1 - FlowSchema

FlowSchema 定义一组流的模式。

apiVersion: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1

import "k8s.io/api/flowcontrol/v1"


FlowSchema 定义一组流的模式。请注意,一个流由属性类似的一组入站 API 请求组成, 用一对字符串进行标识:FlowSchema 的名称和一个 “流区分项”。

  • apiVersion: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1

  • kind: FlowSchema


FlowSchemaSpec 描述 FlowSchema 的规约看起来是怎样的。

  • distinguisherMethod (FlowDistinguisherMethod)

    distinguisherMethod 定义如何为匹配此模式的请求来计算流区分项。 nil 表示该区分项被禁用,且因此将始终为空字符串。

    FlowDistinguisherMethod 指定流区分项的方法。

    • distinguisherMethod.type (string),必需

      type 是流区分项的类型。支持的类型为 “ByUser” 和 “ByNamespace”。必需。

  • matchingPrecedence (int32)

    matchingPrecedence 用于选择与给定请求匹配的一个 FlowSchema。 选中的 FlowSchema 是某个 MatchingPrecedence 数值最小(我们视其为逻辑上最大)的 FlowSchema。 每个 MatchingPrecedence 值必须在 [1,10000] 的范围内。 请注意,如果未指定优先顺序,则其默认设为 1000。

  • priorityLevelConfiguration (PriorityLevelConfigurationReference),必需

    priorityLevelConfiguration 应引用集群中的 PriorityLevelConfiguration。 如果引用无法被解析,则忽略此 FlowSchema,并在其状态中将其标记为无效。必需。

    PriorityLevelConfigurationReference 包含指向正被使用的 “request-priority” 的信息。

    • priorityLevelConfiguration.name (string),必需

      name 是正被引用的优先级配置的名称。必需。

  • rules ([]PolicyRulesWithSubjects)


    rules 描述哪些请求将与这个流模式匹配。只有当至少一条规则与请求匹配时, 才视为此 FlowSchema 与该请求匹配。如果字段值为空表,则 FlowSchema 不会与任何请求匹配。

    PolicyRulesWithSubjects 给出针对 API 服务器请求的一个测试。 该测试将检查发出请求的主体、所请求的动作和要操作的资源。 只有同时满足以下两个条件时,才表示此 PolicyRulesWithSubjects 与请求匹配: (a) 至少一个主体成员与请求匹配且 (b) 至少 resourceRules 或 nonResourceRules 的一个成员与请求匹配。

    • rules.subjects ([]Subject),必需


      subjects 是此规则相关的普通用户、服务账号或组的列表。在这个列表中必须至少有一个成员。 同时包含 system:authenticated 和 system:unauthenticated 用户组的列表会与每个请求匹配。 此字段为必需。

      Subject 用来与匹配请求的发起方,请求的发起方由请求身份认证系统识别出来。 有三种方式来匹配一个发起方:按用户、按组或按服务账号。

      • rules.subjects.kind (string),必需

        kind 标示其他字段中的哪个字段必须非空。必需。

      • rules.subjects.group (GroupSubject)

        group 根据用户组名称进行匹配。

        GroupSubject 保存组类别主体的详细信息。

      • rules.subjects.serviceAccount (ServiceAccountSubject)

        serviceAccount 与 ServiceAccount 对象进行匹配。

        ServiceAccountSubject 保存服务账号类别主体的详细信息。

        • rules.subjects.serviceAccount.name (string),必需

          name 是要匹配的 ServiceAccount 对象的名称,可使用 * 匹配所有名称。必需。

        • rules.subjects.serviceAccount.namespace (string),必需

          namespace 是要匹配的 ServiceAccount 对象的名字空间。必需。

      • rules.subjects.user (UserSubject)

        user 根据用户名进行匹配。

        UserSubject 保存用户类别主体的详细信息。

        • rules.subjects.user.name (string),必需

          name 是要匹配的用户名,可使用 * 匹配所有用户名。必需。

    • rules.nonResourceRules ([]NonResourcePolicyRule)


      nonResourceRules 是由 NonResourcePolicyRule 对象构成的列表, 根据请求的动作和目标非资源 URL 来识别匹配的请求。

      NonResourcePolicyRule 是根据请求的动作和目标非资源 URL 来匹配非资源请求的一种规则。 只有满足以下两个条件时,NonResourcePolicyRule 才会匹配一个请求: (a) 至少 verbs 的一个成员与请求匹配且 (b) 至少 nonResourceURLs 的一个成员与请求匹配。

      • rules.nonResourceRules.nonResourceURLs ([]string),必需


        nonResourceURLs 是用户有权访问的一组 URL 前缀,不可以为空。 此字段为必需设置的字段。例如:

        • "/healthz" 是合法的
        • "/hea*" 是不合法的
        • "/hea" 是合法的但不会与任何项匹配
        • "/hea/*" 也不会与任何项匹配
        • "/healthz/*" 与所有组件自身的的健康检查路径匹配。 * 与所有非资源 URL 匹配。如果存在此字符,则必须是唯一的输入项。 必需。
      • rules.nonResourceRules.verbs ([]string),必需


        verbs 是与动作匹配的列表,不可以为空。* 与所有动作匹配。 如果存在此字符,则必须是唯一的输入项。必需。

    • rules.resourceRules ([]ResourcePolicyRule)


      resourceRules 是 ResourcePolicyRule 对象的列表,根据请求的动作和目标资源识别匹配的请求。 resourceRulesnonResourceRules 两者必须至少有一个非空。

      ResourcePolicyRule 是用来匹配资源请求的规则,对请求的动作和目标资源进行测试。 只有满足以下条件时,ResourcePolicyRule 才会与某个资源请求匹配: (a) 至少 verbs 的一个成员与请求的动作匹配, (b) 至少 apiGroups 的一个成员与请求的 API 组匹配, (c) 至少 resources 的一个成员与请求的资源匹配, (d) 要么 (d1) 请求未指定一个名字空间(即,namespace=="")且 clusterScope 为 true, 要么 (d2) 请求指定了一个名字空间,且至少 namespaces 的一个成员与请求的名字空间匹配。

      • rules.resourceRules.apiGroups ([]string),必需


        apiGroups 是与 API 组匹配的列表,不可以为空。* 表示与所有 API 组匹配。 如果存在此字符,则其必须是唯一的条目。必需。

      • rules.resourceRules.resources ([]string),必需


        resources 是匹配的资源(即小写和复数)的列表,如果需要的话,还可以包括子资源。 例如 [ "services", "nodes/status" ]。此列表不可以为空。 * 表示与所有资源匹配。如果存在此字符,则必须是唯一的条目。必需。

      • rules.resourceRules.verbs ([]string),必需


        verbs 是匹配的动作的列表,不可以为空。* 表示与所有动作匹配。 如果存在此字符,则必须是唯一的条目。必需。

      • rules.resourceRules.clusterScope (boolean)

        clusterScope 表示是否与未指定名字空间 (出现这种情况的原因是该资源没有名字空间或请求目标面向所有名字空间)的请求匹配。 如果此字段被省略或为 false,则 namespaces 字段必须包含一个非空的列表。

      • rules.resourceRules.namespaces ([]string)


        namespaces 是限制匹配的目标的名字空间的列表。 指定一个目标名字空间的请求只会在以下某一个情况满足时进行匹配: (a) 此列表包含该目标名字空间或 (b) 此列表包含 *。 请注意,* 与所指定的任何名字空间匹配,但不会与未指定 名字空间的请求匹配 (请参阅 clusterScope 字段)。此列表可以为空,但前提是 clusterScope 为 true。


FlowSchemaStatus 表示 FlowSchema 的当前状态。

  • conditions ([]FlowSchemaCondition)

    补丁策略:根据键 type 合并

    Map:合并期间保留根据键 type 保留其唯一值

    conditions 是 FlowSchema 当前状况的列表。

    FlowSchemaCondition 描述 FlowSchema 的状况。

    • conditions.lastTransitionTime (Time)

      lastTransitionTime 是状况上一次从一个状态转换为另一个状态的时间。

      Time 是对 time.Time 的封装。Time 支持对 YAML 和 JSON 进行正确封包。 为 time 包的许多函数方法提供了封装器。

    • conditions.message (string)

      message 是一条人类可读的消息,表示上一次转换有关的详细信息。

    • conditions.reason (string)

      reason 是状况上次转换原因的、驼峰格式命名的、唯一的一个词。

    • conditions.status (string)

      status 是状况的状态。可以是 True、False、Unknown。必需。

    • conditions.type (string)

      type 是状况的类型。必需。


FlowSchemaList 是 FlowSchema 对象的列表。

  • apiVersion: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1

  • kind: FlowSchemaList


get 读取指定的 FlowSchema


GET /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1/flowschemas/{name}


  • name (路径参数): string,必需

    FlowSchema 的名称。

  • pretty (查询参数): string



200 (FlowSchema): OK

401: Unauthorized

get 读取指定 FlowSchema 的状态


GET /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1/flowschemas/{name}/status


  • name (路径参数): string,必需

    FlowSchema 的名称。

  • pretty (查询参数): string



200 (FlowSchema): OK

401: Unauthorized

list 列出或监视 FlowSchema 类别的对象


GET /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1/flowschemas



200 (FlowSchemaList): OK

401: Unauthorized

create 创建 FlowSchema


POST /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1/flowschemas



200 (FlowSchema): OK

201 (FlowSchema): Created

202 (FlowSchema): Accepted

401: Unauthorized

update 替换指定的 FlowSchema


PUT /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1/flowschemas/{name}


  • name (路径参数): string,必需

    FlowSchema 的名称。

  • body: FlowSchema,必需

  • dryRun (查询参数): string


  • fieldManager (查询参数): string


  • fieldValidation (查询参数): string


  • pretty (查询参数): string



200 (FlowSchema): OK

201 (FlowSchema): Created

401: Unauthorized

update 替换指定的 FlowSchema 的状态


PUT /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1/flowschemas/{name}/status


  • name (路径参数): string,必需

    FlowSchema 的名称。

  • body: FlowSchema,必需

  • dryRun (查询参数): string


  • fieldManager (查询参数): string


  • fieldValidation (查询参数): string


  • pretty (查询参数): string



200 (FlowSchema): OK

201 (FlowSchema): Created

401: Unauthorized

patch 部分更新指定的 FlowSchema


PATCH /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1/flowschemas/{name}


  • name (路径参数): string,必需

    FlowSchema 的名称。

  • body: Patch,必需

  • dryRun (查询参数): string


  • fieldManager (查询参数): string


  • fieldValidation (查询参数): string


  • force (查询参数): boolean


  • pretty (查询参数): string



200 (FlowSchema): OK

201 (FlowSchema): Created

401: Unauthorized

patch 部分更新指定的 FlowSchema 的状态


PATCH /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1/flowschemas/{name}/status


  • name (路径参数): string,必需

    FlowSchema 的名称。

  • body: Patch,必需

  • dryRun (查询参数): string


  • fieldManager (查询参数): string


  • fieldValidation (查询参数): string


  • force (查询参数): boolean


  • pretty (查询参数): string



200 (FlowSchema): OK

201 (FlowSchema): Created

401: Unauthorized

delete 删除 FlowSchema


DELETE /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1/flowschemas/{name}



200 (Status): OK

202 (Status): Accepted

401: Unauthorized

deletecollection 删除 FlowSchema 的集合


DELETE /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1/flowschemas



200 (Status): OK

401: Unauthorized

2 - LimitRange

LimitRange 设置名字空间中每个资源类别的资源用量限制。

apiVersion: v1

import "k8s.io/api/core/v1"


LimitRange 设置名字空间中每个资源类别的资源用量限制。

  • apiVersion: v1

  • kind: LimitRange


LimitRangeSpec 定义与类别匹配的资源的最小/最大使用限制。

  • limits ([]LimitRangeItem),必需


    limits 是强制执行的 LimitRangeItem 对象的列表。

    LimitRangeItem 定义与类别匹配的任意资源的最小/最大使用限制。

    • limits.type (string),必需


    • limits.default (map[string]Quantity)


    • limits.defaultRequest (map[string]Quantity)

      defaultRequest 是资源请求被省略时按资源名称设定的默认资源要求请求值。

    • limits.max (map[string]Quantity)


    • limits.maxLimitRequestRatio (map[string]Quantity)

      如果指定 maxLimitRequestRatio,则所指定的资源必须设置非零的请求和限制值, 且限制除以请求小于或等于这里列举的值;此属性用来表示所指定资源的最大突发用量。

    • limits.min (map[string]Quantity)



LimitRangeList 是 LimitRange 项的列表。

  • apiVersion: v1

  • kind: LimitRangeList


get 读取指定的 LimitRange


GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/limitranges/{name}


  • name (路径参数): string,必需

    LimitRange 的名称。

  • namespace (路径参数): string,必需


  • pretty (查询参数): string



200 (LimitRange): OK

401: Unauthorized

list 列出或监视 LimitRange 类别的对象


GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/limitranges



200 (LimitRangeList): OK

401: Unauthorized

list 列出或监视 LimitRange 类别的对象


GET /api/v1/limitranges



200 (LimitRangeList): OK

401: Unauthorized

create 创建 LimitRange


POST /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/limitranges



200 (LimitRange): OK

201 (LimitRange): Created

202 (LimitRange): Accepted

401: Unauthorized

update 替换指定的 LimitRange


PUT /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/limitranges/{name}


  • name (路径参数): string,必需

    LimitRange 的名称。

  • namespace (路径参数): string,必需


  • body: LimitRange,必需

  • dryRun (查询参数): string


  • fieldManager (查询参数): string


  • fieldValidation (查询参数): string


  • pretty (查询参数): string



200 (LimitRange): OK

201 (LimitRange): Created

401: Unauthorized

patch 部分更新指定的 LimitRange


PATCH /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/limitranges/{name}


  • name (路径参数): string,必需

    LimitRange 的名称。

  • namespace (路径参数): string,必需


  • body: Patch,必需

  • dryRun (查询参数): string


  • fieldManager (查询参数): string


  • fieldValidation (查询参数): string


  • force (查询参数): boolean


  • pretty (查询参数): string



200 (LimitRange): OK

201 (LimitRange): Created

401: Unauthorized

delete 删除 LimitRange


DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/limitranges/{name}



200 (Status): OK

202 (Status): Accepted

401: Unauthorized

deletecollection 删除 LimitRange 的集合


DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/limitranges



200 (Status): OK

401: Unauthorized

3 - ResourceQuota

ResourceQuota 设置每个命名空间强制执行的聚合配额限制。

apiVersion: v1

import "k8s.io/api/core/v1"


