Local Files And Paths Used By The Kubelet

The kubelet is mostly a stateless process running on a Kubernetes node. This document outlines files that kubelet reads and writes.

The kubelet typically uses the control plane as the source of truth on what needs to run on the Node, and the container runtime to retrieve the current state of containers. So long as you provide a kubeconfig (API client configuration) to the kubelet, the kubelet does connect to your control plane; otherwise the node operates in standalone mode.

On Linux nodes, the kubelet also relies on reading cgroups and various system files to collect metrics.

On Windows nodes, the kubelet collects metrics via a different mechanism that does not rely on paths.

There are also a few other files that are used by the kubelet as well as kubelet communicates using local Unix-domain sockets. Some are sockets that the kubelet listens on, and for other sockets the kubelet discovers them and then connects as a client.


Kubelet configuration files

The path to the kubelet configuration file can be configured using the command line argument --config. The kubelet also supports drop-in configuration files to enhance configuration.


Certificates and private keys are typically located at /var/lib/kubelet/pki, but can be configured using the --cert-dir kubelet command line argument. Names of certificate files are also configurable.


Manifests for static pods are typically located in /etc/kubernetes/manifests. Location can be configured using the staticPodPath kubelet configuration option.

Systemd unit settings

When kubelet is running as a systemd unit, some kubelet configuration may be declared in systemd unit settings file. Typically it includes:


Checkpoint files for resource managers

All resource managers keep the mapping of Pods to allocated resources in state files. State files are located in the kubelet's base directory, also termed the root directory (but not the same as /, the node root directory). You can configure the base directory for the kubelet using the kubelet command line argument --root-dir.

Names of files:

Checkpoint file for device manager

Device manager creates checkpoints in the same directory with socket files: /var/lib/kubelet/device-plugins/. The name of a checkpoint file is kubelet_internal_checkpoint for Device Manager

Pod status checkpoint storage

FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.27 [alpha]

If your cluster has
in-place Pod vertical scaling
enabled (feature gate
name InPlacePodVerticalScaling), then the kubelet stores a local record of Pod status.

The file name is pod_status_manager_state within the kubelet base directory (/var/lib/kubelet by default on Linux; configurable using --root-dir).

Container runtime

Kubelet communicates with the container runtime using socket configured via the configuration parameters:

  • containerRuntimeEndpoint for runtime operations
  • imageServiceEndpoint for image management operations

The actual values of those endpoints depend on the container runtime being used.

Device plugins

The kubelet exposes a socket at the path /var/lib/kubelet/device-plugins/kubelet.sock for various Device Plugins to register.

When a device plugin registers itself, it provides its socket path for the kubelet to connect.

The device plugin socket should be in the directory device-plugins within the kubelet base directory. On a typical Linux node, this means /var/lib/kubelet/device-plugins.

Pod resources API

Pod Resources API will be exposed at the path /var/lib/kubelet/pod-resources.

DRA, CSI, and Device plugins

The kubelet looks for socket files created by device plugins managed via DRA, device manager, or storage plugins, and then attempts to connect to these sockets. The directory that the kubelet looks in is plugins_registry within the kubelet base directory, so on a typical Linux node this means /var/lib/kubelet/plugins_registry.

Note, for the device plugins there are two alternative registration mechanisms. Only one should be used for a given plugin.

The types of plugins that can place socket files into that directory are:

  • CSI plugins
  • DRA plugins
  • Device Manager plugins

(typically /var/lib/kubelet/plugins_registry).

Security profiles & configuration


Seccomp profile files referenced from Pods should be placed in /var/lib/kubelet/seccomp. See the seccomp reference for details.


The kubelet does not load or refer to AppArmor profiles by a Kubernetes-specific path. AppArmor profiles are loaded via the node operating system rather then referenced by their path.


FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.2 [alpha]

A lock file for the kubelet; typically /var/run/kubelet.lock. The kubelet uses this to ensure that two different kubelets don't try to run in conflict with each other. You can configure the path to the lock file using the the --lock-file kubelet command line argument.

If two kubelets on the same node use a different value for the lock file path, they will not be able to detect a conflict when both are running.

What's next

Last modified September 17, 2024 at 12:05 PM PST: Update content/en/docs/reference/node/kubelet-files.md (598a41884d)