Feed Oficial de CVE

ESTADO DA FUNCIONALIDADE: Kubernetes v1.27 [beta]

Esta é uma lista, mantida pela comunidade, de CVEs oficiais anunciadas pelo Comitê de Resposta de Segurança do Kubernetes. Veja Informações de Segurança e Divulgação do Kubernetes para mais detalhes.

O projeto Kubernetes publica um Feed JSON, que pode ser programaticamente acessado, de questões de segurança publicadas. Você pode acessá-lo executando o seguinte comando:

curl -Lv https://k8s.io/docs/reference/issues-security/official-cve-feed/index.json
Lista oficial de CVEs do Kubernetes (última atualização: 20 nov. 2024 02:30:19 UTC)
ID da CVEResumo da issueURL da issue relacionada à CVE no GitHub
CVE-2024-9594VM images built with Image Builder with some providers use default credentials during builds#128007
CVE-2024-9486VM images built with Image Builder and Proxmox provider use default credentials#128006
CVE-2024-7646Ingress-nginx Annotation Validation Bypass#126744
CVE-2024-5321Incorrect permissions on Windows containers logs#126161
CVE-2024-3744azure-file-csi-driver discloses service account tokens in logs#124759
CVE-2024-3177Bypassing mountable secrets policy imposed by the ServiceAccount admission plugin#124336
CVE-2023-5528Insufficient input sanitization in in-tree storage plugin leads to privilege escalation on Windows nodes#121879
CVE-2023-5044Code injection via nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/permanent-redirect annotation#126817
CVE-2023-5043Ingress nginx annotation injection causes arbitrary command execution#126816
CVE-2022-4886ingress-nginx path sanitization can be bypassed#126815
CVE-2023-3955Insufficient input sanitization on Windows nodes leads to privilege escalation#119595
CVE-2023-3893Insufficient input sanitization on kubernetes-csi-proxy leads to privilege escalation#119594
CVE-2023-3676Insufficient input sanitization on Windows nodes leads to privilege escalation#119339
CVE-2023-2431Bypass of seccomp profile enforcement#118690
CVE-2023-2728Bypassing policies imposed by the ImagePolicyWebhook and bypassing mountable secrets policy imposed by the ServiceAccount admission plugin#118640
CVE-2023-2727Bypassing policies imposed by the ImagePolicyWebhook and bypassing mountable secrets policy imposed by the ServiceAccount admission plugin#118640
CVE-2023-2878secrets-store-csi-driver discloses service account tokens in logs#118419
CVE-2022-3294Node address isn't always verified when proxying#113757
CVE-2022-3162Unauthorized read of Custom Resources#113756
CVE-2022-3172Aggregated API server can cause clients to be redirected (SSRF)#112513
CVE-2021-25749`runAsNonRoot` logic bypass for Windows containers#112192
CVE-2021-25748Ingress-nginx `path` sanitization can be bypassed with newline character#126814
CVE-2021-25746Ingress-nginx directive injection via annotations#126813
CVE-2021-25745Ingress-nginx `path` can be pointed to service account token file#126812
CVE-2021-25742Ingress-nginx custom snippets allows retrieval of ingress-nginx serviceaccount token and secrets across all namespaces#126811
CVE-2021-25741Symlink Exchange Can Allow Host Filesystem Access#104980
CVE-2021-25737Holes in EndpointSlice Validation Enable Host Network Hijack#102106
CVE-2021-3121Processes may panic upon receipt of malicious protobuf messages#101435
CVE-2021-25735Validating Admission Webhook does not observe some previous fields#100096
CVE-2020-8554Man in the middle using LoadBalancer or ExternalIPs#97076
CVE-2020-8566Ceph RBD adminSecrets exposed in logs when loglevel >= 4#95624
CVE-2020-8565Incomplete fix for CVE-2019-11250 allows for token leak in logs when logLevel >= 9#95623
CVE-2020-8564Docker config secrets leaked when file is malformed and log level >= 4#95622
CVE-2020-8563Secret leaks in kube-controller-manager when using vSphere provider#95621
CVE-2020-8557Node disk DOS by writing to container /etc/hosts#93032
CVE-2020-8559Privilege escalation from compromised node to cluster#92914
CVE-2020-8558Node setting allows for neighboring hosts to bypass localhost boundary#92315
CVE-2020-8555Half-Blind SSRF in kube-controller-manager#91542
CVE-2020-10749IPv4 only clusters susceptible to MitM attacks via IPv6 rogue router advertisements#91507
CVE-2019-11254kube-apiserver Denial of Service vulnerability from malicious YAML payloads#89535
CVE-2020-8552apiserver DoS (oom)#89378
CVE-2020-8551Kubelet DoS via API#89377
CVE-2020-8553ingress-nginx auth-type basic annotation vulnerability#126818
CVE-2019-11251kubectl cp symlink vulnerability#87773
CVE-2018-1002102Unvalidated redirect#85867
CVE-2019-11255CSI volume snapshot, cloning and resizing features can result in unauthorized volume data access or mutation#85233
CVE-2019-11253Kubernetes API Server JSON/YAML parsing vulnerable to resource exhaustion attack#83253
CVE-2019-11250Bearer tokens are revealed in logs#81114
CVE-2019-11248/debug/pprof exposed on kubelet's healthz port#81023
CVE-2019-11249Incomplete fixes for CVE-2019-1002101 and CVE-2019-11246, kubectl cp potential directory traversal#80984
CVE-2019-11247API server allows access to custom resources via wrong scope#80983
CVE-2019-11245container uid changes to root after first restart or if image is already pulled to the node#78308
CVE-2019-11243rest.AnonymousClientConfig() does not remove the serviceaccount credentials from config created by rest.InClusterConfig()#76797
CVE-2019-11244`kubectl:-http-cache=<world-accessible dir>` creates world-writeable cached schema files#76676
CVE-2019-1002100json-patch requests can exhaust apiserver resources#74534
CVE-2018-1002105proxy request handling in kube-apiserver can leave vulnerable TCP connections#71411
CVE-2018-1002101smb mount security issue#65750
CVE-2018-1002100Kubectl copy doesn't check for paths outside of it's destination directory.#61297
CVE-2017-1002102atomic writer volume handling allows arbitrary file deletion in host filesystem#60814
CVE-2017-1002101subpath volume mount handling allows arbitrary file access in host filesystem#60813
CVE-2017-1002100Azure PV should be Private scope not Container scope#47611
CVE-2017-1000056PodSecurityPolicy admission plugin authorizes incorrectly#43459

Este feed é automaticamente atualizado, mas com um pequeno atraso perceptível (minutos a horas), desde o momento em que um CVE é anunciado até o momento em que é acessível neste feed.

A fonte deste feed é um conjunto de issues do GitHub, filtrado pelo rótulo controlado e restrito official-cve-feed. Os dados brutos são armazenados em um Google Cloud Bucket que é somente escrito por um pequeno número de membros confiáveis da Comunidade.

Última modificação May 26, 2023 at 12:41 AM PST: [pt] Make the switch from alpha -> beta (6cd8d562b4)