ResourceQuota 设置每个命名空间强制执行的聚合配额限制。


ResourceQuotaSpec 定义为 Quota 强制执行所需的硬限制。

  • hard (map[string]Quantity)

    hard 是每种指定资源所需的硬性限制集合。 更多信息: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/policy/resource-quotas/

  • scopeSelector (ScopeSelector)

    scopeSelector 也是一组过滤器的集合,和 scopes 类似, 必须匹配配额所跟踪的每个对象,但使用 ScopeSelectorOperator 结合可能的值来表示。 对于要匹配的资源,必须同时匹配 scopes 和 scopeSelector(如果在 spec 中设置了的话)。

    scope 选择算符表示的是由限定范围的资源选择算符进行逻辑与运算得出的结果。

    • scopeSelector.matchExpressions ([]ScopedResourceSelectorRequirement)




      • scopeSelector.matchExpressions.operator (string),必需

        表示范围与一组值之间的关系。有效的运算符为 In、NotIn、Exists、DoesNotExist。

      • scopeSelector.matchExpressions.scopeName (string),必需


      • scopeSelector.matchExpressions.values ([]string)


        字符串值数组。 如果操作符是 In 或 NotIn,values 数组必须是非空的。 如果操作符是 Exists 或 DoesNotExist,values 数组必须为空。 该数组将在策略性合并补丁操作期间被替换。

  • scopes ([]string)


    一个匹配被配额跟踪的所有对象的过滤器集合。 如果没有指定,则默认匹配所有对象。


ResourceQuotaStatus 定义硬性限制和观测到的用量。


ResourceQuotaList 是 ResourceQuota 列表。


get 读取指定的 ResourceQuota


GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas/{name}


  • name路径参数): string, 必需

    ResourceQuota 的名称

  • namespace路径参数): string, 必需


  • pretty查询参数): string



200 (ResourceQuota): OK

401: Unauthorized

get 读取指定的 ResourceQuota 的状态


GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas/{name}/status


  • name路径参数): string, 必需

    ResourceQuota 的名称

  • namespace路径参数): string, 必需


  • pretty查询参数): string



200 (ResourceQuota): OK

401: Unauthorized

list 列出或监视 ResourceQuota 类别的对象


GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas



200 (ResourceQuotaList): OK

401: Unauthorized

list 列出或监视 ResourceQuota 类别的对象


GET /api/v1/resourcequotas



200 (ResourceQuotaList): OK

401: Unauthorized

create 创建一个 ResourceQuota


POST /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas



200 (ResourceQuota): OK

201 (ResourceQuota): Created

202 (ResourceQuota): Accepted

401: Unauthorized

update 更新指定的 ResourceQuota


PUT /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas/{name}


  • name路径参数): string, 必需

    ResourceQuota 的名称

  • namespace路径参数): string, 必需


  • body: ResourceQuota, 必需

  • dryRun查询参数): string


  • fieldManager查询参数): string


  • fieldValidation查询参数): string


  • pretty查询参数): string



200 (ResourceQuota): OK

201 (ResourceQuota): Created

401: Unauthorized

update 更新指定 ResourceQuota 的状态


PUT /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas/{name}/status


  • name路径参数): string, 必需

    ResourceQuota 的名称

  • namespace路径参数): string, 必需


  • body: ResourceQuota, 必需

  • dryRun查询参数): string


  • fieldManager查询参数): string


  • fieldValidation查询参数): string


  • pretty查询参数): string



200 (ResourceQuota): OK

201 (ResourceQuota): Created

401: Unauthorized

patch 部分更新指定的 ResourceQuota


PATCH /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas/{name}


  • name路径参数): string, 必需

    ResourceQuota 的名称

  • namespace路径参数): string, 必需


  • body: Patch, 必需

  • dryRun查询参数): string


  • fieldManager查询参数): string


  • fieldValidation查询参数): string


  • force查询参数): boolean


  • pretty查询参数): string



200 (ResourceQuota): OK

201 (ResourceQuota): Created

401: Unauthorized

patch 部分更新指定 ResourceQuota 的状态


PATCH /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas/{name}/status


  • name路径参数): string, 必需

    ResourceQuota 的名称

  • namespace路径参数): string, 必需


  • body: Patch, 必需

  • dryRun查询参数): string


  • fieldManager查询参数): string


  • fieldValidation查询参数): string


  • force查询参数): boolean


  • pretty查询参数): string



200 (ResourceQuota): OK

201 (ResourceQuota): Created

401: Unauthorized

delete 删除 ResourceQuota


DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas/{name}



200 (ResourceQuota): OK

202 (ResourceQuota): Accepted

401: Unauthorized

deletecollection 删除 ResourceQuota 的集合


DELETE /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/resourcequotas



200 (Status): OK

401: Unauthorized

4 - NetworkPolicy

NetworkPolicy 描述针对一组 Pod 所允许的网络流量。

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1

import "k8s.io/api/networking/v1"


NetworkPolicy 描述针对一组 Pod 所允许的网络流量。


NetworkPolicySpec 定义特定 NetworkPolicy 所需的所有信息.

  • podSelector (LabelSelector),必需

    podSelector 选择此网络策略所适用的一组 Pod。一组 Ingress 入口策略将应用于此字段选择的所有 Pod。 多个网络策略可以选择同一组 Pod。 在这种情况下,这些列表条目的 Ingress 规则效果会被叠加。此字段不是可选的,并且遵循标准标签选择算符语义。 空值的 podSelector 匹配此命名空间中的所有 Pod。

  • policyTypes ([]string)


    policyTypes 是 NetworkPolicy 相关的规则类型列表。有效选项为 [“Ingress”][“Egress”][“Ingress”, “Egress”]。 如果不指定此字段,则默认值取决是否存在 Ingress 或 Egress 规则;规则里包含 Egress 部分的策略将会影响出站流量, 并且所有策略(无论它们是否包含 Ingress 部分)都将会影响 入站流量。 如果要仅定义出站流量策略,则必须明确指定 [ "Egress" ]。 同样,如果要定义一个指定拒绝所有出站流量的策略,则必须指定一个包含 Egress 的 policyTypes 值 (因为这样不包含 Egress 部分的策略,将会被默认为只有 [ "Ingress" ] )。此字段在 1.8 中为 Beta。

  • ingress ([]NetworkPolicyIngressRule)


    ingress 是应用到所选 Pod 的入站规则列表。在没有被任何 NetworkPolicy 选择到 Pod 的情况下(同时假定集群策略允许对应流量), 或者如果流量源是 Pod 的本地节点,或者流量与所有 NetworkPolicy 中的至少一个入站规则(Ingress) 匹配, 则进入 Pod 的流量是被允许的。如果此字段为空,则此 NetworkPolicy 不允许任何入站流量 (这种设置用来确保它所选择的 Pod 在默认情况下是被隔离的)。

    NetworkPolicyIngressRule 定义 NetworkPolicySpec 的 podSelector 所选 Pod 的入站规则的白名单列表, 流量必须同时匹配 ports 和 from。

    • ingress.from ([]NetworkPolicyPeer)


      from 是流量来源列表,列表中的来源可以访问被此规则选中的 Pod。此列表中的流量来源使用逻辑或操作进行组合。 如果此字段为空值或缺失(未设置), 则此规则匹配所有流量来源(也即允许所有入站流量)。如果此字段存在并且至少包含一项来源,则仅当流量与来自列表中的至少一项匹配时, 此规则才允许流量访问被选中的 Pod 集合。

      NetworkPolicyPeer 描述了允许进出流量的对等点。这个参数只允许某些字段组合。

      • ingress.from.ipBlock (IPBlock)

        ipBlock 针对特定 IPBlock 定义策略。如果设置了此字段,则不可以设置其他字段。

        IPBlock 定义一个特定的 CIDR 范围(例如, 来自这个 IP 范围的流量来源将会被允许访问与 NetworkPolicySpec 的 podSelector 匹配的 Pod 集合。 except 字段则设置应排除在此规则之外的 CIDR 范围。

        • ingress.from.ipBlock.cidr (string),必需

          cidr 是表示 IP 组块的字符串,例如 """2001:db8::/64"

        • ingress.from.ipBlock.except ([]string)


          except 是一个由 CIDR 范围组成的列表,其中指定的 CIDR 都应排除在此 IP 区块范围之外。 例如 """2001:db8::/64"。 如果 except 字段的值超出 ipBlock.cidr 的范围则被视为无效策略。

      • ingress.from.namespaceSelector (LabelSelector)

        namespaceSelector 使用集群范围标签来选择特定的 Namespace。此字段遵循标准标签选择算符语义; 如果此字段存在但为空值,则会选择所有名字空间。

        如果 podSelector 也被定义了, 那么 NetworkPolicyPeer 将选择那些同时满足 namespaceSelector 所选名字空间下和 podSelector 规则匹配的 Pod。 反之选择 namespaceSelector 所选名字空间下所有的 Pod。

      • ingress.from.podSelector (LabelSelector)

        podSelector 是负责选择 Pod 的标签选择算符。该字段遵循标准标签选择算符语义;如果字段存在但为空值,则选择所有 Pod。

        如果 namespaceSelector 也被定义,那么 NetworkPolicyPeer 将选择那些同时满足 namespaceSelector 定义的名字空间下和 podSelector 规则匹配的 Pod。 反之会在策略所在的名字空间中选择与 podSelector 匹配的 Pod。

    • ingress.ports ([]NetworkPolicyPort)


      ports 是在此规则选中的 Pod 上应可访问的端口列表。此列表中的个项目使用逻辑或操作组合。如果此字段为空或缺失, 则此规则匹配所有端口(进入流量可访问任何端口)。 如果此字段存在并且包含至少一个有效值,则此规则仅在流量至少匹配列表中的一个端口时才允许访问。

      NetworkPolicyPort 定义可以连接的端口

      • ingress.ports.port (IntOrString)

        port 表示符合给定协议的端口。字段值可以是 Pod 上的数字或命名端口。如果未提供此字段,则匹配所有端口名和端口号。 如果定义了,则仅允许对给定的协议和端口的入口流量。

        IntOrString 是一种可以包含 int32 或字符串值的类型。在 JSON 或 YAML 编组和解组中使用时,它会生成或使用内部类型。 例如,这允许你拥有一个可以接受名称或数字的 JSON 字段。

      • ingress.ports.endPort (int32)

        endPort 表示如果设置了此字段,则策略应该允许 port 与 endPort 之间(包含二者)的所有端口。 如果未定义 port 或将 port 字段值为命名端口(字符串),则不可以使用 endPort。 endPort 必须等于或大于 port 值。

      • ingress.ports.protocol (string)

        protocol 表示流量必须匹配的网络协议(TCP、UDP 或 SCTP)。如果未指定,此字段默认为 TCP。

  • egress ([]NetworkPolicyEgressRule)


    egress 是应用到所选 Pod 的出站规则的列表。如果没有 NetworkPolicy 选中指定 Pod(并且其他集群策略也允许出口流量), 或者在所有通过 podSelector 选中了某 Pod 的 NetworkPolicy 中,至少有一条出站规则与出站流量匹配, 则该 Pod 的出站流量是被允许的。 如果此字段为空,则此 NetworkPolicy 拒绝所有出站流量(这策略可以确保它所选中的 Pod 在默认情况下是被隔离的)。 egress 字段在 1.8 中为 Beta 级别。

    NetworkPolicyEgressRule 针对被 NetworkPolicySpec 的 podSelector 所选中 Pod,描述其被允许的出站流量。 流量必须同时匹配 ports 和 to 设置。此类型在 1.8 中为 Beta 级别。

    • egress.to ([]NetworkPolicyPeer)


      to 是针对此规则所选择的 Pod 的出口流量的目的地列表。此列表中的目的地使用逻辑或操作进行组合。如果此字段为空或缺失, 则此规则匹配所有目的地(流量不受目的地限制)。如果此字段存在且至少包含一项目的地,则仅当流量与目标列表中的至少一个匹配时, 此规则才允许出口流量。

      NetworkPolicyPeer 描述允许进出流量的对等点。这个对象只允许某些字段组合。

      • egress.to.ipBlock (IPBlock)

        ipBlock 针对特定的 IP 区块定义策略。如果设置了此字段,则其他不可以设置其他字段。

        IPBlock 描述一个特定的 CIDR 范围(例如, 与 NetworkPolicySpec 的 podSelector 匹配的 Pod 将被允许连接到这个 IP 范围,作为其出口流量目的地。 except 字段则设置了不被此规则影响的 CIDR 范围。

        • egress.to.ipBlock.cidr (string),必需

          cidr 是用来表达 IP 组块的字符串,例如 """2001:db8::/64"

        • egress.to.ipBlock.except ([]string)


          except 定义不应包含在 ipBlock 内的 CIDR 范围列表。例如 """2001:db8::/64"。 如果 except 的值超出 ipBlock.cidr 的范围则被拒绝。

      • egress.to.namespaceSelector (LabelSelector)

        namespaceSelector 使用集群范围标签来选择特定的名字空间。该字段遵循标准标签选择算符语义; 如果字段存在但为空值,那会选择所有名字空间。

        如果 podSelector 也被定义了, 那么 NetworkPolicyPeer 将选择那些同时满足 namespaceSelector 指定的名字空间下和 podSelector 规则匹配的 Pod。 反之选择 namespaceSelector 指定的名字空间下所有的 Pod。

      • egress.to.podSelector (LabelSelector)

        podSelector 是负责选择一组 Pod 的标签选择算符。该字段遵循标准标签选择算符语义; 如果字段存在但为空值,则选择所有 Pod。

        如果 egress.to.namespaceSelector 也被定义,则 NetworkPolicyPeer 将选择 namespaceSelector 所指定的名字空间下和 podSelector 规则匹配的 Pod。 反之会在策略所属的名字空间中选择与 podSelector 匹配的 Pod。

    • egress.ports ([]NetworkPolicyPort)


      ports 是出站流量目的地的端口列表。此列表中的各个项目使用逻辑或操作进行组合。如果此字段为空或缺失, 则此规则匹配所有端口(可访问出口流量目的地的任何端口)。如果此字段存在并且包含至少一个有效值, 则此规则仅在流量与列表中的至少一个端口匹配时才允许访问。

      NetworkPolicyPort 定义出口流量目的地的端口。

      • egress.ports.port (IntOrString)

        port 表示符合给定协议的端口。字段值可以是 Pod 上的数字或命名端口。如果未提供此字段,则匹配所有端口名和端口号。 如果定义此字段,则仅允许针对给定的协议和端口的出站流量。

