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Other Tools

Kubernetes contains several tools to help you work with the Kubernetes system.


crictl is a command-line interface for inspecting and debugging CRI-compatible container runtimes.


Dashboard, the web-based user interface of Kubernetes, allows you to deploy containerized applications to a Kubernetes cluster, troubleshoot them, and manage the cluster and its resources itself.


Helm is a tool for managing packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources. These packages are known as Helm charts.

Use Helm to:

  • Find and use popular software packaged as Kubernetes charts
  • Share your own applications as Kubernetes charts
  • Create reproducible builds of your Kubernetes applications
  • Intelligently manage your Kubernetes manifest files
  • Manage releases of Helm packages


Kompose is a tool to help Docker Compose users move to Kubernetes.

Use Kompose to:

  • Translate a Docker Compose file into Kubernetes objects
  • Go from local Docker development to managing your application via Kubernetes
  • Convert v1 or v2 Docker Compose yaml files or Distributed Application Bundles


Kui is a GUI tool that takes your normal kubectl command line requests and responds with graphics.

Kui takes the normal kubectl command line requests and responds with graphics. Instead of ASCII tables, Kui provides a GUI rendering with tables that you can sort.

Kui lets you:

  • Directly click on long, auto-generated resource names instead of copying and pasting
  • Type in kubectl commands and see them execute, even sometimes faster than kubectl itself
  • Query a Job and see its execution rendered as a waterfall diagram
  • Click through resources in your cluster using a tabbed UI


minikube is a tool that runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster locally on your workstation for development and testing purposes.

1 - Mapping from dockercli to crictl

crictl is a command-line interface for CRI-compatible container runtimes. You can use it to inspect and debug container runtimes and applications on a Kubernetes node. crictl and its source are hosted in the cri-tools repository.

This page provides a reference for mapping common commands for the docker command-line tool into the equivalent commands for crictl.

Mapping from docker CLI to crictl

The exact versions for the mapping table are for docker CLI v1.40 and crictl v1.19.0. This list is not exhaustive. For example, it doesn't include experimental docker CLI commands.

Retrieve debugging information

mapping from docker cli to crictl - retrieve debugging information
docker clicrictlDescriptionUnsupported Features
attachattachAttach to a running container--detach-keys, --sig-proxy
execexecRun a command in a running container--privileged, --user, --detach-keys
imagesimagesList images 
infoinfoDisplay system-wide information 
inspectinspect, inspectiReturn low-level information on a container, image or task 
logslogsFetch the logs of a container--details
pspsList containers 
statsstatsDisplay a live stream of container(s) resource usage statisticsColumn: NET/BLOCK I/O, PIDs
versionversionShow the runtime (Docker, ContainerD, or others) version information 

Perform Changes

mapping from docker cli to crictl - perform changes
docker clicrictlDescriptionUnsupported Features
createcreateCreate a new container 
killstop (timeout = 0)Kill one or more running container--signal
pullpullPull an image or a repository from a registry--all-tags, --disable-content-trust
rmrmRemove one or more containers 
rmirmiRemove one or more images 
runrunRun a command in a new container 
startstartStart one or more stopped containers--detach-keys
stopstopStop one or more running containers 
updateupdateUpdate configuration of one or more containers--restart, --blkio-weight and some other resource limit not supported by CRI.

Supported only in crictl

mapping from docker cli to crictl - supported only in crictl
imagefsinfoReturn image filesystem info
inspectpDisplay the status of one or more pods
port-forwardForward local port to a pod
podsList pods
runpRun a new pod
rmpRemove one or more pods
stoppStop one or more running pods