the shutdown inhibit lock. Requires the GracefulNodeShutdown feature gate to be enabled. This configuration must be empty if either ShutdownGracePeriod or ShutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods is set. Default: nil |
crashLoopBackOff CrashLoopBackOffConfig | CrashLoopBackOff contains config to modify node-level parameters for container restart behavior |
reservedMemory []MemoryReservation | reservedMemory specifies a comma-separated list of memory reservations for NUMA nodes. The parameter makes sense only in the context of the memory manager feature. The memory manager will not allocate reserved memory for container workloads. For example, if you have a NUMA0 with 10Gi of memory and the reservedMemory was specified to reserve 1Gi of memory at NUMA0, the memory manager will assume that only 9Gi is available for allocation. You can specify a different amount of NUMA node and memory types. You can omit this parameter at all, but you should be aware that the amount of reserved memory from all NUMA nodes should be equal to the amount of memory specified by the node allocatable. If at least one node allocatable parameter has a non-zero value, you will need to specify at least one NUMA node. Also, avoid specifying:
Default: nil |
enableProfilingHandler bool | enableProfilingHandler enables profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/ Default: true |
enableDebugFlagsHandler bool | enableDebugFlagsHandler enables flags endpoint via web interface host:port/debug/flags/v Default: true |
seccompDefault bool | SeccompDefault enables the use of |
memoryThrottlingFactor float64 | MemoryThrottlingFactor specifies the factor multiplied by the memory limit or node allocatable memory when setting the cgroupv2 memory.high value to enforce MemoryQoS. Decreasing this factor will set lower high limit for container cgroups and put heavier reclaim pressure while increasing will put less reclaim pressure. See for more details. Default: 0.9 |
registerWithTaints []core/v1.Taint | registerWithTaints are an array of taints to add to a node object when the kubelet registers itself. This only takes effect when registerNode is true and upon the initial registration of the node. Default: nil |
registerNode bool | registerNode enables automatic registration with the apiserver. Default: true |
tracing TracingConfiguration | Tracing specifies the versioned configuration for OpenTelemetry tracing clients. See for more details. Default: nil |
localStorageCapacityIsolation bool | LocalStorageCapacityIsolation enables local ephemeral storage isolation feature. The default setting is true. This feature allows users to set request/limit for container's ephemeral storage and manage it in a similar way as cpu and memory. It also allows setting sizeLimit for emptyDir volume, which will trigger pod eviction if disk usage from the volume exceeds the limit. This feature depends on the capability of detecting correct root file system disk usage. For certain systems, such as kind rootless, if this capability cannot be supported, the feature LocalStorageCapacityIsolation should be disabled. Once disabled, user should not set request/limit for container's ephemeral storage, or sizeLimit for emptyDir. Default: true |
containerRuntimeEndpoint [Required]string | ContainerRuntimeEndpoint is the endpoint of container runtime. Unix Domain Sockets are supported on Linux, while npipe and tcp endpoints are supported on Windows. Examples:'unix:///path/to/runtime.sock', 'npipe:////./pipe/runtime' |
imageServiceEndpoint string | ImageServiceEndpoint is the endpoint of container image service. Unix Domain Socket are supported on Linux, while npipe and tcp endpoints are supported on Windows. Examples:'unix:///path/to/runtime.sock', 'npipe:////./pipe/runtime'. If not specified, the value in containerRuntimeEndpoint is used. |
failCgroupV1 bool | FailCgroupV1 prevents the kubelet from starting on hosts that use cgroup v1. By default, this is set to 'false', meaning the kubelet is allowed to start on cgroup v1 hosts unless this option is explicitly enabled. Default: false |
SerializedNodeConfigSource allows us to serialize v1.NodeConfigSource. This type is used internally by the Kubelet for tracking checkpointed dynamic configs. It exists in the kubeletconfig API group because it is classified as a versioned input to the Kubelet.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | SerializedNodeConfigSource |
source core/v1.NodeConfigSource | source is the source that we are serializing. |
Appears in:
Field | Description |
maxContainerRestartPeriod meta/v1.Duration | maxContainerRestartPeriod is the maximum duration the backoff delay can accrue to for container restarts, minimum 1 second, maximum 300 seconds. If not set, defaults to the internal crashloopbackoff maximum (300s). |
Appears in:
CredentialProvider represents an exec plugin to be invoked by the kubelet. The plugin is only invoked when an image being pulled matches the images handled by the plugin (see matchImages).
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | name is the required name of the credential provider. It must match the name of the provider executable as seen by the kubelet. The executable must be in the kubelet's bin directory (set by the --image-credential-provider-bin-dir flag). |
matchImages [Required][]string | matchImages is a required list of strings used to match against images in order to determine if this provider should be invoked. If one of the strings matches the requested image from the kubelet, the plugin will be invoked and given a chance to provide credentials. Images are expected to contain the registry domain and URL path. Each entry in matchImages is a pattern which can optionally contain a port and a path. Globs can be used in the domain, but not in the port or the path. Globs are supported as subdomains like '' or '', and top-level-domains such as 'k8s.'. Matching partial subdomains like '' is also supported. Each glob can only match a single subdomain segment, so *.io does not match * A match exists between an image and a matchImage when all of the below are true:
Example values of matchImages:
defaultCacheDuration [Required]meta/v1.Duration | defaultCacheDuration is the default duration the plugin will cache credentials in-memory if a cache duration is not provided in the plugin response. This field is required. |
apiVersion [Required]string | Required input version of the exec CredentialProviderRequest. The returned CredentialProviderResponse MUST use the same encoding version as the input. Current supported values are:
args []string | Arguments to pass to the command when executing it. |
env []ExecEnvVar | Env defines additional environment variables to expose to the process. These are unioned with the host's environment, as well as variables client-go uses to pass argument to the plugin. |
Appears in:
ExecEnvVar is used for setting environment variables when executing an exec-based credential plugin.