        IntOrString 是一种可以包含 int32 或字符串值的类型。在 JSON 或 YAML 编组和解组中使用时,它会生成或使用内部类型。 例如,这允许你拥有一个可以接受名称或数字的 JSON 字段。

      - **egress.ports.endPort** (int32)

      如果设置了 endPort,则用来指定策略所允许的从 port 到 endPort 的端口范围(包含边界值)。 如果未设置 port 或 port 字段值为端口名称(字符串),则不可以指定 endPort。 endPort 必须等于或大于 port 值。

      • egress.ports.protocol (string)

        protocol 表示流量必须匹配的网络协议(TCP、UDP 或 SCTP)。如果未指定,此字段默认为 TCP。


NetworkPolicyList 是 NetworkPolicy 的集合。

  • apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1

  • kind: NetworkPolicyList

  • items ([]NetworkPolicy),必需

    items 是 NetworkPolicy 的列表。


get 读取指定的 NetworkPolicy


GET /apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/networkpolicies/{name}


  • name (路径参数): string,必需

    NetworkPolicy 的名称。

  • namespace (路径参数): string,必需


  • pretty (查询参数): string



200 (NetworkPolicy): OK

401: Unauthorized

list 列出或监视 NetworkPolicy 类型的对象


GET /apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/networkpolicies


  • namespace (路径参数): string,必需


  • limit (查询参数): integer


  • pretty (查询参数): string


  • watch (查询参数): boolean



200 (NetworkPolicyList): OK

401: Unauthorized

list 列出或监视 NetworkPolicy 类

HTTP Request

GET /apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/networkpolicies


  • limit (查询参数): integer


  • pretty (查询参数): string


  • watch (查询参数): boolean



200 (NetworkPolicyList): OK

401: Unauthorized

create 创建 NetworkPolicy


POST /apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/networkpolicies


  • namespace (路径参数): string,必需

  • body: NetworkPolicy,必需


200 (NetworkPolicy): OK

201 (NetworkPolicy): Created

202 (NetworkPolicy): Accepted

401: Unauthorized

update 替换指定的 NetworkPolicy


PUT /apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/networkpolicies/{name}


  • name (路径参数): string,必需

    NetworkPolicy 的名称。


200 (NetworkPolicy): OK

201 (NetworkPolicy): Created

401: Unauthorized

patch 部分更新指定的 NetworkPolicy


PATCH /apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/networkpolicies/{name}


  • name (路径参数): string,必需

    NetworkPolicy 的名称。

  • namespace (路径参数): string,必需


  • body: Patch,必需


200 (NetworkPolicy): OK

201 (NetworkPolicy): Created

401: Unauthorized

delete 删除 NetworkPolicy


DELETE /apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/networkpolicies/{name}



200 (Status): OK

202 (Status): Accepted

401: Unauthorized

deletecollection 删除 NetworkPolicy 的集合


DELETE /apis/networking.k8s.io/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/networkpolicies



200 (Status): OK

401: Unauthorized

5 - PodDisruptionBudget

PodDisruptionBudget 是一个对象,用于定义可能对一组 Pod 造成的最大干扰。

apiVersion: policy/v1

import "k8s.io/api/policy/v1"


PodDisruptionBudget 是一个对象,用于定义可能对一组 Pod 造成的最大干扰。

  • apiVersion: policy/v1

  • kind: PodDisruptionBudget


PodDisruptionBudgetSpec 是对 PodDisruptionBudget 的描述。

  • maxUnavailable (IntOrString)

    如果 “selector” 所选中的 Pod 中最多有 “maxUnavailable” Pod 在驱逐后不可用(即去掉被驱逐的 Pod 之后),则允许驱逐。 例如,可以通过将此字段设置为 0 来阻止所有自愿驱逐。此字段是与 “minAvailable” 互斥的设置。

    IntOrString 是一种可以包含 int32 或字符串数值的类型。在 JSON 或 YAML 编组和解组时, 会生成或使用内部类型。例如,此类型允许你定义一个可以接受名称或数字的 JSON 字段。

  • minAvailable (IntOrString)

    如果 “selector” 所选中的 Pod 中,至少 “minAvailable” 个 Pod 在驱逐后仍然可用(即去掉被驱逐的 Pod 之后),则允许驱逐。 因此,你可以通过将此字段设置为 “100%” 来禁止所有自愿驱逐。

    IntOrString 是一种可以包含 int32 或字符串数值的类型。在 JSON 或 YAML 编组和解组时, 会生成或使用内部类型。例如,此类型允许你定义一个可以接受名称或数字的 JSON 字段。

  • selector (LabelSelector)

    标签查询,用来选择其驱逐由干扰预算来管理的 Pod 集合。 选择算符为 null 时将不会匹配任何 Pod,而空 ({}) 选择算符将选中名字空间内的所有 Pod。

  • unhealthyPodEvictionPolicy (string)

    unhealthyPodEvictionPolicy 定义不健康的 Pod 应被考虑驱逐时的标准。 当前的实现将健康的 Pod 视为具有 status.conditions 项且 type="Ready"、status="True" 的 Pod。

    有效的策略是 IfHealthyBudget 和 AlwaysAllow。 如果没有策略被指定,则使用与 IfHealthyBudget 策略对应的默认行为。

    IfHealthyBudget 策略意味着正在运行(status.phase="Running")但还不健康的 Pod 只有在被守护的应用未受干扰(status.currentHealthy 至少等于 status.desiredHealthy) 时才能被驱逐。健康的 Pod 将受到 PDB 的驱逐。

    AlwaysAllow 策略意味着无论是否满足 PDB 中的条件,所有正在运行(status.phase="Running")但还不健康的 Pod 都被视为受干扰且可以被驱逐。这意味着受干扰应用的透视运行 Pod 可能没有机会变得健康。 健康的 Pod 将受到 PDB 的驱逐。

    将来可能会添加其他策略。如果客户端在该字段遇到未识别的策略,则做出驱逐决定的客户端应禁止驱逐不健康的 Pod。

    该字段是 Alpha 级别的。当特性门控 PDBUnhealthyPodEvictionPolicy 被启用(默认禁用)时,驱逐 API 使用此字段。


PodDisruptionBudgetStatus 表示有关此 PodDisruptionBudget 状态的信息。状态可能会反映系统的实际状态。

  • currentHealthy (int32),必需

    当前健康 Pod 的数量。

  • desiredHealthy (int32),必需

    健康 Pod 的最小期望值。

  • disruptionsAllowed (int32),必需

    当前允许的 Pod 干扰计数。

  • expectedPods (int32),必需

    此干扰预算计入的 Pod 总数

  • conditions ([]Condition)

    补丁策略:根据 type 键执行合并操作

    Map:键 type 的唯一值将在合并期间被保留

    conditions 包含 PDB 的状况。干扰控制器会设置 DisruptionAllowed 状况。 以下是 reason 字段的已知值(将来可能会添加其他原因):

    • SyncFailed:控制器遇到错误并且无法计算允许的干扰计数。因此不允许任何干扰,且状况的状态将变为 False。
    • InsufficientPods:Pod 的数量只能小于或等于 PodDisruptionBudget 要求的数量。 不允许任何干扰,且状况的状态将是 False。
    • SufficientPods:Pod 个数超出 PodDisruptionBudget 所要求的阈值。 此状况为 True 时,基于 disruptsAllowed 属性确定所允许的干扰数目。

    Condition 包含此 API 资源当前状态的一个方面的详细信息。

    • conditions.lastTransitionTime (Time),必需

      lastTransitionTime 是状况最近一次从一种状态转换到另一种状态的时间。 这种变化通常出现在下层状况发生变化的时候。如果无法了解下层状况变化,使用 API 字段更改的时间也是可以接受的。

      Time 是 time.Time 的包装器,它支持对 YAML 和 JSON 的正确编组。 time 包的许多工厂方法提供了包装器。

    • conditions.message (string),必需

      message 是一条人类可读的消息,指示有关转换的详细信息。它可能是一个空字符串。

    • conditions.reason (string),必需

      reason 包含一个程序标识符,指示状况最后一次转换的原因。 特定状况类型的生产者可以定义该字段的预期值和含义,以及这些值是否可被视为有保证的 API。 该值应该是 CamelCase 字符串。此字段不能为空。

    • conditions.status (string),必需

      状况的状态为 True、False、Unknown 之一。

    • conditions.type (string),必需

      CamelCase 或 foo.example.com/CamelCase 形式的状况类型。

    • conditions.observedGeneration (int64)

      observedGeneration 表示设置状况时所基于的 .metadata.generation。 例如,如果 .metadata.generation 当前为 12,但 .status.conditions[x].observedGeneration 为 9, 则状况相对于实例的当前状态已过期。

  • disruptedPods (map[string]Time)

    disruptedPods 包含有关 Pod 的一些信息,这些 Pod 的驱逐操作已由 API 服务器上的 eviction 子资源处理程序处理, 但尚未被 PodDisruptionBudget 控制器观察到。 从 API 服务器处理驱逐请求到 PDB 控制器看到该 Pod 已标记为删除(或超时后),Pod 将记录在此映射中。 映射中的键名是 Pod 的名称,键值是 API 服务器处理驱逐请求的时间。 如果删除没有发生并且 Pod 仍然存在,PodDisruptionBudget 控制器将在一段时间后自动将 Pod 从列表中删除。 如果一切顺利,此映射大部分时间应该是空的。映射中的存在大量条目可能表明 Pod 删除存在问题。

    Time 是 time.Time 的包装器,它支持对 YAML 和 JSON 的正确编组。 time 包的许多工厂方法提供了包装器。

  • observedGeneration (int64)

    更新此 PDB 状态时观察到的最新一代。 DisruptionsAllowed 和其他状态信息仅在 observedGeneration 等于 PDB 的对象的代数时才有效。


PodDisruptionBudgetList 是 PodDisruptionBudget 的集合。

  • apiVersion: policy/v1

  • kind: PodDisruptionBudgetList


get 读取指定的 PodDisruptionBudget


GET /apis/policy/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/poddisruptionbudgets/{name}


  • name (路径参数): string,必需

    PodDisruptionBudget 的名称。

  • namespace (路径参数): string,必需


  • pretty (查询参数): string



200 (PodDisruptionBudget): OK

401: Unauthorized

get 读取指定 PodDisruptionBudget 的状态


GET /apis/policy/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/poddisruptionbudgets/{name}/status


  • name (路径参数): string,必需

    PodDisruptionBudget 的名称。

  • namespace (路径参数): string,必需


  • pretty (查询参数): string



200 (PodDisruptionBudget): OK

401: Unauthorized

list 列出或监视 PodDisruptionBudget 类型的对象


GET /apis/policy/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/poddisruptionbudgets


  • namespace (路径参数): string,必需


  • limit (查询参数): integer


  • pretty (查询参数): string


  • watch (查询参数): boolean



200 (PodDisruptionBudgetList): OK

401: Unauthorized

list 列出或监视 PodDisruptionBudget 类型的对象


GET /apis/policy/v1/poddisruptionbudgets


  • limit (查询参数): integer


  • pretty (查询参数): string


  • watch (查询参数): boolean



200 (PodDisruptionBudgetList): OK

401: Unauthorized

create 创建一个 PodDisruptionBudget


POST /apis/policy/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/poddisruptionbudgets


  • namespace (路径参数): string,必需


  • dryRun (查询参数): string


  • pretty (查询参数): string



200 (PodDisruptionBudget): OK

201 (PodDisruptionBudget): Created

202 (PodDisruptionBudget): Accepted

401: Unauthorized

update 替换指定的 PodDisruptionBudget


PUT /apis/policy/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/poddisruptionbudgets/{name}


  • name (路径参数): string,必需

    PodDisruptionBudget 的名称。

  • namespace (路径参数): string,必需


  • dryRun (查询参数): string



200 (PodDisruptionBudget): OK

201 (PodDisruptionBudget): Created

401: Unauthorized

update 替换指定 PodDisruptionBudget 的状态


PUT /apis/policy/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/poddisruptionbudgets/{name}/status


  • name (路径参数): string,必需

    PodDisruptionBudget 的名称。

  • namespace (路径参数): string,必需



200 (PodDisruptionBudget): OK

201 (PodDisruptionBudget): Created

401: Unauthorized

patch 部分更新指定的 PodDisruptionBudget


PATCH /apis/policy/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/poddisruptionbudgets/{name}


  • name (路径参数): string,必需

    PodDisruptionBudget 的名称

  • namespace (路径参数): string,必需


  • dryRun (查询参数): string


  • force (查询参数): boolean


  • pretty (查询参数): string



200 (PodDisruptionBudget): OK

201 (PodDisruptionBudget): Created

401: Unauthorized

patch 部分更新指定 PodDisruptionBudget 的状态


PATCH /apis/policy/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/poddisruptionbudgets/{name}/status


  • name (路径参数): string,必需

    PodDisruptionBudget 的名称。

  • namespace (路径参数): string,必需


  • dryRun (查询参数): string


  • force (查询参数): boolean


  • pretty (查询参数): string



200 (PodDisruptionBudget): OK

201 (PodDisruptionBudget): Created

401: Unauthorized

delete 删除 PodDisruptionBudget


DELETE /apis/policy/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/poddisruptionbudgets/{name}


  • name (路径参数): string,必需

    PodDisruptionBudget 的名称。

  • dryRun (查询参数): string


  • pretty (查询参数): string



200 (Status): OK

202 (Status): Accepted

401: Unauthorized

deletecollection 删除 PodDisruptionBudget 的集合

HTTP Request

DELETE /apis/policy/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/poddisruptionbudgets


  • dryRun (查询参数): string


  • limit (查询参数): integer


  • pretty (查询参数): string



200 (Status): OK

401: Unauthorized

6 - PriorityLevelConfiguration v1

PriorityLevelConfiguration 表示一个优先级的配置。

apiVersion: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1

import "k8s.io/api/flowcontrol/v1"


PriorityLevelConfiguration 表示一个优先级的配置。

  • apiVersion: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1

  • kind: PriorityLevelConfiguration


PriorityLevelConfigurationSpec 指定一个优先级的配置。

  • exempt (ExemptPriorityLevelConfiguration)

    exempt 指定了对于豁免优先级的请求如何处理。 如果 type 取值为 "Limited",则此字段必须为空。 如果 type 取值为 "Exempt",则此字段可以非空。 如果为空且 type 取值为 "Exempt",则应用 ExemptPriorityLevelConfiguration 的默认值。

    ExemptPriorityLevelConfiguration 描述豁免请求处理的可配置方面。 在强制豁免配置对象中,与 spec 中的其余部分不同,此处字段的取值可以被授权用户修改。

    • exempt.lendablePercent (int32)

      lendablePercent 规定该级别的 NominalCL 可被其他优先级租借的百分比。 此字段的值必须在 0 到 100 之间,包括 0 和 100,默认为 0。 其他级别可以从该级别借用的席位数被称为此级别的 LendableConcurrencyLimit(LendableCL),定义如下。

      LendableCL(i) = round( NominalCL(i) * lendablePercent(i)/100.0 )

    • exempt.nominalConcurrencyShares (int32)

      nominalConcurrencyShares(NCS)也被用来计算该级别的 NominalConcurrencyLimit(NominalCL)。 字段值是为该优先级保留的执行席位的数量。这一设置不限制此优先级别的调度行为, 但会通过借用机制影响其他优先级。服务器的并发限制(ServerCL)会按照各个优先级的 NCS 值按比例分配:

      NominalCL(i) = ceil( ServerCL * NCS(i) / sum_ncs ) sum_ncs = sum[priority level k] NCS(k)


  • limited (LimitedPriorityLevelConfiguration)

    limited 指定如何为某个受限的优先级处理请求。 当且仅当 type"Limited" 时,此字段必须为非空。

    LimitedPriorityLevelConfiguration 指定如何处理需要被限制的请求。它解决两个问题:

    • 如何限制此优先级的请求?
    • 应如何处理超出此限制的请求?
    • limited.borrowingLimitPercent (int32)

      borrowingLimitPercent 配置如果存在,则可用来限制此优先级可以从其他优先级中租借多少资源。 该限制被称为该级别的 BorrowingConcurrencyLimit(BorrowingCL),它限制了该级别可以同时租借的资源总数。 该字段保存了该限制与该级别标称并发限制之比。当此字段非空时,必须为正整数,并按以下方式计算限制值:

      BorrowingCL(i) = round(NominalCL(i) * borrowingLimitPercent(i) / 100.0)

      该字段值可以大于100,表示该优先级可以大于自己标称并发限制(NominalCL)。当此字段为 nil 时,表示无限制。

    • limited.lendablePercent (int32)

      lendablePercent 规定了 NominalCL 可被其他优先级租借资源数百分比。 此字段的值必须在 0 到 100 之间,包括 0 和 100,默认为 0。 其他级别可以从该级别借用的资源数被称为此级别的 LendableConcurrencyLimit(LendableCL),定义如下。

      LendableCL(i) = round( NominalCL(i) * lendablePercent(i)/100.0 )

    • limited.limitResponse (LimitResponse)

      limitResponse 指示如何处理当前无法立即执行的请求。

      LimitResponse 定义如何处理当前无法立即执行的请求。

      • limited.limitResponse.type (string),必需

        type 是 “Queue” 或 “Reject”。此字段必须设置。 “Queue” 意味着在到达时无法被执行的请求可以被放到队列中,直到它们被执行或者队列长度超出限制为止。 “Reject” 意味着到达时无法执行的请求将被拒绝。

      • limited.limitResponse.queuing (QueuingConfiguration)

        queuing 包含排队所用的配置参数。只有 type"Queue" 时,此字段才可以为非空。

        QueuingConfiguration 保存排队所用的配置参数。

        • limited.limitResponse.queuing.handSize (int32)

          handSize 是一个小的正数,用于配置如何将请求随机分片到队列中。 当以该优先级将请求排队时,将对请求的流标识符(字符串对)进行哈希计算, 该哈希值用于打乱队列队列的列表,并处理此处指定的一批请求。 请求被放入这一批次中最短的队列中。 handSize 不得大于 queues,并且应该明显更小(以便几个大的流量不会使大多数队列饱和)。 有关设置此字段的更多详细指导,请参阅面向用户的文档。此字段的默认值为 8。

        • limited.limitResponse.queuing.queueLengthLimit (int32)

          queueLengthLimit 是任意时刻允许在此优先级的给定队列中等待的请求数上限; 额外的请求将被拒绝。 此值必须是正数。如果未指定,则默认为 50。

        • limited.limitResponse.queuing.queues (int32)

          queues 是这个优先级的队列数。此队列在每个 API 服务器上独立存在。此值必须是正数。 将其设置为 1 相当于禁止了混洗分片操作,进而使得对相关流模式的区分方法不再有意义。 此字段的默认值为 64。

    • limited.nominalConcurrencyShares (int32)

      nominalConcurrencyShares(NCS)用于计算该优先级的标称并发限制(NominalCL)。 NCS 表示可以在此优先级同时运行的席位数量上限,包括来自本优先级的请求, 以及从此优先级租借席位的其他级别的请求。 服务器的并发度限制(ServerCL)根据 NCS 值按比例分别给各 Limited 优先级:

      NominalCL(i) = ceil( ServerCL * NCS(i) / sum_ncs ) sum_ncs = sum[priority level k] NCS(k)


  • type (string),必需

    type 指示此优先级是否遵从有关请求执行的限制。 取值为 "Exempt" 意味着此优先级的请求不遵从某个限制(且因此从不排队)且不会减损其他优先级可用的容量。 取值为 "Limited" 意味着 (a) 此优先级的请求遵从这些限制且 (b) 服务器某些受限的容量仅可用于此优先级。必需。


PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus 表示 “请求优先级” 的当前状况。

  • conditions ([]PriorityLevelConfigurationCondition)

    补丁策略:基于键 type 合并

    Map:合并期间保留根据键 type 保留其唯一值

    conditions 是 “请求优先级” 的当前状况。

    PriorityLevelConfigurationCondition 定义优先级的状况。

    • conditions.lastTransitionTime (Time)

      lastTransitionTime 是状况上次从一个状态转换为另一个状态的时间。

      Time 是对 time.Time 的封装。Time 支持对 YAML 和 JSON 进行正确封包。 为 time 包的许多函数方法提供了封装器。

    • conditions.message (string)

      message 是人类可读的消息,指示有关上次转换的详细信息。

    • conditions.reason (string)

      reason 是状况上次转换原因的、驼峰格式命名的、唯一的一个词。

    • conditions.status (string)

      status 表示状况的状态,取值为 True、False 或 Unknown 之一。必需。

    • conditions.type (string)

      type 表示状况的类型,必需。


PriorityLevelConfigurationList 是 PriorityLevelConfiguration 对象的列表。

  • apiVersion: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1

  • kind: PriorityLevelConfigurationList


get 读取指定的 PriorityLevelConfiguration


GET /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1/prioritylevelconfigurations/{name}


  • name路径参数):string,必需

    PriorityLevelConfiguration 的名称。

  • pretty查询参数):string



200 (PriorityLevelConfiguration): OK

401: Unauthorized

get 读取指定的 PriorityLevelConfiguration 的状态


GET /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1/prioritylevelconfigurations/{name}/status


  • name路径参数):string,必需

    PriorityLevelConfiguration 的名称。

  • pretty查询参数):string



200 (PriorityLevelConfiguration): OK

401: Unauthorized

list 列出或监视 PriorityLevelConfiguration 类别的对象


GET /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1/prioritylevelconfigurations



200 (PriorityLevelConfigurationList): OK

401: Unauthorized

create 创建 PriorityLevelConfiguration


POST /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1/prioritylevelconfigurations



200 (PriorityLevelConfiguration): OK

201 (PriorityLevelConfiguration): Created

202 (PriorityLevelConfiguration): Accepted

401: Unauthorized

update 替换指定的 PriorityLevelConfiguration


PUT /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1/prioritylevelconfigurations/{name}



200 (PriorityLevelConfiguration): OK

201 (PriorityLevelConfiguration): Created

401: Unauthorized

update 替换指定的 PriorityLevelConfiguration 的状态


PUT /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1/prioritylevelconfigurations/{name}/status



200 (PriorityLevelConfiguration): OK

201 (PriorityLevelConfiguration): Created

401: Unauthorized

patch 部分更新指定的 PriorityLevelConfiguration


PATCH /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1/prioritylevelconfigurations/{name}


  • name路径参数):string,必需

    PriorityLevelConfiguration 的名称。

  • body: Patch,必需

  • dryRun查询参数):string


  • fieldManager查询参数):string


  • fieldValidation查询参数):string


  • force查询参数):boolean


  • pretty查询参数):string



200 (PriorityLevelConfiguration): OK

201 (PriorityLevelConfiguration): Created

401: Unauthorized

patch 部分更新指定的 PriorityLevelConfiguration 的状态


PATCH /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1/prioritylevelconfigurations/{name}/status


  • name路径参数):string,必需

    PriorityLevelConfiguration 的名称。

  • body: Patch,必需

  • dryRun查询参数):string


  • fieldManager查询参数):string


  • fieldValidation查询参数):string


  • force查询参数):boolean


  • pretty查询参数):string



200 (PriorityLevelConfiguration): OK

201 (PriorityLevelConfiguration): Created

401: Unauthorized

delete 删除 PriorityLevelConfiguration


DELETE /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1/prioritylevelconfigurations/{name}


  • name路径参数):string,必需

    PriorityLevelConfiguration 的名称。

  • body: DeleteOptions

  • dryRun查询参数):string


  • gracePeriodSeconds查询参数):integer


  • pretty查询参数):string


  • propagationPolicy查询参数):string



200 (Status): OK

202 (Status): Accepted

401: Unauthorized

deletecollection 删除 PriorityLevelConfiguration 的集合


DELETE /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1/prioritylevelconfigurations



200 (Status): OK

401: Unauthorized

7 - ValidatingAdmissionPolicy

ValidatingAdmissionPolicy describes the definition of an admission validation policy that accepts or rejects an object without changing it.

apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1

import "k8s.io/api/admissionregistration/v1"


ValidatingAdmissionPolicy describes the definition of an admission validation policy that accepts or rejects an object without changing it.

  • apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1

  • kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicy

  • metadata (ObjectMeta)

    Standard object metadata; More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata.

  • spec (ValidatingAdmissionPolicySpec)

    Specification of the desired behavior of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy.

    ValidatingAdmissionPolicySpec is the specification of the desired behavior of the AdmissionPolicy.

    • spec.auditAnnotations ([]AuditAnnotation)

      Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

      auditAnnotations contains CEL expressions which are used to produce audit annotations for the audit event of the API request. validations and auditAnnotations may not both be empty; a least one of validations or auditAnnotations is required.

      AuditAnnotation describes how to produce an audit annotation for an API request.

      • spec.auditAnnotations.key (string), required

        key specifies the audit annotation key. The audit annotation keys of a ValidatingAdmissionPolicy must be unique. The key must be a qualified name ([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9_.]*) no more than 63 bytes in length.

        The key is combined with the resource name of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy to construct an audit annotation key: "{ValidatingAdmissionPolicy name}/{key}".

        If an admission webhook uses the same resource name as this ValidatingAdmissionPolicy and the same audit annotation key, the annotation key will be identical. In this case, the first annotation written with the key will be included in the audit event and all subsequent annotations with the same key will be discarded.


      • spec.auditAnnotations.valueExpression (string), required

        valueExpression represents the expression which is evaluated by CEL to produce an audit annotation value. The expression must evaluate to either a string or null value. If the expression evaluates to a string, the audit annotation is included with the string value. If the expression evaluates to null or empty string the audit annotation will be omitted. The valueExpression may be no longer than 5kb in length. If the result of the valueExpression is more than 10kb in length, it will be truncated to 10kb.

        If multiple ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding resources match an API request, then the valueExpression will be evaluated for each binding. All unique values produced by the valueExpressions will be joined together in a comma-separated list.


    • spec.failurePolicy (string)

      failurePolicy defines how to handle failures for the admission policy. Failures can occur from CEL expression parse errors, type check errors, runtime errors and invalid or mis-configured policy definitions or bindings.

      A policy is invalid if spec.paramKind refers to a non-existent Kind. A binding is invalid if spec.paramRef.name refers to a non-existent resource.

      failurePolicy does not define how validations that evaluate to false are handled.

      When failurePolicy is set to Fail, ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding validationActions define how failures are enforced.

      Allowed values are Ignore or Fail. Defaults to Fail.

    • spec.matchConditions ([]MatchCondition)

      Patch strategy: merge on key name

      Map: unique values on key name will be kept during a merge

      MatchConditions is a list of conditions that must be met for a request to be validated. Match conditions filter requests that have already been matched by the rules, namespaceSelector, and objectSelector. An empty list of matchConditions matches all requests. There are a maximum of 64 match conditions allowed.

      If a parameter object is provided, it can be accessed via the params handle in the same manner as validation expressions.

      The exact matching logic is (in order):

      1. If ANY matchCondition evaluates to FALSE, the policy is skipped.
      2. If ALL matchConditions evaluate to TRUE, the policy is evaluated.
      3. If any matchCondition evaluates to an error (but none are FALSE):
        • If failurePolicy=Fail, reject the request
        • If failurePolicy=Ignore, the policy is skipped

      MatchCondition represents a condition which must by fulfilled for a request to be sent to a webhook.

      • spec.matchConditions.expression (string), required

        Expression represents the expression which will be evaluated by CEL. Must evaluate to bool. CEL expressions have access to the contents of the AdmissionRequest and Authorizer, organized into CEL variables:

        'object' - The object from the incoming request. The value is null for DELETE requests. 'oldObject' - The existing object. The value is null for CREATE requests. 'request' - Attributes of the admission request(/pkg/apis/admission/types.go#AdmissionRequest). 'authorizer' - A CEL Authorizer. May be used to perform authorization checks for the principal (user or service account) of the request. See https://pkg.go.dev/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/cel/library#Authz 'authorizer.requestResource' - A CEL ResourceCheck constructed from the 'authorizer' and configured with the request resource. Documentation on CEL: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/cel/


      • spec.matchConditions.name (string), required

        Name is an identifier for this match condition, used for strategic merging of MatchConditions, as well as providing an identifier for logging purposes. A good name should be descriptive of the associated expression. Name must be a qualified name consisting of alphanumeric characters, '-', '' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character (e.g. 'MyName', or 'my.name', or '123-abc', regex used for validation is '([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9.]*)?[A-Za-z0-9]') with an optional DNS subdomain prefix and '/' (e.g. 'example.com/MyName')


    • spec.matchConstraints (MatchResources)

      MatchConstraints specifies what resources this policy is designed to validate. The AdmissionPolicy cares about a request if it matches all Constraints. However, in order to prevent clusters from being put into an unstable state that cannot be recovered from via the API ValidatingAdmissionPolicy cannot match ValidatingAdmissionPolicy and ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding. Required.