Field | Description |
name [Required]string | No description provided. |
value [Required]string | No description provided. |
Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled bool | enabled allows anonymous requests to the kubelet server.
Requests that are not rejected by another authentication method are treated as
anonymous requests.
Anonymous requests have a username of |
Appears in:
Field | Description |
x509 KubeletX509Authentication | x509 contains settings related to x509 client certificate authentication. |
webhook KubeletWebhookAuthentication | webhook contains settings related to webhook bearer token authentication. |
anonymous KubeletAnonymousAuthentication | anonymous contains settings related to anonymous authentication. |
Appears in:
Field | Description |
mode KubeletAuthorizationMode | mode is the authorization mode to apply to requests to the kubelet server.
Valid values are |
webhook KubeletWebhookAuthorization | webhook contains settings related to Webhook authorization. |
(Alias of string
Appears in:
Appears in:
Field | Description |
enabled bool | enabled allows bearer token authentication backed by the API. |
cacheTTL meta/v1.Duration | cacheTTL enables caching of authentication results |
Appears in:
Field | Description |
cacheAuthorizedTTL meta/v1.Duration | cacheAuthorizedTTL is the duration to cache 'authorized' responses from the webhook authorizer. |
cacheUnauthorizedTTL meta/v1.Duration | cacheUnauthorizedTTL is the duration to cache 'unauthorized' responses from the webhook authorizer. |
Appears in:
Field | Description |
clientCAFile string | clientCAFile is the path to a PEM-encoded certificate bundle. If set, any request presenting a client certificate signed by one of the authorities in the bundle is authenticated with a username corresponding to the CommonName, and groups corresponding to the Organization in the client certificate. |
Appears in:
MemoryReservation specifies the memory reservation of different types for each NUMA node
Field | Description |
numaNode [Required]int32 | No description provided. |
limits [Required]core/v1.ResourceList | No description provided. |
Appears in:
Field | Description |
swapBehavior string | swapBehavior configures swap memory available to container workloads. May be one of "", "NoSwap": workloads can not use swap, default option. "LimitedSwap": workload swap usage is limited. The swap limit is proportionate to the container's memory request. |
(Alias of string
Appears in:
ResourceChangeDetectionStrategy denotes a mode in which internal managers (secret, configmap) are discovering object changes.
Appears in:
ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority specifies the shutdown grace period for Pods based on their associated priority class value
Field | Description |
priority [Required]int32 | priority is the priority value associated with the shutdown grace period |
shutdownGracePeriodSeconds [Required]int64 | shutdownGracePeriodSeconds is the shutdown grace period in seconds |
19 - Kubelet CredentialProvider (v1)
Resource Types
CredentialProviderRequest includes the image that the kubelet requires authentication for. Kubelet will pass this request object to the plugin via stdin. In general, plugins should prefer responding with the same apiVersion they were sent.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | CredentialProviderRequest |
image [Required]string | image is the container image that is being pulled as part of the credential provider plugin request. Plugins may optionally parse the image to extract any information required to fetch credentials. |
CredentialProviderResponse holds credentials that the kubelet should use for the specified image provided in the original request. Kubelet will read the response from the plugin via stdout. This response should be set to the same apiVersion as CredentialProviderRequest.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | CredentialProviderResponse |
cacheKeyType [Required]PluginCacheKeyType | cacheKeyType indiciates the type of caching key to use based on the image provided in the request. There are three valid values for the cache key type: Image, Registry, and Global. If an invalid value is specified, the response will NOT be used by the kubelet. |
cacheDuration meta/v1.Duration | cacheDuration indicates the duration the provided credentials should be cached for. The kubelet will use this field to set the in-memory cache duration for credentials in the AuthConfig. If null, the kubelet will use defaultCacheDuration provided in CredentialProviderConfig. If set to 0, the kubelet will not cache the provided AuthConfig. |
auth map[string]AuthConfig | auth is a map containing authentication information passed into the kubelet. Each key is a match image string (more on this below). The corresponding authConfig value should be valid for all images that match against this key. A plugin should set this field to null if no valid credentials can be returned for the requested image. Each key in the map is a pattern which can optionally contain a port and a path. Globs can be used in the domain, but not in the port or the path. Globs are supported as subdomains like '' or '', and top-level-domains such as 'k8s.'. Matching partial subdomains like '' is also supported. Each glob can only match a single subdomain segment, so *.io does not match * The kubelet will match images against the key when all of the below are true:
When multiple keys are returned, the kubelet will traverse all keys in reverse order so that:
For any given match, the kubelet will attempt an image pull with the provided credentials, stopping after the first successfully authenticated pull. Example keys:
Appears in:
AuthConfig contains authentication information for a container registry. Only username/password based authentication is supported today, but more authentication mechanisms may be added in the future.
Field | Description |
username [Required]string | username is the username used for authenticating to the container registry An empty username is valid. |
password [Required]string | password is the password used for authenticating to the container registry An empty password is valid. |
(Alias of string
Appears in:
20 - WebhookAdmission Configuration (v1)
Package v1 is the v1 version of the API.
Resource Types
WebhookAdmission provides configuration for the webhook admission controller.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | WebhookAdmission |
kubeConfigFile [Required]string | KubeConfigFile is the path to the kubeconfig file. |