      MatchResources decides whether to run the admission control policy on an object based on whether it meets the match criteria. The exclude rules take precedence over include rules (if a resource matches both, it is excluded)

      • spec.matchConstraints.excludeResourceRules ([]NamedRuleWithOperations)

        Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

        ExcludeResourceRules describes what operations on what resources/subresources the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy should not care about. The exclude rules take precedence over include rules (if a resource matches both, it is excluded)

        NamedRuleWithOperations is a tuple of Operations and Resources with ResourceNames.

        • spec.matchConstraints.excludeResourceRules.apiGroups ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          APIGroups is the API groups the resources belong to. '' is all groups. If '' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchConstraints.excludeResourceRules.apiVersions ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          APIVersions is the API versions the resources belong to. '' is all versions. If '' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchConstraints.excludeResourceRules.operations ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          Operations is the operations the admission hook cares about - CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, CONNECT or * for all of those operations and any future admission operations that are added. If '*' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchConstraints.excludeResourceRules.resourceNames ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to. An empty set means that everything is allowed.

        • spec.matchConstraints.excludeResourceRules.resources ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.

          For example: 'pods' means pods. 'pods/log' means the log subresource of pods. '' means all resources, but not subresources. 'pods/' means all subresources of pods. '/scale' means all scale subresources. '/*' means all resources and their subresources.

          If wildcard is present, the validation rule will ensure resources do not overlap with each other.

          Depending on the enclosing object, subresources might not be allowed. Required.

        • spec.matchConstraints.excludeResourceRules.scope (string)

          scope specifies the scope of this rule. Valid values are "Cluster", "Namespaced", and "" "Cluster" means that only cluster-scoped resources will match this rule. Namespace API objects are cluster-scoped. "Namespaced" means that only namespaced resources will match this rule. "" means that there are no scope restrictions. Subresources match the scope of their parent resource. Default is "*".

      • spec.matchConstraints.matchPolicy (string)

        matchPolicy defines how the "MatchResources" list is used to match incoming requests. Allowed values are "Exact" or "Equivalent".

        • Exact: match a request only if it exactly matches a specified rule. For example, if deployments can be modified via apps/v1, apps/v1beta1, and extensions/v1beta1, but "rules" only included apiGroups:["apps"], apiVersions:["v1"], resources: ["deployments"], a request to apps/v1beta1 or extensions/v1beta1 would not be sent to the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy.

        • Equivalent: match a request if modifies a resource listed in rules, even via another API group or version. For example, if deployments can be modified via apps/v1, apps/v1beta1, and extensions/v1beta1, and "rules" only included apiGroups:["apps"], apiVersions:["v1"], resources: ["deployments"], a request to apps/v1beta1 or extensions/v1beta1 would be converted to apps/v1 and sent to the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy.

        Defaults to "Equivalent"

      • spec.matchConstraints.namespaceSelector (LabelSelector)

        NamespaceSelector decides whether to run the admission control policy on an object based on whether the namespace for that object matches the selector. If the object itself is a namespace, the matching is performed on object.metadata.labels. If the object is another cluster scoped resource, it never skips the policy.

        For example, to run the webhook on any objects whose namespace is not associated with "runlevel" of "0" or "1"; you will set the selector as follows: "namespaceSelector": { "matchExpressions": [ { "key": "runlevel", "operator": "NotIn", "values": [ "0", "1" ] } ] }

        If instead you want to only run the policy on any objects whose namespace is associated with the "environment" of "prod" or "staging"; you will set the selector as follows: "namespaceSelector": { "matchExpressions": [ { "key": "environment", "operator": "In", "values": [ "prod", "staging" ] } ] }

        See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/ for more examples of label selectors.

        Default to the empty LabelSelector, which matches everything.

      • spec.matchConstraints.objectSelector (LabelSelector)

        ObjectSelector decides whether to run the validation based on if the object has matching labels. objectSelector is evaluated against both the oldObject and newObject that would be sent to the cel validation, and is considered to match if either object matches the selector. A null object (oldObject in the case of create, or newObject in the case of delete) or an object that cannot have labels (like a DeploymentRollback or a PodProxyOptions object) is not considered to match. Use the object selector only if the webhook is opt-in, because end users may skip the admission webhook by setting the labels. Default to the empty LabelSelector, which matches everything.

      • spec.matchConstraints.resourceRules ([]NamedRuleWithOperations)

        Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

        ResourceRules describes what operations on what resources/subresources the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy matches. The policy cares about an operation if it matches any Rule.

        NamedRuleWithOperations is a tuple of Operations and Resources with ResourceNames.

        • spec.matchConstraints.resourceRules.apiGroups ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          APIGroups is the API groups the resources belong to. '' is all groups. If '' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchConstraints.resourceRules.apiVersions ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          APIVersions is the API versions the resources belong to. '' is all versions. If '' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchConstraints.resourceRules.operations ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          Operations is the operations the admission hook cares about - CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, CONNECT or * for all of those operations and any future admission operations that are added. If '*' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchConstraints.resourceRules.resourceNames ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to. An empty set means that everything is allowed.

        • spec.matchConstraints.resourceRules.resources ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.

          For example: 'pods' means pods. 'pods/log' means the log subresource of pods. '' means all resources, but not subresources. 'pods/' means all subresources of pods. '/scale' means all scale subresources. '/*' means all resources and their subresources.

          If wildcard is present, the validation rule will ensure resources do not overlap with each other.

          Depending on the enclosing object, subresources might not be allowed. Required.

        • spec.matchConstraints.resourceRules.scope (string)

          scope specifies the scope of this rule. Valid values are "Cluster", "Namespaced", and "" "Cluster" means that only cluster-scoped resources will match this rule. Namespace API objects are cluster-scoped. "Namespaced" means that only namespaced resources will match this rule. "" means that there are no scope restrictions. Subresources match the scope of their parent resource. Default is "*".

    • spec.paramKind (ParamKind)

      ParamKind specifies the kind of resources used to parameterize this policy. If absent, there are no parameters for this policy and the param CEL variable will not be provided to validation expressions. If ParamKind refers to a non-existent kind, this policy definition is mis-configured and the FailurePolicy is applied. If paramKind is specified but paramRef is unset in ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding, the params variable will be null.

      ParamKind is a tuple of Group Kind and Version.

      • spec.paramKind.apiVersion (string)

        APIVersion is the API group version the resources belong to. In format of "group/version". Required.

      • spec.paramKind.kind (string)

        Kind is the API kind the resources belong to. Required.

    • spec.validations ([]Validation)

      Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

      Validations contain CEL expressions which is used to apply the validation. Validations and AuditAnnotations may not both be empty; a minimum of one Validations or AuditAnnotations is required.

      Validation specifies the CEL expression which is used to apply the validation.

      • spec.validations.expression (string), required

        Expression represents the expression which will be evaluated by CEL. ref: https://github.com/google/cel-spec CEL expressions have access to the contents of the API request/response, organized into CEL variables as well as some other useful variables:

        • 'object' - The object from the incoming request. The value is null for DELETE requests. - 'oldObject' - The existing object. The value is null for CREATE requests. - 'request' - Attributes of the API request(ref). - 'params' - Parameter resource referred to by the policy binding being evaluated. Only populated if the policy has a ParamKind. - 'namespaceObject' - The namespace object that the incoming object belongs to. The value is null for cluster-scoped resources. - 'variables' - Map of composited variables, from its name to its lazily evaluated value. For example, a variable named 'foo' can be accessed as 'variables.foo'.
        • 'authorizer' - A CEL Authorizer. May be used to perform authorization checks for the principal (user or service account) of the request. See https://pkg.go.dev/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/cel/library#Authz
        • 'authorizer.requestResource' - A CEL ResourceCheck constructed from the 'authorizer' and configured with the request resource.

        The apiVersion, kind, metadata.name and metadata.generateName are always accessible from the root of the object. No other metadata properties are accessible.

        Only property names of the form [a-zA-Z_.-/][a-zA-Z0-9_.-/]* are accessible. Accessible property names are escaped according to the following rules when accessed in the expression: - '' escapes to 'underscores' - '.' escapes to 'dot' - '-' escapes to 'dash' - '/' escapes to 'slash' - Property names that exactly match a CEL RESERVED keyword escape to '{keyword}__'. The keywords are: "true", "false", "null", "in", "as", "break", "const", "continue", "else", "for", "function", "if", "import", "let", "loop", "package", "namespace", "return". Examples:

        • Expression accessing a property named "namespace": {"Expression": "object.namespace > 0"}
        • Expression accessing a property named "x-prop": {"Expression": "object.x__dash__prop > 0"}
        • Expression accessing a property named "redact__d": {"Expression": "object.redact__underscores__d > 0"}

        Equality on arrays with list type of 'set' or 'map' ignores element order, i.e. [1, 2] == [2, 1]. Concatenation on arrays with x-kubernetes-list-type use the semantics of the list type:

        • 'set': X + Y performs a union where the array positions of all elements in X are preserved and non-intersecting elements in Y are appended, retaining their partial order.
        • 'map': X + Y performs a merge where the array positions of all keys in X are preserved but the values are overwritten by values in Y when the key sets of X and Y intersect. Elements in Y with non-intersecting keys are appended, retaining their partial order. Required.
      • spec.validations.message (string)

        Message represents the message displayed when validation fails. The message is required if the Expression contains line breaks. The message must not contain line breaks. If unset, the message is "failed rule: {Rule}". e.g. "must be a URL with the host matching spec.host" If the Expression contains line breaks. Message is required. The message must not contain line breaks. If unset, the message is "failed Expression: {Expression}".

      • spec.validations.messageExpression (string)

        messageExpression declares a CEL expression that evaluates to the validation failure message that is returned when this rule fails. Since messageExpression is used as a failure message, it must evaluate to a string. If both message and messageExpression are present on a validation, then messageExpression will be used if validation fails. If messageExpression results in a runtime error, the runtime error is logged, and the validation failure message is produced as if the messageExpression field were unset. If messageExpression evaluates to an empty string, a string with only spaces, or a string that contains line breaks, then the validation failure message will also be produced as if the messageExpression field were unset, and the fact that messageExpression produced an empty string/string with only spaces/string with line breaks will be logged. messageExpression has access to all the same variables as the expression except for 'authorizer' and 'authorizer.requestResource'. Example: "object.x must be less than max ("+string(params.max)+")"

      • spec.validations.reason (string)

        Reason represents a machine-readable description of why this validation failed. If this is the first validation in the list to fail, this reason, as well as the corresponding HTTP response code, are used in the HTTP response to the client. The currently supported reasons are: "Unauthorized", "Forbidden", "Invalid", "RequestEntityTooLarge". If not set, StatusReasonInvalid is used in the response to the client.

    • spec.variables ([]Variable)

      Patch strategy: merge on key name

      Map: unique values on key name will be kept during a merge

      Variables contain definitions of variables that can be used in composition of other expressions. Each variable is defined as a named CEL expression. The variables defined here will be available under variables in other expressions of the policy except MatchConditions because MatchConditions are evaluated before the rest of the policy.

      The expression of a variable can refer to other variables defined earlier in the list but not those after. Thus, Variables must be sorted by the order of first appearance and acyclic.

      Variable is the definition of a variable that is used for composition. A variable is defined as a named expression.

      • spec.variables.expression (string), required

        Expression is the expression that will be evaluated as the value of the variable. The CEL expression has access to the same identifiers as the CEL expressions in Validation.

      • spec.variables.name (string), required

        Name is the name of the variable. The name must be a valid CEL identifier and unique among all variables. The variable can be accessed in other expressions through variables For example, if name is "foo", the variable will be available as variables.foo

  • status (ValidatingAdmissionPolicyStatus)

    The status of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy, including warnings that are useful to determine if the policy behaves in the expected way. Populated by the system. Read-only.

    ValidatingAdmissionPolicyStatus represents the status of an admission validation policy.

    • status.conditions ([]Condition)

      Map: unique values on key type will be kept during a merge

      The conditions represent the latest available observations of a policy's current state.

      Condition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource.

      • status.conditions.lastTransitionTime (Time), required

        lastTransitionTime is the last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. This should be when the underlying condition changed. If that is not known, then using the time when the API field changed is acceptable.

        Time is a wrapper around time.Time which supports correct marshaling to YAML and JSON. Wrappers are provided for many of the factory methods that the time package offers.

      • status.conditions.message (string), required

        message is a human readable message indicating details about the transition. This may be an empty string.

      • status.conditions.reason (string), required

        reason contains a programmatic identifier indicating the reason for the condition's last transition. Producers of specific condition types may define expected values and meanings for this field, and whether the values are considered a guaranteed API. The value should be a CamelCase string. This field may not be empty.

      • status.conditions.status (string), required

        status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.

      • status.conditions.type (string), required

        type of condition in CamelCase or in foo.example.com/CamelCase.

      • status.conditions.observedGeneration (int64)

        observedGeneration represents the .metadata.generation that the condition was set based upon. For instance, if .metadata.generation is currently 12, but the .status.conditions[x].observedGeneration is 9, the condition is out of date with respect to the current state of the instance.

    • status.observedGeneration (int64)

      The generation observed by the controller.

    • status.typeChecking (TypeChecking)

      The results of type checking for each expression. Presence of this field indicates the completion of the type checking.

      TypeChecking contains results of type checking the expressions in the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy

      • status.typeChecking.expressionWarnings ([]ExpressionWarning)

        Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

        The type checking warnings for each expression.

        ExpressionWarning is a warning information that targets a specific expression.

        • status.typeChecking.expressionWarnings.fieldRef (string), required

          The path to the field that refers the expression. For example, the reference to the expression of the first item of validations is "spec.validations[0].expression"

        • status.typeChecking.expressionWarnings.warning (string), required

          The content of type checking information in a human-readable form. Each line of the warning contains the type that the expression is checked against, followed by the type check error from the compiler.


ValidatingAdmissionPolicyList is a list of ValidatingAdmissionPolicy.


ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding binds the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy with paramerized resources. ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding and parameter CRDs together define how cluster administrators configure policies for clusters.

For a given admission request, each binding will cause its policy to be evaluated N times, where N is 1 for policies/bindings that don't use params, otherwise N is the number of parameters selected by the binding.

The CEL expressions of a policy must have a computed CEL cost below the maximum CEL budget. Each evaluation of the policy is given an independent CEL cost budget. Adding/removing policies, bindings, or params can not affect whether a given (policy, binding, param) combination is within its own CEL budget.

  • apiVersion (string)

    APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources

  • kind (string)

    Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds

  • metadata (ObjectMeta)

    Standard object metadata; More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata.

  • spec (ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBindingSpec)

    Specification of the desired behavior of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding.

    ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBindingSpec is the specification of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding.

    • spec.matchResources (MatchResources)

      MatchResources declares what resources match this binding and will be validated by it. Note that this is intersected with the policy's matchConstraints, so only requests that are matched by the policy can be selected by this. If this is unset, all resources matched by the policy are validated by this binding When resourceRules is unset, it does not constrain resource matching. If a resource is matched by the other fields of this object, it will be validated. Note that this is differs from ValidatingAdmissionPolicy matchConstraints, where resourceRules are required.

      MatchResources decides whether to run the admission control policy on an object based on whether it meets the match criteria. The exclude rules take precedence over include rules (if a resource matches both, it is excluded)

      • spec.matchResources.excludeResourceRules ([]NamedRuleWithOperations)

        Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

        ExcludeResourceRules describes what operations on what resources/subresources the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy should not care about. The exclude rules take precedence over include rules (if a resource matches both, it is excluded)

        NamedRuleWithOperations is a tuple of Operations and Resources with ResourceNames.

        • spec.matchResources.excludeResourceRules.apiGroups ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          APIGroups is the API groups the resources belong to. '' is all groups. If '' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchResources.excludeResourceRules.apiVersions ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          APIVersions is the API versions the resources belong to. '' is all versions. If '' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchResources.excludeResourceRules.operations ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          Operations is the operations the admission hook cares about - CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, CONNECT or * for all of those operations and any future admission operations that are added. If '*' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchResources.excludeResourceRules.resourceNames ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to. An empty set means that everything is allowed.

        • spec.matchResources.excludeResourceRules.resources ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.

          For example: 'pods' means pods. 'pods/log' means the log subresource of pods. '' means all resources, but not subresources. 'pods/' means all subresources of pods. '/scale' means all scale subresources. '/*' means all resources and their subresources.

          If wildcard is present, the validation rule will ensure resources do not overlap with each other.

          Depending on the enclosing object, subresources might not be allowed. Required.

        • spec.matchResources.excludeResourceRules.scope (string)

          scope specifies the scope of this rule. Valid values are "Cluster", "Namespaced", and "" "Cluster" means that only cluster-scoped resources will match this rule. Namespace API objects are cluster-scoped. "Namespaced" means that only namespaced resources will match this rule. "" means that there are no scope restrictions. Subresources match the scope of their parent resource. Default is "*".

      • spec.matchResources.matchPolicy (string)

        matchPolicy defines how the "MatchResources" list is used to match incoming requests. Allowed values are "Exact" or "Equivalent".

        • Exact: match a request only if it exactly matches a specified rule. For example, if deployments can be modified via apps/v1, apps/v1beta1, and extensions/v1beta1, but "rules" only included apiGroups:["apps"], apiVersions:["v1"], resources: ["deployments"], a request to apps/v1beta1 or extensions/v1beta1 would not be sent to the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy.

        • Equivalent: match a request if modifies a resource listed in rules, even via another API group or version. For example, if deployments can be modified via apps/v1, apps/v1beta1, and extensions/v1beta1, and "rules" only included apiGroups:["apps"], apiVersions:["v1"], resources: ["deployments"], a request to apps/v1beta1 or extensions/v1beta1 would be converted to apps/v1 and sent to the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy.

        Defaults to "Equivalent"

      • spec.matchResources.namespaceSelector (LabelSelector)

        NamespaceSelector decides whether to run the admission control policy on an object based on whether the namespace for that object matches the selector. If the object itself is a namespace, the matching is performed on object.metadata.labels. If the object is another cluster scoped resource, it never skips the policy.

        For example, to run the webhook on any objects whose namespace is not associated with "runlevel" of "0" or "1"; you will set the selector as follows: "namespaceSelector": { "matchExpressions": [ { "key": "runlevel", "operator": "NotIn", "values": [ "0", "1" ] } ] }

        If instead you want to only run the policy on any objects whose namespace is associated with the "environment" of "prod" or "staging"; you will set the selector as follows: "namespaceSelector": { "matchExpressions": [ { "key": "environment", "operator": "In", "values": [ "prod", "staging" ] } ] }

        See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/ for more examples of label selectors.

        Default to the empty LabelSelector, which matches everything.

      • spec.matchResources.objectSelector (LabelSelector)

        ObjectSelector decides whether to run the validation based on if the object has matching labels. objectSelector is evaluated against both the oldObject and newObject that would be sent to the cel validation, and is considered to match if either object matches the selector. A null object (oldObject in the case of create, or newObject in the case of delete) or an object that cannot have labels (like a DeploymentRollback or a PodProxyOptions object) is not considered to match. Use the object selector only if the webhook is opt-in, because end users may skip the admission webhook by setting the labels. Default to the empty LabelSelector, which matches everything.

      • spec.matchResources.resourceRules ([]NamedRuleWithOperations)

        Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

        ResourceRules describes what operations on what resources/subresources the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy matches. The policy cares about an operation if it matches any Rule.

        NamedRuleWithOperations is a tuple of Operations and Resources with ResourceNames.

        • spec.matchResources.resourceRules.apiGroups ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          APIGroups is the API groups the resources belong to. '' is all groups. If '' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchResources.resourceRules.apiVersions ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          APIVersions is the API versions the resources belong to. '' is all versions. If '' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchResources.resourceRules.operations ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          Operations is the operations the admission hook cares about - CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, CONNECT or * for all of those operations and any future admission operations that are added. If '*' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchResources.resourceRules.resourceNames ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to. An empty set means that everything is allowed.

        • spec.matchResources.resourceRules.resources ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.

          For example: 'pods' means pods. 'pods/log' means the log subresource of pods. '' means all resources, but not subresources. 'pods/' means all subresources of pods. '/scale' means all scale subresources. '/*' means all resources and their subresources.

          If wildcard is present, the validation rule will ensure resources do not overlap with each other.

          Depending on the enclosing object, subresources might not be allowed. Required.

        • spec.matchResources.resourceRules.scope (string)

          scope specifies the scope of this rule. Valid values are "Cluster", "Namespaced", and "" "Cluster" means that only cluster-scoped resources will match this rule. Namespace API objects are cluster-scoped. "Namespaced" means that only namespaced resources will match this rule. "" means that there are no scope restrictions. Subresources match the scope of their parent resource. Default is "*".

    • spec.paramRef (ParamRef)

      paramRef specifies the parameter resource used to configure the admission control policy. It should point to a resource of the type specified in ParamKind of the bound ValidatingAdmissionPolicy. If the policy specifies a ParamKind and the resource referred to by ParamRef does not exist, this binding is considered mis-configured and the FailurePolicy of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy applied. If the policy does not specify a ParamKind then this field is ignored, and the rules are evaluated without a param.

      ParamRef describes how to locate the params to be used as input to expressions of rules applied by a policy binding.

      • spec.paramRef.name (string)

        name is the name of the resource being referenced.

        One of name or selector must be set, but name and selector are mutually exclusive properties. If one is set, the other must be unset.

        A single parameter used for all admission requests can be configured by setting the name field, leaving selector blank, and setting namespace if paramKind is namespace-scoped.

      • spec.paramRef.namespace (string)

        namespace is the namespace of the referenced resource. Allows limiting the search for params to a specific namespace. Applies to both name and selector fields.

        A per-namespace parameter may be used by specifying a namespace-scoped paramKind in the policy and leaving this field empty.

        • If paramKind is cluster-scoped, this field MUST be unset. Setting this field results in a configuration error.

        • If paramKind is namespace-scoped, the namespace of the object being evaluated for admission will be used when this field is left unset. Take care that if this is left empty the binding must not match any cluster-scoped resources, which will result in an error.

      • spec.paramRef.parameterNotFoundAction (string)

        parameterNotFoundAction controls the behavior of the binding when the resource exists, and name or selector is valid, but there are no parameters matched by the binding. If the value is set to Allow, then no matched parameters will be treated as successful validation by the binding. If set to Deny, then no matched parameters will be subject to the failurePolicy of the policy.

        Allowed values are Allow or Deny


      • spec.paramRef.selector (LabelSelector)

        selector can be used to match multiple param objects based on their labels. Supply selector: {} to match all resources of the ParamKind.

        If multiple params are found, they are all evaluated with the policy expressions and the results are ANDed together.

        One of name or selector must be set, but name and selector are mutually exclusive properties. If one is set, the other must be unset.

    • spec.policyName (string)

      PolicyName references a ValidatingAdmissionPolicy name which the ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding binds to. If the referenced resource does not exist, this binding is considered invalid and will be ignored Required.

    • spec.validationActions ([]string)

      Set: unique values will be kept during a merge

      validationActions declares how Validations of the referenced ValidatingAdmissionPolicy are enforced. If a validation evaluates to false it is always enforced according to these actions.

      Failures defined by the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy's FailurePolicy are enforced according to these actions only if the FailurePolicy is set to Fail, otherwise the failures are ignored. This includes compilation errors, runtime errors and misconfigurations of the policy.

      validationActions is declared as a set of action values. Order does not matter. validationActions may not contain duplicates of the same action.

      The supported actions values are:

      "Deny" specifies that a validation failure results in a denied request.

      "Warn" specifies that a validation failure is reported to the request client in HTTP Warning headers, with a warning code of 299. Warnings can be sent both for allowed or denied admission responses.

      "Audit" specifies that a validation failure is included in the published audit event for the request. The audit event will contain a validation.policy.admission.k8s.io/validation_failure audit annotation with a value containing the details of the validation failures, formatted as a JSON list of objects, each with the following fields: - message: The validation failure message string - policy: The resource name of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy - binding: The resource name of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding - expressionIndex: The index of the failed validations in the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy - validationActions: The enforcement actions enacted for the validation failure Example audit annotation: "validation.policy.admission.k8s.io/validation_failure": "[{"message": "Invalid value", {"policy": "policy.example.com", {"binding": "policybinding.example.com", {"expressionIndex": "1", {"validationActions": ["Audit"]}]"

      Clients should expect to handle additional values by ignoring any values not recognized.

      "Deny" and "Warn" may not be used together since this combination needlessly duplicates the validation failure both in the API response body and the HTTP warning headers.



get read the specified ValidatingAdmissionPolicy

HTTP Request

GET /apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/validatingadmissionpolicies/{name}


  • name (in path): string, required

    name of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy

  • pretty (in query): string



200 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicy): OK

401: Unauthorized

get read status of the specified ValidatingAdmissionPolicy

HTTP Request

GET /apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/validatingadmissionpolicies/{name}/status


  • name (in path): string, required

    name of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy

  • pretty (in query): string



200 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicy): OK

401: Unauthorized

list list or watch objects of kind ValidatingAdmissionPolicy

HTTP Request

GET /apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/validatingadmissionpolicies



200 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicyList): OK

401: Unauthorized

create create a ValidatingAdmissionPolicy

HTTP Request

POST /apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/validatingadmissionpolicies



200 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicy): OK

201 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicy): Created

202 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicy): Accepted

401: Unauthorized

update replace the specified ValidatingAdmissionPolicy

HTTP Request

PUT /apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/validatingadmissionpolicies/{name}



200 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicy): OK

201 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicy): Created

401: Unauthorized

update replace status of the specified ValidatingAdmissionPolicy

HTTP Request

PUT /apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/validatingadmissionpolicies/{name}/status



200 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicy): OK

201 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicy): Created

401: Unauthorized

patch partially update the specified ValidatingAdmissionPolicy

HTTP Request

PATCH /apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/validatingadmissionpolicies/{name}


  • name (in path): string, required

    name of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy

  • body: Patch, required

  • dryRun (in query): string


  • fieldManager (in query): string


  • fieldValidation (in query): string


  • force (in query): boolean


  • pretty (in query): string



200 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicy): OK

201 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicy): Created

401: Unauthorized

patch partially update status of the specified ValidatingAdmissionPolicy

HTTP Request

PATCH /apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/validatingadmissionpolicies/{name}/status


  • name (in path): string, required

    name of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy

  • body: Patch, required

  • dryRun (in query): string


  • fieldManager (in query): string


  • fieldValidation (in query): string


  • force (in query): boolean


  • pretty (in query): string



200 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicy): OK

201 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicy): Created

401: Unauthorized

delete delete a ValidatingAdmissionPolicy

HTTP Request

DELETE /apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/validatingadmissionpolicies/{name}



200 (Status): OK

202 (Status): Accepted

401: Unauthorized

deletecollection delete collection of ValidatingAdmissionPolicy

HTTP Request

DELETE /apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/validatingadmissionpolicies



200 (Status): OK

401: Unauthorized

8 - ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding

ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding binds the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy with paramerized resources.

apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1

import "k8s.io/api/admissionregistration/v1"


ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding binds the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy with paramerized resources. ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding and parameter CRDs together define how cluster administrators configure policies for clusters.

For a given admission request, each binding will cause its policy to be evaluated N times, where N is 1 for policies/bindings that don't use params, otherwise N is the number of parameters selected by the binding.

The CEL expressions of a policy must have a computed CEL cost below the maximum CEL budget. Each evaluation of the policy is given an independent CEL cost budget. Adding/removing policies, bindings, or params can not affect whether a given (policy, binding, param) combination is within its own CEL budget.

  • apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1

  • kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding

  • metadata (ObjectMeta)

    Standard object metadata; More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata.

  • spec (ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBindingSpec)

    Specification of the desired behavior of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding.

    ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBindingSpec is the specification of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding.

    • spec.matchResources (MatchResources)

      MatchResources declares what resources match this binding and will be validated by it. Note that this is intersected with the policy's matchConstraints, so only requests that are matched by the policy can be selected by this. If this is unset, all resources matched by the policy are validated by this binding When resourceRules is unset, it does not constrain resource matching. If a resource is matched by the other fields of this object, it will be validated. Note that this is differs from ValidatingAdmissionPolicy matchConstraints, where resourceRules are required.

      MatchResources decides whether to run the admission control policy on an object based on whether it meets the match criteria. The exclude rules take precedence over include rules (if a resource matches both, it is excluded)

      • spec.matchResources.excludeResourceRules ([]NamedRuleWithOperations)

        Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

        ExcludeResourceRules describes what operations on what resources/subresources the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy should not care about. The exclude rules take precedence over include rules (if a resource matches both, it is excluded)

        NamedRuleWithOperations is a tuple of Operations and Resources with ResourceNames.

        • spec.matchResources.excludeResourceRules.apiGroups ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          APIGroups is the API groups the resources belong to. '' is all groups. If '' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchResources.excludeResourceRules.apiVersions ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          APIVersions is the API versions the resources belong to. '' is all versions. If '' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchResources.excludeResourceRules.operations ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          Operations is the operations the admission hook cares about - CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, CONNECT or * for all of those operations and any future admission operations that are added. If '*' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchResources.excludeResourceRules.resourceNames ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to. An empty set means that everything is allowed.

        • spec.matchResources.excludeResourceRules.resources ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.

          For example: 'pods' means pods. 'pods/log' means the log subresource of pods. '' means all resources, but not subresources. 'pods/' means all subresources of pods. '/scale' means all scale subresources. '/*' means all resources and their subresources.

          If wildcard is present, the validation rule will ensure resources do not overlap with each other.

          Depending on the enclosing object, subresources might not be allowed. Required.

        • spec.matchResources.excludeResourceRules.scope (string)

          scope specifies the scope of this rule. Valid values are "Cluster", "Namespaced", and "" "Cluster" means that only cluster-scoped resources will match this rule. Namespace API objects are cluster-scoped. "Namespaced" means that only namespaced resources will match this rule. "" means that there are no scope restrictions. Subresources match the scope of their parent resource. Default is "*".

      • spec.matchResources.matchPolicy (string)

        matchPolicy defines how the "MatchResources" list is used to match incoming requests. Allowed values are "Exact" or "Equivalent".

        • Exact: match a request only if it exactly matches a specified rule. For example, if deployments can be modified via apps/v1, apps/v1beta1, and extensions/v1beta1, but "rules" only included apiGroups:["apps"], apiVersions:["v1"], resources: ["deployments"], a request to apps/v1beta1 or extensions/v1beta1 would not be sent to the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy.

        • Equivalent: match a request if modifies a resource listed in rules, even via another API group or version. For example, if deployments can be modified via apps/v1, apps/v1beta1, and extensions/v1beta1, and "rules" only included apiGroups:["apps"], apiVersions:["v1"], resources: ["deployments"], a request to apps/v1beta1 or extensions/v1beta1 would be converted to apps/v1 and sent to the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy.

        Defaults to "Equivalent"

      • spec.matchResources.namespaceSelector (LabelSelector)

        NamespaceSelector decides whether to run the admission control policy on an object based on whether the namespace for that object matches the selector. If the object itself is a namespace, the matching is performed on object.metadata.labels. If the object is another cluster scoped resource, it never skips the policy.

        For example, to run the webhook on any objects whose namespace is not associated with "runlevel" of "0" or "1"; you will set the selector as follows: "namespaceSelector": { "matchExpressions": [ { "key": "runlevel", "operator": "NotIn", "values": [ "0", "1" ] } ] }

        If instead you want to only run the policy on any objects whose namespace is associated with the "environment" of "prod" or "staging"; you will set the selector as follows: "namespaceSelector": { "matchExpressions": [ { "key": "environment", "operator": "In", "values": [ "prod", "staging" ] } ] }

        See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/ for more examples of label selectors.

        Default to the empty LabelSelector, which matches everything.

      • spec.matchResources.objectSelector (LabelSelector)

        ObjectSelector decides whether to run the validation based on if the object has matching labels. objectSelector is evaluated against both the oldObject and newObject that would be sent to the cel validation, and is considered to match if either object matches the selector. A null object (oldObject in the case of create, or newObject in the case of delete) or an object that cannot have labels (like a DeploymentRollback or a PodProxyOptions object) is not considered to match. Use the object selector only if the webhook is opt-in, because end users may skip the admission webhook by setting the labels. Default to the empty LabelSelector, which matches everything.

      • spec.matchResources.resourceRules ([]NamedRuleWithOperations)

        Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

        ResourceRules describes what operations on what resources/subresources the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy matches. The policy cares about an operation if it matches any Rule.

        NamedRuleWithOperations is a tuple of Operations and Resources with ResourceNames.

        • spec.matchResources.resourceRules.apiGroups ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          APIGroups is the API groups the resources belong to. '' is all groups. If '' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchResources.resourceRules.apiVersions ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          APIVersions is the API versions the resources belong to. '' is all versions. If '' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchResources.resourceRules.operations ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          Operations is the operations the admission hook cares about - CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, CONNECT or * for all of those operations and any future admission operations that are added. If '*' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchResources.resourceRules.resourceNames ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to. An empty set means that everything is allowed.

        • spec.matchResources.resourceRules.resources ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.

          For example: 'pods' means pods. 'pods/log' means the log subresource of pods. '' means all resources, but not subresources. 'pods/' means all subresources of pods. '/scale' means all scale subresources. '/*' means all resources and their subresources.

          If wildcard is present, the validation rule will ensure resources do not overlap with each other.

          Depending on the enclosing object, subresources might not be allowed. Required.

        • spec.matchResources.resourceRules.scope (string)

          scope specifies the scope of this rule. Valid values are "Cluster", "Namespaced", and "" "Cluster" means that only cluster-scoped resources will match this rule. Namespace API objects are cluster-scoped. "Namespaced" means that only namespaced resources will match this rule. "" means that there are no scope restrictions. Subresources match the scope of their parent resource. Default is "*".

    • spec.paramRef (ParamRef)

      paramRef specifies the parameter resource used to configure the admission control policy. It should point to a resource of the type specified in ParamKind of the bound ValidatingAdmissionPolicy. If the policy specifies a ParamKind and the resource referred to by ParamRef does not exist, this binding is considered mis-configured and the FailurePolicy of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy applied. If the policy does not specify a ParamKind then this field is ignored, and the rules are evaluated without a param.

      ParamRef describes how to locate the params to be used as input to expressions of rules applied by a policy binding.

      • spec.paramRef.name (string)

        name is the name of the resource being referenced.

        One of name or selector must be set, but name and selector are mutually exclusive properties. If one is set, the other must be unset.

        A single parameter used for all admission requests can be configured by setting the name field, leaving selector blank, and setting namespace if paramKind is namespace-scoped.

      • spec.paramRef.namespace (string)

        namespace is the namespace of the referenced resource. Allows limiting the search for params to a specific namespace. Applies to both name and selector fields.

        A per-namespace parameter may be used by specifying a namespace-scoped paramKind in the policy and leaving this field empty.

        • If paramKind is cluster-scoped, this field MUST be unset. Setting this field results in a configuration error.

        • If paramKind is namespace-scoped, the namespace of the object being evaluated for admission will be used when this field is left unset. Take care that if this is left empty the binding must not match any cluster-scoped resources, which will result in an error.

      • spec.paramRef.parameterNotFoundAction (string)

        parameterNotFoundAction controls the behavior of the binding when the resource exists, and name or selector is valid, but there are no parameters matched by the binding. If the value is set to Allow, then no matched parameters will be treated as successful validation by the binding. If set to Deny, then no matched parameters will be subject to the failurePolicy of the policy.

        Allowed values are Allow or Deny


      • spec.paramRef.selector (LabelSelector)

        selector can be used to match multiple param objects based on their labels. Supply selector: {} to match all resources of the ParamKind.

        If multiple params are found, they are all evaluated with the policy expressions and the results are ANDed together.

        One of name or selector must be set, but name and selector are mutually exclusive properties. If one is set, the other must be unset.

    • spec.policyName (string)

      PolicyName references a ValidatingAdmissionPolicy name which the ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding binds to. If the referenced resource does not exist, this binding is considered invalid and will be ignored Required.

    • spec.validationActions ([]string)

      Set: unique values will be kept during a merge

      validationActions declares how Validations of the referenced ValidatingAdmissionPolicy are enforced. If a validation evaluates to false it is always enforced according to these actions.

      Failures defined by the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy's FailurePolicy are enforced according to these actions only if the FailurePolicy is set to Fail, otherwise the failures are ignored. This includes compilation errors, runtime errors and misconfigurations of the policy.

      validationActions is declared as a set of action values. Order does not matter. validationActions may not contain duplicates of the same action.

      The supported actions values are:

      "Deny" specifies that a validation failure results in a denied request.

      "Warn" specifies that a validation failure is reported to the request client in HTTP Warning headers, with a warning code of 299. Warnings can be sent both for allowed or denied admission responses.

      "Audit" specifies that a validation failure is included in the published audit event for the request. The audit event will contain a validation.policy.admission.k8s.io/validation_failure audit annotation with a value containing the details of the validation failures, formatted as a JSON list of objects, each with the following fields: - message: The validation failure message string - policy: The resource name of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy - binding: The resource name of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding - expressionIndex: The index of the failed validations in the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy - validationActions: The enforcement actions enacted for the validation failure Example audit annotation: "validation.policy.admission.k8s.io/validation_failure": "[{"message": "Invalid value", {"policy": "policy.example.com", {"binding": "policybinding.example.com", {"expressionIndex": "1", {"validationActions": ["Audit"]}]"

      Clients should expect to handle additional values by ignoring any values not recognized.

      "Deny" and "Warn" may not be used together since this combination needlessly duplicates the validation failure both in the API response body and the HTTP warning headers.



ValidatingAdmissionPolicy describes the definition of an admission validation policy that accepts or rejects an object without changing it.

  • apiVersion (string)

    APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources

  • kind (string)

    Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds

  • metadata (ObjectMeta)

    Standard object metadata; More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata.

  • spec (ValidatingAdmissionPolicySpec)

    Specification of the desired behavior of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy.

    ValidatingAdmissionPolicySpec is the specification of the desired behavior of the AdmissionPolicy.

    • spec.auditAnnotations ([]AuditAnnotation)

      Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

      auditAnnotations contains CEL expressions which are used to produce audit annotations for the audit event of the API request. validations and auditAnnotations may not both be empty; a least one of validations or auditAnnotations is required.

      AuditAnnotation describes how to produce an audit annotation for an API request.

      • spec.auditAnnotations.key (string), required

        key specifies the audit annotation key. The audit annotation keys of a ValidatingAdmissionPolicy must be unique. The key must be a qualified name ([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9_.]*) no more than 63 bytes in length.

        The key is combined with the resource name of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy to construct an audit annotation key: "{ValidatingAdmissionPolicy name}/{key}".

        If an admission webhook uses the same resource name as this ValidatingAdmissionPolicy and the same audit annotation key, the annotation key will be identical. In this case, the first annotation written with the key will be included in the audit event and all subsequent annotations with the same key will be discarded.


      • spec.auditAnnotations.valueExpression (string), required

        valueExpression represents the expression which is evaluated by CEL to produce an audit annotation value. The expression must evaluate to either a string or null value. If the expression evaluates to a string, the audit annotation is included with the string value. If the expression evaluates to null or empty string the audit annotation will be omitted. The valueExpression may be no longer than 5kb in length. If the result of the valueExpression is more than 10kb in length, it will be truncated to 10kb.

        If multiple ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding resources match an API request, then the valueExpression will be evaluated for each binding. All unique values produced by the valueExpressions will be joined together in a comma-separated list.


    • spec.failurePolicy (string)

      failurePolicy defines how to handle failures for the admission policy. Failures can occur from CEL expression parse errors, type check errors, runtime errors and invalid or mis-configured policy definitions or bindings.

      A policy is invalid if spec.paramKind refers to a non-existent Kind. A binding is invalid if spec.paramRef.name refers to a non-existent resource.

      failurePolicy does not define how validations that evaluate to false are handled.

      When failurePolicy is set to Fail, ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding validationActions define how failures are enforced.

      Allowed values are Ignore or Fail. Defaults to Fail.

    • spec.matchConditions ([]MatchCondition)

      Patch strategy: merge on key name

      Map: unique values on key name will be kept during a merge

      MatchConditions is a list of conditions that must be met for a request to be validated. Match conditions filter requests that have already been matched by the rules, namespaceSelector, and objectSelector. An empty list of matchConditions matches all requests. There are a maximum of 64 match conditions allowed.

      If a parameter object is provided, it can be accessed via the params handle in the same manner as validation expressions.

      The exact matching logic is (in order):

      1. If ANY matchCondition evaluates to FALSE, the policy is skipped.
      2. If ALL matchConditions evaluate to TRUE, the policy is evaluated.
      3. If any matchCondition evaluates to an error (but none are FALSE):
        • If failurePolicy=Fail, reject the request
        • If failurePolicy=Ignore, the policy is skipped

      MatchCondition represents a condition which must by fulfilled for a request to be sent to a webhook.

      • spec.matchConditions.expression (string), required

        Expression represents the expression which will be evaluated by CEL. Must evaluate to bool. CEL expressions have access to the contents of the AdmissionRequest and Authorizer, organized into CEL variables:

        'object' - The object from the incoming request. The value is null for DELETE requests. 'oldObject' - The existing object. The value is null for CREATE requests. 'request' - Attributes of the admission request(/pkg/apis/admission/types.go#AdmissionRequest). 'authorizer' - A CEL Authorizer. May be used to perform authorization checks for the principal (user or service account) of the request. See https://pkg.go.dev/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/cel/library#Authz 'authorizer.requestResource' - A CEL ResourceCheck constructed from the 'authorizer' and configured with the request resource. Documentation on CEL: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/cel/


      • spec.matchConditions.name (string), required

        Name is an identifier for this match condition, used for strategic merging of MatchConditions, as well as providing an identifier for logging purposes. A good name should be descriptive of the associated expression. Name must be a qualified name consisting of alphanumeric characters, '-', '' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character (e.g. 'MyName', or 'my.name', or '123-abc', regex used for validation is '([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9.]*)?[A-Za-z0-9]') with an optional DNS subdomain prefix and '/' (e.g. 'example.com/MyName')


    • spec.matchConstraints (MatchResources)

      MatchConstraints specifies what resources this policy is designed to validate. The AdmissionPolicy cares about a request if it matches all Constraints. However, in order to prevent clusters from being put into an unstable state that cannot be recovered from via the API ValidatingAdmissionPolicy cannot match ValidatingAdmissionPolicy and ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding. Required.

      MatchResources decides whether to run the admission control policy on an object based on whether it meets the match criteria. The exclude rules take precedence over include rules (if a resource matches both, it is excluded)

      • spec.matchConstraints.excludeResourceRules ([]NamedRuleWithOperations)

        Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

        ExcludeResourceRules describes what operations on what resources/subresources the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy should not care about. The exclude rules take precedence over include rules (if a resource matches both, it is excluded)

        NamedRuleWithOperations is a tuple of Operations and Resources with ResourceNames.

        • spec.matchConstraints.excludeResourceRules.apiGroups ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          APIGroups is the API groups the resources belong to. '' is all groups. If '' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchConstraints.excludeResourceRules.apiVersions ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          APIVersions is the API versions the resources belong to. '' is all versions. If '' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchConstraints.excludeResourceRules.operations ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          Operations is the operations the admission hook cares about - CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, CONNECT or * for all of those operations and any future admission operations that are added. If '*' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchConstraints.excludeResourceRules.resourceNames ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to. An empty set means that everything is allowed.

        • spec.matchConstraints.excludeResourceRules.resources ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.

          For example: 'pods' means pods. 'pods/log' means the log subresource of pods. '' means all resources, but not subresources. 'pods/' means all subresources of pods. '/scale' means all scale subresources. '/*' means all resources and their subresources.

          If wildcard is present, the validation rule will ensure resources do not overlap with each other.

          Depending on the enclosing object, subresources might not be allowed. Required.

        • spec.matchConstraints.excludeResourceRules.scope (string)

          scope specifies the scope of this rule. Valid values are "Cluster", "Namespaced", and "" "Cluster" means that only cluster-scoped resources will match this rule. Namespace API objects are cluster-scoped. "Namespaced" means that only namespaced resources will match this rule. "" means that there are no scope restrictions. Subresources match the scope of their parent resource. Default is "*".

      • spec.matchConstraints.matchPolicy (string)

        matchPolicy defines how the "MatchResources" list is used to match incoming requests. Allowed values are "Exact" or "Equivalent".

        • Exact: match a request only if it exactly matches a specified rule. For example, if deployments can be modified via apps/v1, apps/v1beta1, and extensions/v1beta1, but "rules" only included apiGroups:["apps"], apiVersions:["v1"], resources: ["deployments"], a request to apps/v1beta1 or extensions/v1beta1 would not be sent to the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy.

        • Equivalent: match a request if modifies a resource listed in rules, even via another API group or version. For example, if deployments can be modified via apps/v1, apps/v1beta1, and extensions/v1beta1, and "rules" only included apiGroups:["apps"], apiVersions:["v1"], resources: ["deployments"], a request to apps/v1beta1 or extensions/v1beta1 would be converted to apps/v1 and sent to the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy.

        Defaults to "Equivalent"

      • spec.matchConstraints.namespaceSelector (LabelSelector)

        NamespaceSelector decides whether to run the admission control policy on an object based on whether the namespace for that object matches the selector. If the object itself is a namespace, the matching is performed on object.metadata.labels. If the object is another cluster scoped resource, it never skips the policy.

        For example, to run the webhook on any objects whose namespace is not associated with "runlevel" of "0" or "1"; you will set the selector as follows: "namespaceSelector": { "matchExpressions": [ { "key": "runlevel", "operator": "NotIn", "values": [ "0", "1" ] } ] }

        If instead you want to only run the policy on any objects whose namespace is associated with the "environment" of "prod" or "staging"; you will set the selector as follows: "namespaceSelector": { "matchExpressions": [ { "key": "environment", "operator": "In", "values": [ "prod", "staging" ] } ] }

        See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/ for more examples of label selectors.

        Default to the empty LabelSelector, which matches everything.

      • spec.matchConstraints.objectSelector (LabelSelector)

        ObjectSelector decides whether to run the validation based on if the object has matching labels. objectSelector is evaluated against both the oldObject and newObject that would be sent to the cel validation, and is considered to match if either object matches the selector. A null object (oldObject in the case of create, or newObject in the case of delete) or an object that cannot have labels (like a DeploymentRollback or a PodProxyOptions object) is not considered to match. Use the object selector only if the webhook is opt-in, because end users may skip the admission webhook by setting the labels. Default to the empty LabelSelector, which matches everything.

      • spec.matchConstraints.resourceRules ([]NamedRuleWithOperations)

        Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

        ResourceRules describes what operations on what resources/subresources the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy matches. The policy cares about an operation if it matches any Rule.

        NamedRuleWithOperations is a tuple of Operations and Resources with ResourceNames.

        • spec.matchConstraints.resourceRules.apiGroups ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          APIGroups is the API groups the resources belong to. '' is all groups. If '' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchConstraints.resourceRules.apiVersions ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          APIVersions is the API versions the resources belong to. '' is all versions. If '' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchConstraints.resourceRules.operations ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          Operations is the operations the admission hook cares about - CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, CONNECT or * for all of those operations and any future admission operations that are added. If '*' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required.

        • spec.matchConstraints.resourceRules.resourceNames ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to. An empty set means that everything is allowed.

        • spec.matchConstraints.resourceRules.resources ([]string)

          Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

          Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.

          For example: 'pods' means pods. 'pods/log' means the log subresource of pods. '' means all resources, but not subresources. 'pods/' means all subresources of pods. '/scale' means all scale subresources. '/*' means all resources and their subresources.

          If wildcard is present, the validation rule will ensure resources do not overlap with each other.

          Depending on the enclosing object, subresources might not be allowed. Required.

        • spec.matchConstraints.resourceRules.scope (string)

          scope specifies the scope of this rule. Valid values are "Cluster", "Namespaced", and "" "Cluster" means that only cluster-scoped resources will match this rule. Namespace API objects are cluster-scoped. "Namespaced" means that only namespaced resources will match this rule. "" means that there are no scope restrictions. Subresources match the scope of their parent resource. Default is "*".

    • spec.paramKind (ParamKind)

      ParamKind specifies the kind of resources used to parameterize this policy. If absent, there are no parameters for this policy and the param CEL variable will not be provided to validation expressions. If ParamKind refers to a non-existent kind, this policy definition is mis-configured and the FailurePolicy is applied. If paramKind is specified but paramRef is unset in ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding, the params variable will be null.

      ParamKind is a tuple of Group Kind and Version.

      • spec.paramKind.apiVersion (string)

        APIVersion is the API group version the resources belong to. In format of "group/version". Required.

      • spec.paramKind.kind (string)

        Kind is the API kind the resources belong to. Required.

    • spec.validations ([]Validation)

      Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

      Validations contain CEL expressions which is used to apply the validation. Validations and AuditAnnotations may not both be empty; a minimum of one Validations or AuditAnnotations is required.

      Validation specifies the CEL expression which is used to apply the validation.

      • spec.validations.expression (string), required

        Expression represents the expression which will be evaluated by CEL. ref: https://github.com/google/cel-spec CEL expressions have access to the contents of the API request/response, organized into CEL variables as well as some other useful variables:

        • 'object' - The object from the incoming request. The value is null for DELETE requests. - 'oldObject' - The existing object. The value is null for CREATE requests. - 'request' - Attributes of the API request(ref). - 'params' - Parameter resource referred to by the policy binding being evaluated. Only populated if the policy has a ParamKind. - 'namespaceObject' - The namespace object that the incoming object belongs to. The value is null for cluster-scoped resources. - 'variables' - Map of composited variables, from its name to its lazily evaluated value. For example, a variable named 'foo' can be accessed as 'variables.foo'.
        • 'authorizer' - A CEL Authorizer. May be used to perform authorization checks for the principal (user or service account) of the request. See https://pkg.go.dev/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/cel/library#Authz
        • 'authorizer.requestResource' - A CEL ResourceCheck constructed from the 'authorizer' and configured with the request resource.

        The apiVersion, kind, metadata.name and metadata.generateName are always accessible from the root of the object. No other metadata properties are accessible.

        Only property names of the form [a-zA-Z_.-/][a-zA-Z0-9_.-/]* are accessible. Accessible property names are escaped according to the following rules when accessed in the expression: - '' escapes to 'underscores' - '.' escapes to 'dot' - '-' escapes to 'dash' - '/' escapes to 'slash' - Property names that exactly match a CEL RESERVED keyword escape to '{keyword}__'. The keywords are: "true", "false", "null", "in", "as", "break", "const", "continue", "else", "for", "function", "if", "import", "let", "loop", "package", "namespace", "return". Examples:

        • Expression accessing a property named "namespace": {"Expression": "object.namespace > 0"}
        • Expression accessing a property named "x-prop": {"Expression": "object.x__dash__prop > 0"}
        • Expression accessing a property named "redact__d": {"Expression": "object.redact__underscores__d > 0"}

        Equality on arrays with list type of 'set' or 'map' ignores element order, i.e. [1, 2] == [2, 1]. Concatenation on arrays with x-kubernetes-list-type use the semantics of the list type:

        • 'set': X + Y performs a union where the array positions of all elements in X are preserved and non-intersecting elements in Y are appended, retaining their partial order.
        • 'map': X + Y performs a merge where the array positions of all keys in X are preserved but the values are overwritten by values in Y when the key sets of X and Y intersect. Elements in Y with non-intersecting keys are appended, retaining their partial order. Required.
      • spec.validations.message (string)

        Message represents the message displayed when validation fails. The message is required if the Expression contains line breaks. The message must not contain line breaks. If unset, the message is "failed rule: {Rule}". e.g. "must be a URL with the host matching spec.host" If the Expression contains line breaks. Message is required. The message must not contain line breaks. If unset, the message is "failed Expression: {Expression}".

      • spec.validations.messageExpression (string)

        messageExpression declares a CEL expression that evaluates to the validation failure message that is returned when this rule fails. Since messageExpression is used as a failure message, it must evaluate to a string. If both message and messageExpression are present on a validation, then messageExpression will be used if validation fails. If messageExpression results in a runtime error, the runtime error is logged, and the validation failure message is produced as if the messageExpression field were unset. If messageExpression evaluates to an empty string, a string with only spaces, or a string that contains line breaks, then the validation failure message will also be produced as if the messageExpression field were unset, and the fact that messageExpression produced an empty string/string with only spaces/string with line breaks will be logged. messageExpression has access to all the same variables as the expression except for 'authorizer' and 'authorizer.requestResource'. Example: "object.x must be less than max ("+string(params.max)+")"

      • spec.validations.reason (string)

        Reason represents a machine-readable description of why this validation failed. If this is the first validation in the list to fail, this reason, as well as the corresponding HTTP response code, are used in the HTTP response to the client. The currently supported reasons are: "Unauthorized", "Forbidden", "Invalid", "RequestEntityTooLarge". If not set, StatusReasonInvalid is used in the response to the client.

    • spec.variables ([]Variable)

      Patch strategy: merge on key name

      Map: unique values on key name will be kept during a merge

      Variables contain definitions of variables that can be used in composition of other expressions. Each variable is defined as a named CEL expression. The variables defined here will be available under variables in other expressions of the policy except MatchConditions because MatchConditions are evaluated before the rest of the policy.

      The expression of a variable can refer to other variables defined earlier in the list but not those after. Thus, Variables must be sorted by the order of first appearance and acyclic.

      Variable is the definition of a variable that is used for composition. A variable is defined as a named expression.

      • spec.variables.expression (string), required

        Expression is the expression that will be evaluated as the value of the variable. The CEL expression has access to the same identifiers as the CEL expressions in Validation.

      • spec.variables.name (string), required

        Name is the name of the variable. The name must be a valid CEL identifier and unique among all variables. The variable can be accessed in other expressions through variables For example, if name is "foo", the variable will be available as variables.foo

  • status (ValidatingAdmissionPolicyStatus)

    The status of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy, including warnings that are useful to determine if the policy behaves in the expected way. Populated by the system. Read-only.

    ValidatingAdmissionPolicyStatus represents the status of an admission validation policy.

    • status.conditions ([]Condition)

      Map: unique values on key type will be kept during a merge

      The conditions represent the latest available observations of a policy's current state.

      Condition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource.

      • status.conditions.lastTransitionTime (Time), required

        lastTransitionTime is the last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. This should be when the underlying condition changed. If that is not known, then using the time when the API field changed is acceptable.

        Time is a wrapper around time.Time which supports correct marshaling to YAML and JSON. Wrappers are provided for many of the factory methods that the time package offers.

      • status.conditions.message (string), required

        message is a human readable message indicating details about the transition. This may be an empty string.

      • status.conditions.reason (string), required

        reason contains a programmatic identifier indicating the reason for the condition's last transition. Producers of specific condition types may define expected values and meanings for this field, and whether the values are considered a guaranteed API. The value should be a CamelCase string. This field may not be empty.

      • status.conditions.status (string), required

        status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.

      • status.conditions.type (string), required

        type of condition in CamelCase or in foo.example.com/CamelCase.

      • status.conditions.observedGeneration (int64)

        observedGeneration represents the .metadata.generation that the condition was set based upon. For instance, if .metadata.generation is currently 12, but the .status.conditions[x].observedGeneration is 9, the condition is out of date with respect to the current state of the instance.

    • status.observedGeneration (int64)

      The generation observed by the controller.

    • status.typeChecking (TypeChecking)

      The results of type checking for each expression. Presence of this field indicates the completion of the type checking.

      TypeChecking contains results of type checking the expressions in the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy

      • status.typeChecking.expressionWarnings ([]ExpressionWarning)

        Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

        The type checking warnings for each expression.

        ExpressionWarning is a warning information that targets a specific expression.

        • status.typeChecking.expressionWarnings.fieldRef (string), required

          The path to the field that refers the expression. For example, the reference to the expression of the first item of validations is "spec.validations[0].expression"

        • status.typeChecking.expressionWarnings.warning (string), required

          The content of type checking information in a human-readable form. Each line of the warning contains the type that the expression is checked against, followed by the type check error from the compiler.


ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBindingList is a list of ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding.


get read the specified ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding

HTTP Request

GET /apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/validatingadmissionpolicybindings/{name}


  • name (in path): string, required

    name of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding

  • pretty (in query): string



200 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding): OK

401: Unauthorized

list list or watch objects of kind ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding

HTTP Request

GET /apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/validatingadmissionpolicybindings



200 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBindingList): OK

401: Unauthorized

create create a ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding

HTTP Request

POST /apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/validatingadmissionpolicybindings



200 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding): OK

201 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding): Created

202 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding): Accepted

401: Unauthorized

update replace the specified ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding

HTTP Request

PUT /apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/validatingadmissionpolicybindings/{name}



200 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding): OK

201 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding): Created

401: Unauthorized

patch partially update the specified ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding

HTTP Request

PATCH /apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/validatingadmissionpolicybindings/{name}


  • name (in path): string, required

    name of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding

  • body: Patch, required

  • dryRun (in query): string


  • fieldManager (in query): string


  • fieldValidation (in query): string


  • force (in query): boolean


  • pretty (in query): string



200 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding): OK

201 (ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding): Created

401: Unauthorized

delete delete a ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding

HTTP Request

DELETE /apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/validatingadmissionpolicybindings/{name}



200 (Status): OK

202 (Status): Accepted

401: Unauthorized

deletecollection delete collection of ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding

HTTP Request

DELETE /apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1/validatingadmissionpolicybindings



200 (Status): OK

401: Unauthorized